Chapter 468
Yan Yue stood up slowly, stroking the pillar with her hand, her expression indifferent, "Okay."

Fu Ling didn't suspect that she was lying, so she just took out a blue porcelain bottle from her bosom, "There are three pills in this bottle, take one pill every month and nothing will happen in a few days."

"What about after March?"

"After March, I will send it again."

Yan Yue held the porcelain bottle in her hand, and clenched her teeth, "I won't run away again, how can I get enough medicine for only three months? What if you don't have time to give it?"

Fu Ling casually looked at the jade bracelet on her wrist, and gently caressed the notch on the jade bracelet, "You really think this medicine is something good, you want so much, and you don't know how you died."

"Maybe it will be a relief when I die, and I don't know."

Yan Yue wanted to ask something else, but Fu Ling didn't bother to listen, she just clamped her arm with one hand, then tapped her feet lightly, and flew away.

After the two of them had left, Gu Qinglan stood up and walked a few steps around the room, "Has Yan Yue been given medicine? Why didn't senior brother say anything about it?"

Jing Mo grumbled with sour water in his heart, "Maybe it's because he's not capable enough, so he can't make a diagnosis."

Gu Qinglan: "Impossible, the second brother's medical skills are second in the world."

Jing Mo felt better, "Who is number one in the world?"

Gu Qinglan raised her chin slightly, a little proudly, "My master."

Jing Mo: ...So he was a bad old man...

So in Qingqing's eyes, isn't the most powerful young man still Lou Yan?
No, the more I think about it, the more sour and uncomfortable I feel.

"But the facts are in front of him. He didn't diagnose anything wrong with Yan Yue's body, it's just that he's not capable enough." Jing Mo curled his lips and said coolly.

Gu Qinglan's voice softened, unprecedentedly gentle, "I didn't hear what brother Mo said just now, please say it again."

Jing Mo: "...I was wrong, I was jealous, that's why I said that."

With his hands behind his back, the man walked slowly in front of her, half-bent down and said in a low voice, "But it's Qingqing's fault in the final analysis. If Qingqing hadn't praised the man next to me in front of me, I wouldn't have done it either." Jealousy, so it's all Qingqing's fault."

"A man doesn't talk about small things, you care about what he looks like." Gu Qinglan stood on tiptoe, trying to be on the same level as the man in sight, but in the end, she could only look up with difficulty.

Jing Mo chuckled, his voice was a little seductive, and his brows and eyes seemed to be tinged with a little femininity, "I'll just turn a blind eye to the other things and pass them by, but Qingqing must not do this in front of me." How about praising other men..."

He paused, his thin lips curled slightly, and the slightly raised lips were especially attractive, "If there is another time, I will eat you up and wipe you clean, leaving no bones behind."


Besides, it was a long time after Yan Yue went out on the other side that Jing Yu got up from the couch, looked at the jug on the table not far away, and was in a daze for a while.

He walked over, opened the jug, and sniffed lightly on his nose.

It was originally a fragrant wine, but now it was full of inexplicable bitterness.

Being in the royal family, he is all too familiar with this smell.

Opportunity drug.

Unexpectedly, the medicine that Yue'er chose in the end was actually this.

Jing Yu slowly closed her eyes to hide the pain in her eyes.

In fact, he should have known the seductive medicine that had been prepared long ago. He should have known from the moment she left him without nostalgia. From the beginning to the end, he was just as humble as dust.

(End of this chapter)

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