Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 476 Why Are You So Good Today

Chapter 476 Why Are You So Good Today

Across a wall... even the wall is just a decoration...

Jing Mo's mood was particularly complicated, he wondered if he had misheard just because of the strong wind.

Or maybe in a dream, I don't know.

Otherwise, how could I have heard that Qingqing carried such a terrible medicine as Ruanjinsan with her, it couldn't have been used on him.

Powerless all over, he can only be slaughtered by others.


If the person you're facing is Qingqing, it's okay to loosen the tendons.

"Crown Princess, why don't I escort you and His Highness the Crown Prince back to the palace."

It was already at the door that Xu Yu remembered his accusation, took a few steps back and said respectfully.

Gu Qinglan glanced at a piece of black cloth faintly visible at the hole in the wall, "No, my palace and His Highness want to walk around and go back later."

At this moment, Xu Yu suddenly remembered what Zhao Dezhong had said to him several times, that if the Crown Princess and His Highness the Crown Prince were together alone, then they should stay far away, and don't hinder the affection between the Crown Princess and His Highness the Crown Prince.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Yu took a few hidden guards and carried the unconscious Jing Yu and Fu Ling away.

"They're gone, come out." Gu Qinglan leaned to one side, and raised her eyes lazily.

Although he doesn't look feminine, even Shen Shu, who was in full bloom at the time, can't compare to him in this attire.

It makes people feel pleasing to the eye, wishing to really turn into a flower picker and destroy the flowers with their hands.

Although Jing Mo didn't know what Gu Qinglan was thinking, he felt that there was something inexplicable in the way she looked at him.

She didn't know when a golden dew appeared on her fingertips, she raised her eyebrows and looked, "Are you going? The night market is not yet closed, so I can go at this time just in time."

Seeing him looking down at his clothes with a dark complexion, Gu Qinglan felt a little funny.

Obviously feeling awkward and caring so much, but still following her in this attire, she didn't know whether she should feel touched or think he was stupid and stupid.

Jing Mo came over, raised his hand to take the golden mask, the long sleeves brushed against her palm, she grabbed it, and then let go.

"Go." He smiled gently.

"I'll put it on for you."

Standing on tiptoe, she carefully attached the golden mask to the man's face, then passed through the tie with some difficulty, and tied a beautiful bow behind his hair.

The mask was as thin as a cicada's wing, and shaped like a butterfly flying high. It only covered the man's eyebrows and eyes, revealing cherry-colored lips and a smooth chin.

"How?" The man leaned over and held her in his arms.

Gu Qinglan was not stingy with words of praise, "Beauty is as beautiful as the gods are like the world."

Jing Mo slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and his eyes seemed to be filled with stars. He held the woman's cheeks with both hands, and squeezed them lightly.

"He also said that I read too many books. In my opinion, Qingqing is a thief calling for a thief."

"But you gave me the storybook, and the bottom line is that it's Brother Mo's fault."

The man clasped his hands together and put them on his lips, his voice gradually became hoarse, "Okay, okay, it's all my fault,"

"Why are you so obedient today?" Gu Qinglan raised her eyebrows in surprise, "You do what I say. Is there something wrong in your heart?"

The man pressed close to her ear and said something softly.

Before the words fell, the woman's face seemed to be dyed with a good rouge, and she fainted a thin red.

The water in the eyes is shining, very moving.

(End of this chapter)

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