Chapter 429

If it weren't for this worry, Jing Xuan'an's hidden stake in the Zhou mansion would have been done many times.

"Don't worry, I won't kill him for the time being." Jing Mo blinked, hooked Gu Qinglan's finger, and shook it, "I asked that man to put some croton powder in his tea, what do you think?"

Croton powder...

She remembered that Taifu Zhou now had a gray beard, and although he often pretended to be sick, his health was indeed getting worse day by day, and it could be said that he was half a foot in the coffin.

If you put some croton powder, then you won't die immediately, probably not far from death.

And this kind of simple method, isn't it to tell Taifu Zhou that there are people who have been placed in his house by other people?
"If you have nothing to do, go out for a walk with rhubarb, and don't dangle in front of my eyes."

Jing Mo: "..."

He just saw that the current atmosphere was a bit heavy, so he said a few words slowly, whether he should be so angry.

"I was wrong."

Gu Qinglan threw down the pen irritably, and pushed the rice paper to his side, "You write."

Jing Mo squeezed her hand gently, "I'll write, but here..."

He tapped his lips with his index finger.

Gu Qinglan didn't feel that he was taking advantage of the fire, and looked over with raised eyebrows.

Then he got up decisively and took a hard bite on his slightly raised lips.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the man gasping that he gently touched it as if to comfort him.

After grinding together, it took a long time to retreat.

Looking at a shallow bite mark on it with satisfaction, Gu Qinglan bent her lips and smiled, "Let's write."

"This is not enough." Jing Mo muttered softly.

Gu Qinglan narrowed her eyes dangerously, "What did you say?"

Jing Mo immediately trembled, "I said that with this reward, I will definitely finish writing."

Jing Mo wrote with a pen, secretly smiling.

Once Qingqing did this, he would go out later so that everyone could see the mark on his lips.

"Add someone."

Jing Mo tilted his head, "Who?"

"Thank you Yun."

Hearing it was a man's name, the jealousy in Jing Mo's heart suddenly began to churn.

"Who is he, why should he be invited, my birthday, don't invite him."

Gu Qinglan only felt the blue veins on her forehead jumping happily, and she unconsciously clenched her fingers tightly. She let out a breath slowly, "Xie Yun is the grandson of the late Taifu Xie, let him come over, if Zhou Taifu makes trouble then , can also be controlled."

Xie Yun hated Taifu Zhou very much. He always suspected that his grandfather's death was related to Taifu Zhou. There was no evidence before, and now it has been a long time and he can't find any clues.

"Add another Xiao Yan." Gu Qinglan hesitated, but did not add Xiao Rou's name.

Although Xiao Rou's body is much better than before, but there are many people in the palace, those people who are idle in one place and have nothing to do can only talk casually.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

If this made her condition worse, it would be her fault.

Jing Mo refused with a black face, "No, her name must not be added."

He remembered that this woman was just like a vixen.

Pretending to be pitiful in front of Qingqing, with tears in her eyes.

Pooh! ! !
Steal his means.

What a shameless vixen.

Gu Qinglan: "... Xie Yun is a handsome young man just now. You can be forgiven for not allowing me. Why would a girl like Xiao Yan not allow it?"

Jing Mo's mind was completely frozen, his eyes seemed to be able to spew out fire.

"What a handsome young man, he's so ugly." Jing Mo said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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