Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 437 The Sound of Heartbeat

Chapter 437 The Sound of Heartbeat

Gu Qinglan was forced to put her hands on the man's chest, feeling the temperature under her fingers.

"Puff, puff..."

It was the sound of his heartbeat.

Gu Qinglan felt a little dazed for a moment, she would find such a heartbeat extremely pleasant.

"Did you feel it? It's beating for you." The man's voice became a little hoarse.

This is Gu Qinglan's most difficult voice to resist, and every time she hears it, she can't help being a little emotional.

She tried her best to suppress the enthusiasm surging in her heart, "Didn't you just say that the heart beat faster because of discomfort? Why is it beating for me now?"

The man gave a low laugh, and the chest of her hands rose and fell.

"It's my fault that Qingqing still has the time to think about the past when she's so close."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly squatted down, met the woman's surprised eyes, and kissed her lips.

As he wished, she could think of nothing but him in her mind.

Between husband and wife, there is a fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

There is probably some truth to this statement.


Under an acacia tree in Gu's mansion, Lou Yan leaned to one side with no image.

I don't know if the tone is mostly surprise or teasing.

"It's rare that you are willing to come out of this yard."

Xie Rongci raised his eyes, and frowned when he saw that he was standing or not, but he didn't say any accusations.

With a calm face and a light tone, "I just want to clear up some things."

Lou Yan raised his eyebrows, feeling more and more surprised.

He thought it would take longer, but he figured it out after only a few days.

It's rare.

After all, he passed by here a few days ago, and even standing outside the yard, he could smell a very strong smell of alcohol.

"Exactly, I have something to ask you." Lou Yan walked over slowly, and the folding fan in his hand was twirling, "It's related to you, and it's also related to Junior Sister."

The two sat at both ends of the stone table, Lou Yan looked unusually serious.

"The last time my junior sister left Gu's residence, she told me one thing."

Xie Rongci was slightly taken aback, his cold eyes froze for a moment, "Is it related to me?"

"Exactly." Lou Yan opened the folding fan with a "shua", and fanned it pretendingly. "You also know that Junior Sister is born with five senses that are more sensitive than ordinary people."

"She said..." Lou Yan hesitated for a moment, and couldn't stop looking at Xie Rongci, "She said that on your body, you can smell Sang Sang...Sang Luo."

Although Lou Yan didn't know what kind of smell Sang Luo had on him.

Naturally, he also felt that it was outrageous that the younger junior sister could smell this smell from the senior brother.

After all, there can be no relationship between Sang Luo and the senior brother.

"Sang Luo?" Xie Rongci was puzzled.

"Junior Junior Sister saved her before, but now, she has only one clothes mound left."

"I came to the capital because of her. There are many Gu worms in her body. In my opinion, she wants to get something with the help of Gu worms, but there is no other evidence."

Gu worm...

For no reason, Xie Rongci thought of Sang Jirong, both of them have the surname Sang, whether they are related.

"Wait." Lou Yan suddenly said, frowning tightly, "Brother, please untie the purse on your waist and show me."

When he first heard what the little junior sister said, he was indeed dubious in his heart, and it could even be said that he was mostly puzzled.

But now, he's not sure.

Even though the sun was shining brightly, even though the sun was scorching hot, the man's face under the shade of the tree still showed alienation and coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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