Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 466 It's Better to Die

Chapter 466 It's Better to Die

A man who has no future at all, as Fu Ling said, Jing Yu has no use value for them.

That being the case, it means that his future can only be confined in Prince An's Mansion until he dies.

Rather than lingering like this, living without freedom and dignity, it is better to die early.

Naturally, it would be great if he could help her once before he died.

"My lord." Yan Yue got up from Jing Yu's arms, and in front of Jing Yu, the teardrops in the corners of her eyes were like broken beads, flowing down non-stop.

Jing Yu was anxious to wipe away her tears, but her hands were held down by her.

"I also want to accompany the lord, but how can the lord talk to the sage now, after such a big event as rebellion, the sage will not want to see the lord again."

"I have no destiny with the prince in this life. I can only look forward to being an ordinary couple in the next life."

After finishing speaking, Yan Yue suddenly pushed Jing Yu away and slammed into a pillar not far away.

Jing Yu hurriedly grabbed her hand, pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, "Yue'er, just tell me directly if you have anything, no matter what it is, I will do my best to help you."

Where Jing Yu couldn't see, Yan Yue's eyes flashed with pride, but she said in her mouth.

"I'm in a difficult situation now, and it's better to die than to live. Don't persuade me, my lord. Even if I die, I will wait for my lord underground. When the time comes, we will go to Huangquan together and reincarnate as an ordinary couple."

"It's Jing Mo, right? He treats you...not well?" Jing Yu's face showed a bit of confusion again for some reason, and he even looked blankly at Yan Yue in his arms.

As soon as the thought of pushing the person in my arms out came to my mind, I felt heartache after wave.

Yan Yue stroked her heart with her hands, and said sadly, "He treated me very well, but I came from a humble background and once stayed in the prince's backyard, so I was always looked down upon."

"As long as the prince is here, they will never forget that I used to be the prince's woman, and they can use words to humiliate me at will."

It was only now that Jing Yu vaguely understood what Yan Yue meant.

He froze, his fingers loosened and froze in mid-air, his mouth was astringent, he hesitated for a long time before he could say a word.

"Yue, Yue'er, I... do you mean... as long as I die, you can be together with Jing Mo safely, free from gossip and gossip, and no longer be accused of all kinds of things in the past, yes ?"

Proposing death by oneself and wanting him to die by others are two completely different moods.

He was willing to do the former, while the latter always felt that he was being fooled and pushed forward.

Yan Yue frowned slightly, looked at Jing Yu with tears in her eyes, and held his cheeks with both hands, "Why would the lord think this way, even if I die, I don't want the lord to die, is this how the lord sees me in his heart?" ? I... what's the point of me being alive."

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, don't cry, Yue'er, no matter what, I don't want you to cry in front of me, if you cry, I can't care about anything."

"My lord, it's so rare for us to meet again after a long absence. I didn't want to say that these unhappy things would bother you, but those people outside scolded me too hard. Whenever I appeared in front of people, I would always be ridiculed."

"It's always like this, it's better to really die."

Jing Yu suddenly calmed down, looking at Yan Yue's face quietly, his eyes were full of love and reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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