Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 467 People go to high places, water flows to low places

Chapter 467 People go to high places, water flows to low places

"Yue'er let me take a good look, I haven't seen you for a long time." After a long while, Jing Yu curled the corners of her lips, her eyes curved into the shape of crescent moons, and she seemed much more energetic.

Stared at by such affectionate eyes, Yan Yue recalled the days when he treated her well before. At that time, she was the only favorite in King An's backyard, and other concubines, including Princess An Xiao Rou, had to see her. Stay away.

Although she is a concubine, she lives in a better place than the main concubine, and there are dozens of people serving her, and even if she keeps changing jewelry for a month, it will not be the same.

At that time, she could directly tell her likes and dislikes. If she had conflicts with others, Jing Yu would protect her no matter whether the fault was on her.

But now, in order to show that she is not attached to vulgar things, she can only pretend to be poor every day, but even so, it does not attract Jing Mo's pity.

If it wasn't for Jing Yu's kindness to her first, she probably wouldn't have a gap in her heart.

But with such kindness, she always felt strange when she came into contact with Jing Mo, and felt that he hadn't fallen in love with her as she remembered.

"My lord, I miss you so much." Yan Yue put her fingers on the hem of the skirt, hesitated for a while, and finally untied it.

She didn't wrap her arms around the man's waist again until she couldn't get an inch.

Jing Yu pulled the corners of his lips weakly, picked him up, and walked slowly towards the inside.

The picture stopped abruptly, and the only thing left was the ambiguous voices of men and women panting.


Before half an hour had passed, a bony and boneless hand lifted the bed curtain and walked down wearing only a thin pajamas.

Facing the bronze mirror, she put on her clothes bit by bit before turning around, and said softly, "People who don't go outside may find out, I will definitely come to see the prince again when I have a chance."

Jing Yu didn't look at her, but stared blankly at the top of the bed curtain, and only replied after a while, "Okay."

In fact, both of them know that if they say goodbye today, they will be separated by yin and yang.

Yan Yue walked to the door without looking back, and then stopped, "Actually, the only one I like all this time is the prince."

Maybe it was for a life of rich clothes and good food before, but later he treated her so well, she unknowingly entrusted her heart to him.

But, things are unpredictable.

If the rebellion had not failed, she would have stayed by this man's side forever.

People go to high places, and water flows to low places. It is impossible for her to stay where she is and wait for someone who has no future.

The corners of Jing Yu's lips curled up slightly, whether it was ridicule or joy, "With Yue'er's words, I will have no regrets in my life."

It was just death, there was no difference between him being alive and dead now.

It was a blessing to see Yue'er again before she died.

It is impossible for the two of them to have a chance to be together again in this life. His death can buy Yue'er a stable life. In fact, this deal is not a loss.

After closing the door tightly, Yan Yue squatted under the eaves, waiting for Fu Ling to pick her up.

She buried her head under her knees and closed her eyes tightly. After a while, a few teardrops slipped from the corners of her eyes, silently seeped into the fabric of her clothes, and disappeared again.

She just wants to live, there is no way.

There are so many people who can live in this world, why is it so difficult for her.

I don't know how long it took until her body froze completely before she heard Fu Ling's voice.

"It's over." Fu Ling flew down from the roof and looked at Yan Yue in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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