Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 439 In his position, seek his cause

Chapter 439 In his position, seek his cause

After Lou Yan finished speaking, the yard was suddenly quiet.

I don't know how long it took before Lou Yan heard a long sigh from the opposite side.

It seemed to be full of helplessness and pain.

Feeling empathy, his heart was also tightened.

"Xie Rongci, the content in it may be the surname, do you understand?"

The surname Rong, although there are, but not too many.

Therefore, when Lou Yan heard this sentence, the first thing that came to his mind was the former dynasty.

In the former dynasty, it was the surname of the country.

It's just that what does this have to do with the elder brother, and what is the reason for his emphasis.

Lou Yan had a vague guess in his mind, but he didn't dare to think about it.

Xie Rongci narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, which could be seen with the naked eye, and it seemed that only indifference remained.

"Ayan, you are right. My blood is the blood of the previous dynasty that everyone hates today."

"The Sang Luo you saw, and the Sang Ji Rong I saw, they are all from the previous dynasty, including the assassination of Uncle Gu and you at that time, they were all done."

Lou Yan held his chin with one hand, and kept his mouth open for a long time.

"Eldest brother, did you make a mistake? More than 300 years have passed since the previous dynasty, how could it be possible to suddenly appear to make trouble now?"

"Don't make a mistake, do you?"

Lou Yan suddenly remembered what the senior brother said when the younger junior sister came that day.

It turned out that it was for this reason that there were those words.

"I also hope I made a mistake, but...she showed me the portrait of that woman." Speaking of this, Xie Rongci's hostility seemed to disappear, and his complexion softened a lot.

"She died to give birth to me."

Fang's gentleness faded away bit by bit, and his eyes were full of depression.

"It seems to me that it shouldn't exist."

"Fart." Lou Yan slapped the stone table heavily, and then quietly shook his painful hand with a stiff face.

"What do you mean you shouldn't exist? She gave birth to you but didn't raise you. You always have thoughts of not wanting to live. Have you ever thought about Master?"

"You think your life is your own, let me tell you, Xie Rongci, if you dare to die, I will drag your body to my junior sister, and let her see what a coward you are."

Xie Rongci raised his eyes and looked at Lou Yan fixedly.

There is still endless indifference in the eyes, but this kind of indifference seems to be different from the previous one.

After a long time, he lifted his lips, "Ayan, don't worry, I won't do such a stupid thing again."

He rested his forehead with his hands, his face showing some pain, "I just think that if I am really a descendant of the Rong family, I should take those responsibilities."

"If I don't take responsibility, those who died and those who are suffering, I feel sorry for them."

Lou Yan clenched his fingers tightly, and he did not let go even if his fingertips drew marks on his palm.

"In his position, do his job, and fulfill his responsibilities. If you have accepted their favor and enjoyed the glory they have given you today, I have no position to criticize, and I even think you should take responsibility."

"But you didn't. You grew up in the Valley of Divine Doctors, and you have nothing to do with them except for the blood shed on your body."

Lou Yan paused, hesitated for a while before continuing, "I'm not you, so I can't put myself in the shoes of what you're going through."

"But senior brother, you are a living person, you have your own thoughts, and you shouldn't forcefully change your original destiny because of others."

(End of this chapter)

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