Chapter 478 Not Stupid

Facing the man's puzzled and accusing eyes, Gu Qinglan realized that she had accidentally said something she shouldn't have said.

She immediately changed her words and explained, "I mean, I'm not the only one who went to Chunfeng Tower alone, the second senior brother brought me here."

Jing Mo wanted to press the center of his eyebrows, but he remembered the butterfly-shaped mask on his face, so he had to put his hands down.

"I'm not stupid. I'm really easy to fool when I'm easy to fool. As long as you kiss me, I can forget everything."

Gu Qinglan tiptoed and kissed him on the chin, and it fell apart with one touch.

His long eyelashes trembled slightly, and his pure pupils clearly reflected his figure.

Only then did Jing Mo continue what he had just said, "It's just that there are some things that I can't forget even if I kiss them."

"Then what do you want to do?"

The man hooked the corners of his lips indistinctly, and said in a steady tone, "You have to accept what happened to me just now. On your birthday, no matter what I do, you have to accept it, and you can't get angry."

Seeing more and more people coming and going looking at them, Gu Qinglan could only gritted her teeth and said, "Okay."

At a food stall not far away, Lou Yan took a handful of peanuts from the table and threw them into his mouth one by one.

"I'm afraid you'll get bored, so I'll take you to the night market for a walk, what are you doing with a straight face, and look at the girls nearby who want to come here are scared away." Lou Yan fixed his eyes on a certain place, After drinking half a cup of tea, he looked at Xie Rongci who was facing him.

"You can't bring me here for no reason, tell me, what's the matter." Xie Rongci looked indifferent.

Even though his whole body seemed to be exuding cold air, there were not a few girls watching by his side.

"Before I tell the truth, Senior Brother, you have to tell me, do you still have obsession with Junior Junior Sister?"

He sighed faintly, the red mole between his brows seemed to have lost his energy, "If I still have obsession, I won't be able to tell you the truth."

Xie Rongci said in a deep voice, a face that seemed to have been meticulously carved was filled with coldness, "What about with obsession, so what if you don't have obsession, now I'm already with my junior sister, it's impossible to be together anymore Together, even if there is an obsession in the heart, it will only be deeply buried in the bottom of my heart."

If she had the same heart as he did, then this obsession might one day be put into action by him.

But he has always been thinking about it alone, so why implement this obsession and let the sadness of one person become the sadness of two people.

"In that case, I'll say it." Lou Yan sighed secretly in his heart. Sure enough, the person who knows the senior brother best is the junior junior sister, and he can even guess what he said, "The person who wants you to come here today It's not me, but Junior Sister."

"What do you mean."

"In the shop diagonally opposite us, there is a table for two outside. It's Junior Sister and her...husband."

It turned out that it was not difficult for him to say these words sincerely.

Lou Yan propped the fan on his chin, and the loss in his heart gradually diminished.

He probably really let go now.

Before that, there was still some hope, thinking that the younger sister's love was not yet open, maybe someday they could also have the fate of love between men and women.

It's just that he understands now, it's never because she's still in love, it's just that she doesn't have any liking between a man and a woman in her heart, so she pretends not to know.

It's hard for her, she has to work hard to maintain the friendship between the brothers and sisters, but also pretend to be stupid and refuse the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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