Chapter 479 Aunt Lan
Xie Rongci was stunned for a long time after hearing this, then he stiffened and turned around slowly.

"Master Gu, the sweet-scented osmanthus wine is here."

A woman in her 40s put the wine on the table, then looked at Jing Mo in surprise, "Who is this?"

Gu Qinglan poured a small cup of sweet-scented osmanthus wine and pushed it in front of Jing Mo.

"He is my wife. I just got married not long ago. Aunt Lan can just call him Mrs. Gu."

Mrs. Gu Jing Mo was secretly happy, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, even wearing a mask, she could still see some joy.

The eyes of the woman named Aunt Lan lit up, and she said repeatedly, "Is it true? Why didn't you tell Aunt Lan about getting married, Aunt Lan didn't even have time to prepare a gift for you."

Gu Qinglan smiled, her eyebrows and eyes curled up, and she was almost a different person from the dignified and virtuous princess in the East Palace, "It's my fault, because something happened at that time, so I couldn't inform Aunt Lan, I punished myself Three cups."

After finishing the three glasses of wine, she continued, "As for the gift, this pot of sweet-scented osmanthus wine is a wedding gift for my wife and I."

Aunt Lan put her hands on her waist nervously, "It's just a pot of sweet-scented osmanthus wine, how can it be a wedding, I..."

Gu Qinglan put on a serious face on purpose, and said seriously, "Why can't the osmanthus wine be used as a wedding? There is Aunt Lan's affection in it, and it is a priceless treasure."

The woman was stunned for a while, there seemed to be crystals in her eyes, and after a while she couldn't help wiping the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

There was some sobs in his voice, "You child, why did you come to see me today? You clearly made me cry on purpose."

Gu Qinglan smiled at Yanyan, "It's been a long time since I saw Aunt Lan. She is still so beautiful. The beauty's tears made my heart feel as if it was cut by a knife. It hurts so much."

Aunt Lan burst into tears when she heard this, she sat next to Gu Qinglan, but couldn't stop looking at Jing Mo.

When the two of them stopped talking, Jing Mo opened his mouth, holding his throat deliberately, "Hello, Aunt Lan."

"Hello Mrs. Gu, okay... Mrs. Gu seems to be a little taller than ordinary women." At this moment, Aunt Lan felt something was wrong, why Mr. Gu's wife seemed to be a head taller than Mr. Gu.

It's just tall, and even the figure looks much stronger.

Jing Mo: "..."

Gu Qinglan covered half of her face with her fan and was trembling with a smile. Without paying attention, she leaned on the man's shoulder. She didn't leave, but leaned against him.

"Aunt Lan doesn't know, but my father asked someone to calculate the horoscopes of me and my wife, saying that we are a match made in heaven."

"And if I am bullied when I go out, my wife will immediately seek justice for me."

Aunt Lan's gaze subconsciously fell on Jing Mo's hand because of Gu Qinglan's words.

She secretly sighed in her heart, but did not speak the truth out of her mouth.

She has lived for so long, and she has never seen a woman's hands so big and rough.

"Other people are husbands who protect their wives, and it's the other way around when it comes to you, so I don't feel ashamed." Although she said so, Aunt Lan's eyes were so gentle that they could overflow water.

"What happened the other way around? It's because Madam treats me well and is willing to protect me. Others can't ask for more than they want."

Seeing that her expression remained unchanged and her smile was the same as before, Aunt Lan was really relieved.

Jing Mo picked up the tiny wine cup with his fingertips and took a sip.

The extremely strong sweet-scented osmanthus flavor almost completely overwhelms the fragrance of the wine.

(End of this chapter)

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