Chapter 436
"I praise you? I want to praise you." Gu Qinglan sneered twice, "His Royal Highness, the crown prince of the Jing family, is wise and powerful, with great talent and strategy. Naturally, I want to praise you."

After hearing this, Jing Mo felt something was wrong no matter how dull he was.

He asked cautiously, "Did I say something wrong?"

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

At least not to make Qingqing so angry.

Is there a detail he didn't notice?
"How can it be?" Gu Qinglan's face was cold, and her voice was extremely cold, "How can His Royal Highness say something wrong? If it is wrong, it is my fault. I shouldn't have these ears to hear these things. talk."

Jing Mo: "..." He was [-]% sure that Qingqing was angry.

Seeing that his face was still full of bewilderment, Gu Qinglan was depressed and at the same time felt as uncomfortable as a needle prick.

She couldn't help but said again, "If you want a child, just welcome him into the East Palace and give birth. Why do you need to keep him outside secretly? It's not that I forbid you to choose concubines."

Wanting a child... Raising it outside... Choosing a concubine and taking a concubine... Where does this start...

If it weren't for the slivers of reason in his heart at this moment, Gu Qinglan would have kicked away the man in front of him who was smiling like a peacock.

"Wait, give me a moment to explain." Jing Mo said anxiously, "I didn't raise a woman outside, and I don't have any children now, and I don't choose concubines and concubines, I have no money."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Gu Qinglan could barely keep a straight face, but when she heard the word "no silver" later, Gu Qinglan couldn't help but curl the corners of her lips and smile slightly.

She took out a copper key from the sachet at her waist and put it in the man's hand, "Now you have silver."

Jing Mo: "...a man, how can he spend money that he loves his wife?"

A wife is just a wife, so why add the word "beloved" in front of it.

"Then the heir you mentioned just now is the latest thing. Doesn't it mean that the woman you raised outside is about to give birth?"

Jing Mo only felt that a black pot fell from the sky and covered him tightly.

At this time, the sun should not be scorching outside, and there should be a heavy snowfall to prove his injustice.

"I'm talking about the child between you and me, doesn't Qingqing want it?"

Gu Qinglan: "That's it, I misunderstood."

She took the key out of the man's hand without changing expression, and put it in the sachet.

Just such a fluffy sentence and want to expose this matter?

Jing Mo grabbed her hand, preventing her from thinking of leaving.

He walked up to her and put his head on her shoulder.

He sighed heavily, and said weakly, "Qingqing, I'm so wronged, you wronged me just now, I still feel uncomfortable hearing those words."

Gu Qinglan: ...will suffer from...

At this time, she must find a chance to get out as soon as possible.

"My fault, be good, don't feel bad." She pulled the corners of her lips, with some perfunctory comfort, she reached out to stroke his hair along the way.

Hearing this, the man really got up, but he didn't back away directly as Gu Qinglan thought, but held her shoulder, moved her side, and leaned over to press her forehead.

It was so close that she could almost smell the bamboo fragrance on his body.

"It's still uncomfortable. Qingqing felt her heart beat faster because of those words just now."

(End of this chapter)

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