Chapter 440 Born
"You, Xie Rongci, have not received half of the favor from the Rong family, so why should you take on this false responsibility, not to mention, this is a responsibility that can only lead to death."

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it; the people can carry a king, and they can also overwhelm the king.

He walked all the way to the capital, what he saw with his eyes and what he heard with his ears were all words of gratitude to the current saint.

These people are glad that they have a virtuous monarch.

He has never experienced the life under the Rong family, but only learned from the few words recorded in the history books that the monarch is unknown, fatuous, cruel and tyrannical, and harsh and heavy taxes.

Back then when the Jing family rose up to fight against it, the Rong family actually recruited soldiers temporarily and raised the age for conscription to ten years old.

What a ten year old can do.

Before they grow up, they experience the hardships of fighting on the battlefield.

Their time also stops here, and there is no future.

Regardless of whether the historical records are true or false, Lou Yan does not want to have another such battle.

The change of dynasties is in accordance with the laws of nature, and it cannot be changed by one person.

"Brother, their lives are their lives, and so are the lives of the common people."

"Dying a hundred people to save one person, even if you don't even know if that person can be saved, but those hundred people must die, is it worth it?"

"I thought I was the only one out of the three who was living in a muddleheaded way. I didn't expect you to be even more muddleheaded than me. What is right and what is wrong? You have told me these truths many times, but you don't understand how it happened to you. gone."

Xie Rongci remained silent for a long time, his eyes touched the purse on the stone table, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then returned to normal.

"It's me who was stunned. I just wanted to save everyone."

He doesn't want to follow Sang Jirong's wishes to fight for the world, the world is so good now that he doesn't need to do anything extra.

Although he was jealous of that man, he really thought about what would happen if, if he had a chance, a chance to fight for.

He couldn't figure it out before, and he was in a haze, but a few days ago, he knew the result.

There will be no change.

It's not because of his status, but because the person my junior sister likes is not him.

He appeared more than ten years before that man, and he had never seen such a look in her eyes.

So gentle that it almost wants people to be intoxicated directly in her eyes.

When you like someone, when you see her talking about her, or even thinking of her, your expression will be unconsciously gentle.

He is clear, because he is clear, so he knows that the result will not change.

It's as if he told Ayan that he had thought it through clearly, not referring to the matter with his junior sister, but also referring to the responsibility he bears.

He probably won't give up liking her in his life.

For him, liking her was innate, as if engraved in his bones, indelible.

He also doesn't want to give up this liking, although he knows that there will be no results, and he knows that he is the only one who is bitter from the beginning to the end.

However, if he even gives up and forgets such liking, then he really doesn't have the courage to support him to live anymore.

Lou Yan didn't speak, just waited quietly.

I don't know how long it took, Xie Rongci finally said, "Ayan, do you still remember what I said about holding the sword to the end of the world?"

Lou Yan pursed his lips into a smile, and the small mole between his eyebrows seemed to add a different demeanor, "Of course I remember, don't you now, as you swore at that time, save the world, help people, and act chivalrously."

(End of this chapter)

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