Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 475 Don't Eat All Garbage

Chapter 475 Don't Eat All Garbage

The force is extremely heavy, and the movements are very crisp and neat.

"Du Huang really ate two people?" Jing Mo walked up to Da Huang, trying to reach out to touch him, but when Da Huang saw him, he flicked his tail, and then walked aside, the eyes revealed that it seemed to be disgusting. color.

Seeing one person and one tiger, Gu Qinglan couldn't help laughing, "Of course not, rhubarb doesn't eat all kinds of garbage."

Jing Mo took some uncomfortable steps, walked out of the yard, and then saw two masked men lying on the ground in the southeast corner.

Both of them suffered fractures in their necks, while others had no wounds.

Gu Qinglan supported the courtyard door with her hands, poked her head out, looked very cute, and said softly, "Brother Mo, why don't you go into the room."

Jing Mo: "Why?"

Gu Qinglan raised her lips, "Brother Mo has the right to choose whether to enter or not, but I will call a few hidden guards to come over and move Jing Yu and Fu Ling to Dali Temple. Say hello?"

Jing Mo turned around quickly, walked eagerly, and disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

Gu Qinglan couldn't help it anymore, bent down and laughed for a long time.

She patted Rhubarb on the head, "Go to the door and ask Xu Yu and the others to come in."

Rhubarb raised his head, as if he was thinking about something, he was still humming.

Hearing that Jing Mo in the room gritted his teeth, the jealousy in his heart kept surging.

He thought that when he got back, he must go to the Hundred Beasts Garden and pick a tigress with the worst temper for Dahuang.

So as not to have nothing to do, just surround Qingqing and act like a baby.

He has no shame at all, he is obviously the king of beasts, but he imitates the cat's coquettish posture.

"Be good, go back and prepare a whole roast suckling pig for you with crispy skin and juicy meat."

Rhubarb nodded his head contentedly, then quickly spread his four legs and ran outside.

Xu Yu and his entourage were still a little confused when they stood in the yard, looking around, looking left and right but not daring to look at where Gu Qinglan was.

"Jing Yu fainted because he accidentally bumped into a wall in the room. You carry him out and send him to... the East Palace."

Gu Qinglan originally thought of throwing the two of them to Wei Yu's side in Dali Temple, but on second thought, she lied to Fu Ling that she had killed Jing Yu with a sword.

If the two wake up in Dali Temple and look at each other, Fuling finds that the task assigned to her by Sang Jirong has not failed, and her mind suddenly brightens up, and it will be troublesome to go back.

Of course, she didn't listen to Fu Ling's words.

Only broken fingers and wrists, and couldn't help begging for mercy after a few wounds on his neck. Such a person knows everything he should know, and he doesn't know anything he shouldn't know.

Across a wall, Jing Mo didn't dare to take a breath.

If Xu Yu found out that he was dressed like this, then he would really have no face to go out tomorrow.

"Wait." Gu Qinglan leaned against the door, "You don't need to look at that room."

Seeing Xu Yu standing in front of the big hole with doubts on his face, he tentatively tried to stretch out his foot.

"It's not someone else inside, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Gu Qinglan's eyes twitched slightly, and she finished speaking with a smile.

She knew that if these people really saw him dressed up, this matter would definitely go on forever.

"The woman feeds enough Ruanjin powder and sends it to Dali Temple." Gu Qinglan took out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve and threw it into Xu Yu's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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