Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 442 No worries and no fear

Chapter 442 No worries and no fear

"After the crown prince's birthday, I will meet him."

Lou Yan frowned lightly, "What you want to do, you don't tell me, and you don't tell Junior Sister, how could you choose to tell him in the end?"

Xie Rongci smiled wryly, "I've thought about it, but only he can do this."

He had to admit that even without the barrier of status and the imperial decree, that man was more suitable for Junior Sister than him.

Lou Yan felt a little bored in his heart, but he couldn't express it.

He knocked on the stone table impatiently with his fingers, "Will he believe you? I've seen him before, and he doesn't seem to trust others easily. What's more, if he knows your thoughts, he probably hasn't said a few words yet. If you do, someone will take you down."

"No, he will choose to cooperate with me for the sake of his Jing family and his princess."

Probably because he is used to the pain, Xie Rongci can easily say the words "Prince Princess" at this moment.

In his heart, he had already admitted her current identity.

So far, he can no longer show the love between men and women to her.

Lou Yan sighed deeply, with a tired look on his brows, "Forget it, I can't stop what you are going to do, senior brother, I just hope you remember that you are Xie Rongci, not Rong Resignation, the genius doctor Gu is behind you, not Naluoshizi Rong."

Lou Yan stood up and picked up the jade silkworm curled up in the corner with one hand.

After walking a few steps and then paused, he half turned around, looking at the koi pond not far away with scattered eyes.

When the weather is cold, those koi carp are too lazy to move. Now that it is hot today, they still sway slowly, flicking their tails from time to time, causing layer after layer of ripples on the surface of the pond.

"What I mean is, you'd better tell Junior Sister, otherwise the play you want to sing might actually come true. Of course, the choice is up to you."

"The medicinal powder in your purse, your expression changed slightly after I told you just now, it must have worked for you."

"Sorrow arises from love, fear arises from love, if you are away from the lover, you will have no worries and no fears. Thinking about it now, you can't completely forget those thoughts in your heart. Since you can't forget, and you don't want to forget, then let it be Bar."

"Struggling to contain it will only have the opposite effect."

"As for your identity, I will tell her as you wish."

Lou Yan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't make another sound, only sighed silently, and left slowly.

Walking outside the yard, he took out a paper bag from the sachet.

Open it bit by bit, and there are a few caramels inside.

He picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. Caramel was sweet, and his mouth was also full of sweet taste.

I just don't know why, at the end of eating, my mouth is full of bitterness.

He leaned his back against the wall and looked up at the sky, the glare of the sun forced him to stretch out his hands to block his eyes.

Is it true that there is no one-size-fits-all solution?
Even if the elder brother didn't say anything, Lou Yan could still guess his plan.

If one doesn't enter the tiger's den, how can one get a tiger cub.

However, those people have been able to hide quietly for so many years, and even Sangsang, who he and his junior sister rescued, is actually theirs. How can such a tiger's den be perfectly escaped.

As soon as he loosened his fingers, the remaining caramels slipped from the paper bag and fell to the ground.

After a while, the caramel that fell on the ground was surrounded by ants.

(End of this chapter)

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