Chapter 438
He kept rubbing the purse with his fingers, and it took him a while to untie it and hand it over.

Lou Yan took it and opened it in surprise.

At this moment, Lou Yan's arms suddenly moved, and a porcelain bottle fell down along the skirt of his clothes.

Lou Yan hurriedly took it to avoid the fate of the porcelain bottle being smashed.

He gritted his teeth and opened the mouth of the porcelain vase, only to see the white and fat jade silkworm nimbly coming out, and then jumped to the side of the purse.

Sometimes stand up, sometimes turn around.

Very excited look.

Not only that, but the thread on the back of the jade silkworm gradually changed from light gold to rich gold.

The last time it was like this was because of Sang Luo's blood.

There must be nutrients in Sang Luo's blood that can support Gu worms, but there is nothing special about this purse.

Lou Yan remembered that this purse was made by the junior sister on a whim when she was just learning needlework.

Plain purse, only the bottom end is crookedly embroidered with the words Xie Rongci.

"Powder, the smell of this powder..." Lou Yan suddenly patted his palm, "Yes, this powder is the medicinal powder that Sang Luo sent back then, but she only said that it would have the effect of deceiving people, and those with a firm mind would not accept it." influences."

Lou Yan once again had some doubts.

Among the three disciples of Miracle Doctor Valley, the one with the highest martial arts, the senior brother and the junior junior sister, should be on equal footing.

Senior brothers are mostly hardworking, and junior junior sisters are mostly talented.

"Confused?" Xie Rongci thought of the thoughts that had been constantly churning in his mind these days, and a little daze gradually appeared in his eyes.

Are these thoughts all caused by the medicine powder?

no... not...

Xie Rongci was clear about his own mind, if these medicinal powders really had the effect of deceiving people, it would probably just magnify the delusions in his mind infinitely.

"This purse, besides you, senior brother, has anyone else touched it before?"

When Lou Yan asked this question, he felt inconceivable. According to how much the elder brother cherishes this purse, it is impossible for others to touch it.

"It's Sang Jirong. To be precise, her original name should be Rong Ji."

After a long time, Xie Rongci let out a breath slowly, and finally said this.

He's not alone, maybe he can try to talk about these things.

"Sang Jirong? Rong Ji?" Lou Yan frowned more and more tightly, and even the small red mole on the center of the brow was hidden in the folds and could no longer be seen, "I have never heard of these two names."

Lou Yan pinched the jade silkworm's fat body, watched it struggling restlessly in mid-air, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, flicked his fingers gently, and put it aside when he finally calmed down.

"The Sang Luo you mentioned should be the same person as her." Xie Rongci continued, "And the power behind them is bigger than you imagined."

Seeing what he said was so serious, Lou Yan's expression became serious.

"Senior brother met Sang Jirong?"

"Before I answer this question, I want to tell you something."

"I just don't know, Ayan, after hearing this, can you still recognize me as a senior brother?"

Lou Yan pushed aside the jade silkworm that was rolling over, "Even if I have ten or eight more guts, I still can't deny my elder brother."

Xie Rongci didn't smile, his tone was as cold as his face, "Ayan, I didn't joke, after I finish speaking, even if you don't admit it, I can understand."

The corners of Lou Yan's lips curled up slightly, and his eyes curled up, "Elder brother, you didn't joke, and neither did I. I'll admit it when I say it, and I won't go back on it. A gentleman's words are hard to follow, and I can still do that." .”

(End of this chapter)

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