Chapter 441
"I want to do more than that." Xie Rongci knuckles, staring blankly not far away.

Even though it is covered by layers of leaves, large swathes of sunlight can still pour through the gaps, hot and dazzling.

In fact, he knew that for Sang Jirong, his existence was not necessary.

It just so happened that he was there, and it happened that he could make certain things easier for Sang Jirong.

He couldn't stand by and watch. Before he was found, Sang Jirong's plan was already being implemented, that is to say, he was not an indispensable part of their whole plan.

If he just disappeared in front of Sang Jirong, he would not be able to clearly know her plan.

If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won the tiger.

Lou Yan's expression froze, "What do you mean?"

Xie Rongci did not answer directly, but only showed a very rare smile, with the corners of his lips slightly drawn.

People who don't smile often, once they do, must have a thrilling beauty.

At least, at this moment, Lou Yan could not wait to take out the small mirror that had been kept in his bosom all the time, to see who looked better between himself and Xie Rongci.

"Ayan, do you trust me?"

Xie Rongci felt as if he was in a vast ocean, with only a piece of driftwood beside him, he hugged him tightly, not daring to let go.

Although he didn't know why he asked this question, Lou Yan answered without hesitation, "I believe."

Xie Rongci's chest rose and fell slightly, and he laughed lowly.

It took a long time before he asked, "Then do you think she...would believe me?"

Xie Rongci didn't say his name, and only used her.

But Lou Yan knew that the she he was talking about was Gu Qinglan.

"Yes." Lou Yan said without hesitation, "She has always treated you closer than her biological brother, no matter what she says, she will believe it."

Because of this, Lou Yan used to feel jealous several times, but now, he is extremely fortunate.

Although he didn't know why the elder brother would ask these words, he only felt in his heart that if his answer was contrary to the answer in the elder brother's mind, there would be an irreparable mistake.

biological brother...

That's right, since she was a child, she did treat him as her biological brother.

From the beginning to the end, he was the only one who had delusional thoughts.

However, at that time, if he did those things, would she still treat him as her biological brother?
Or, in her eyes, he will become a complete scumbag, the person she hates the most.

"Ayan, if one day I become the most hated person in your eyes, don't come to persuade me. This is my own choice and it will not change."

After Xie Rongci said this, he didn't dare to meet Lou Yan's eyes.

He was afraid of seeing disgust in it and losing all his courage.

Lou Yan pinched the porcelain bottle with his fingers and played with it carefully.

The deep eyes are faint, "I don't know what your plan is, but I don't hope that one day I will have to choose between you and my junior sister."

Xie Rongci smiled coldly, "Who knows what will happen in the future."

What can't be broken can't be built, these words can only be applied to him.

"When will you leave?" Lou Yan asked, with a "click", the porcelain bottle on his fingertips finally couldn't bear it, and it shattered, and the fragments of the porcelain bottle scratched several small wounds on his fingers.

Looking at the blood oozing out of it, Lou Yan wiped it off with a handkerchief, and then simply bandaged it.

(End of this chapter)

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