Chapter 431
But Xiao Yan is just like a shameless vixen.

Relying on being a woman, she pretended to be pitiful in front of Qingqing.

I want to use his means, and I don't take a mirror to see what I look like.

Dong Shi imitated.

"Why can't she?"

Jing Mo hesitated for a long time, without saying a reason, he just said, "Anyway, it's impossible, here is me without her, there is her without me."

Gu Qinglan: ...Do you want to be so serious...

In her impression, she had never seen the two of them have much contact.

"Xiao Yan... has she ever betrayed you?" Gu Qinglan, who had never read a thousand books but had hundreds of them, began to come alive.

If this is the case, Jing Mo's behavior is also reasonable.

It's just that she didn't expect that Xiao Yan is only 13 years old now, if he has emotional entanglements with Jing Mo, then he is really... a beast.

Jing Mo was stunned for a moment before realizing the meaning of her words.

His hands trembled in fright, and he almost cut off the jade pendant in his hand.

"How is it possible?" He pleaded loudly.

Zhao Dezhong, who was guarding outside the door, trembled again when he heard the suddenly raised voice inside, he shook the whisk in his hand with a bitter face.

I was as curious as a cat scratching in my heart.

What the hell are His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess doing inside, throwing things and talking in such a loud voice.

Zhao Dezhong didn't think in the direction of the two quarreling, because as far as he knew, His Highness the Crown Prince didn't have the courage to quarrel with the Crown Princess at all.

I couldn't argue before, but now I don't dare.

Gu Qinglan covered his mouth with a "snap", frowned and looked at the door, "Don't go crazy, if you don't have it, you don't, what are you doing so loudly?"

"She always sticks to you, and I feel uncomfortable watching her." Jing Mo finally said these words calmly.

"Just because of this?" Gu Qinglan was taken aback, then said, "But Xiao Yan is a woman."

"I don't care if she is a man or a woman, anyway, she can't stick to you. The only one who can stick to you is me."

If it was a man, Jing Mo would not be so worried.

From the words he heard in the dark, he knew that if Qingqing met someone who liked her, if she didn't like her, she would resolutely refuse, and would not leave half a chance for that person.

But Xiao Yan is a woman, relying on her status as a woman, she has no scruples to pretend to be pitiful.

Win Qingqing's sympathy.

After a while, Gu Qinglan raised the corners of her lips and chuckled, "That's what you think."


The more indifferent she was, the more uneasy Jing Mo felt.

"It's so cute." Gu Qinglan raised her lips and pinched the man's chin with her fingers.

Feng Shui takes turns, and the actions between the two always take turns.

When the thick-skinned man heard this, his ears turned red suspiciously.

"I think you don't need to eat on weekdays, you can drink enough vinegar to fill yourself up." Gu Qinglan let go of her fingers and continued.

Ruhua's eyebrows and eyes curved into a beautiful arc, "However, you are too jealous, after all, it is also because of me."

"Didn't I tell you all along?"

"What?" The man replied stupidly.

The rouge in the corners of Gu Qinglan's eyes seemed a little more coquettish, and her voice was full of charm, "I like you, and I will only like you."

"No matter how beautiful the stars are at night, they can't compare to the color in your eyes."

"The afterglow of the setting sun is gorgeous, and it's no match for your flushed cheeks."


(End of this chapter)

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