Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 430 I'm angry

Chapter 430 I'm angry
He was so angry that his chest was rising and falling, and his complexion was slightly red, which made his exquisite appearance even more amazing.

Gu Qinglan was not fooled by the beauty in front of her eyes, "He has a handsome appearance, and he is younger than you, what's wrong with a handsome young man?"

After hearing this, Jing Mo couldn't bear it anymore. He dropped the pen, grabbed Gu Qinglan's shoulders with both hands, and forcibly turned her body towards him.

He pointed at his face, serious, "Can he look as good as me? You never said that I am a handsome young man."

Gu Qinglan opened her eyes in a daze, and blinked after a while.

She was thinking, why would she sit here and listen to this man's nonsense at this moment.

"Get out." She deliberately said with a cold face.

Jing Mo suddenly approached, meeting a pair of star-like bright and vast eyes, Gu Qinglan couldn't help feeling slightly suffocated.

"Is Qingqing dumbfounded?" The man became complacent, with his chin raised, and an inexplicable charm twinkling at the corners of his eyes and brows.

"He's younger than you." Gu Qinglan said calmly, pushing the hand on his shoulder away without any trace.

The air suddenly seemed to stagnate quickly, and it was very silent.

Just when Gu Qinglan thought the man was about to get up and leave angrily, her hand was pulled and shook.

Her voice was deliberately hoarse, "Qingqing said he was younger than me."

The tone was steady, but there was no reason to make people hear the accusation.

Gu Qinglan looked at the two or three ink stains that appeared on the rice paper because of his actions, and a bit of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

He held his hand back and said softly, "I'm telling the truth."

Jing Mo: "..."

If he cries out with a "wow" now, will he get a hug or a deeper level of comfort?

At least the undressed, honest kind.

"I'm angry." He stretched his legs away with a "slap".

With a bang, the low table in front of Gu Qinglan was kicked over, and all the rice paper and books on it fell to the ground.

The inkstone full of ink was split in two, and the ink seemed to be a king that was evenly covered by rain and dew, and every object that was poured on the ground was evenly covered.

Gu Qinglan turned her head slowly, trying her best not to show anger on her face, "What is your Highness doing? If you are angry, you can vent your anger on the concubine. What kind of skill is it to vent your anger on these dumb things."

When Jing Mo heard the word Your Highness, he felt that he was going to suffer, and his body trembled subconsciously.

He retracted his legs awkwardly, and said in a low voice, "It's because my legs are too long, that's why it's like this."

Gu Qinglan: "???"

Why are you still boasting about yourself?
"Don't be angry, Qingqing, I'll take care of it."

Gu Qinglan felt that his appearance was really funny, but his face was extremely cold, "Solve it? How will your Highness solve it?"

Jing Mo's lips were tightly pressed together, he glanced at her quietly and then quickly withdrew his gaze, timidly as if he was afraid of being discovered, "I'll turn on the light at night to transcribe all of this."

What he destroyed was not only the list of entering the palace, but also what to do and what not to do on the day of the birthday, everything must be clearly written.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, most of her reputation as a princess will be lost.

Gu Qinglan pointed to the rice paper on the ground, "Remember to add Xiao Yan's name."

Jing Mo didn't agree, but frowned, his exquisite eyebrows drooped slightly, and said in a low voice, "That won't work."

Xie Yun endured it, anyway, it is impossible to look better than him.

(End of this chapter)

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