Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 480 The Secret Recipe

Chapter 480 The Secret Recipe
It is said to be wine, but it is actually more like ebony soup, lychee soup and other fragrant drinks, which will not intoxicate people.

No wonder Qingqing dared to put wine in front of him.

Aunt Lan's current thoughts are probably somewhat similar to how mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more he looks the more pleasing to the eye.

She stood up, walked to the place where meals were prepared, lifted the steamer, and brought the same dishes in front of the two of them.

Jing Mo subconsciously wanted to stand up, but Gu Qinglan grabbed his hand.

She shook her head, frowning almost imperceptibly.

"It's good to have a stronger body, it's easier to give birth, but this body is really bad. If you have a child in the future, it is impossible to not even have rations to feed the child."

"But it doesn't matter. Aunt Lan has a secret recipe here. Guaranteed to eat it for a few months, she will become very graceful."

Gu Qinglan blinked her eyes and was stunned for a moment.

After a while, she realized the meaning of Aunt Lan's words.

She tightly grasped the man's arm with one hand, and patted the table with the other. She couldn't help but bend over laughing. If it wasn't for Jing Mo's support, she would almost lose her balance and fall to the ground.

The corners of Jing Mo's mouth twitched slightly, wishing that the sweet-scented osmanthus wine in front of him would really turn into old wine.

He can forget everything when he wakes up with a drink.

"No, no, Aunt Lan, he...he doesn't need it."

Jing Mo: "..."

He already felt ashamed, and really wanted to dig a hole in the ground and get in, without showing even the skirt on his body.


"I didn't expect that he could put down his face and play around with junior sister like this." Lou Yan stretched his eyebrows and looked at the opposite side as if casually.

The man's expression was as cold as usual, and the knuckles of his fingers holding the wine cup turned white. When you looked closely, you could find that his fingers were trembling slightly.

"I haven't told her about you yet." Lou Yan twisted a piece of barley cake sprinkled with osmanthus powder with his hands, put it in his mouth, frowned and chewed a few times, and finally took a big gulp of wine before swallowing it. go down.

Xie Rongci lowered his head and did not speak.

"Ayan, I have some regrets. I often wonder if it would have been different if I had expressed my feelings earlier."

Lou Yan's brows furrowed indistinctly, and now he has explained everything clearly, as he had said several times before.

Why is senior brother still so persistent.

Should he tell him, in fact, the only person who lives the most transparent life is the little junior sister.

After struggling again and again, Lou Yan didn't say anything directly.

He only said implicitly, "Looking over now, have you ever seen the smile on her face before?"

Don't listen to the answer, they all know it.


"I just, sometimes feel unwilling." Xie Rongci murmured in a low voice.

It is almost impossible for him to forget all the previous feelings in just a few days.

In recent days he has been dreaming.

The dream is no longer the illusory future, but the past.

He dreamed that he spoke his mind, dreamed that he and his junior sister worshiped the world under the witness of the master, and since then wandered the world and made the world their home.

It is about thinking by day and dreaming at night.

He always felt that he didn't seize the opportunity, which led to the current situation.

Before he could say it, he was rejected.

"It's normal to be unwilling, and I will also feel unwilling." Lou Yan put the folding fan aside, and sighed with loss, "I don't hide my thoughts deeply, you should have known about it long ago, big brother."

(End of this chapter)

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