Chapter 485

Cheng Sheng thought that Gu Yang was trying to attack him, so he hurriedly backed away.

It's just that Gu Yang ignored him, but picked up the jade board on the ground, and then walked back slowly.

It's not that he doesn't care about these words, it's just that he doesn't care about the person who said them.

I don't know how long it took, the air seemed to be stagnant, and Gu Yang said, "You want His Highness to choose concubines and concubines, why don't you tell him yourself? Is it possible that General Cheng lives in the East Palace every day and guards the door of His Highness?" Before, why not let him choose concubines and take concubines?"

"Rude." Cheng Sheng faltered for a long time, his face flushed from holding back, and then he shook his sleeves angrily and said two words.

Probably because he was worried that Gu Yang would get revenge because of these two words, Cheng Sheng found another reason to excuse himself.

"Before His Royal Highness was married, no matter whether he was seriously ill or what, he never missed the early court. After getting married, there was no news, and he asked Eunuch Zhao to ask for leave for no reason. Isn't this the fault of the Crown Princess? ?"

Gu Yang hooked the corners of his lips in a good mood, "His Royal Highness is seriously ill but has to come to court early, I'm afraid it's because you people are like gossips on weekdays, and you have to talk about everything here to show Come on yourself."

"As for the latter, this general remembers that when Eunuch Zhao came, he didn't mention the word "Princess Concubine". How come you are so powerful, you can deduce the deep meaning behind what Eunuch Zhao said."

Gu Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the dark light in them disappeared, "It's fine to speculate on the holy will on weekdays, but now even Eunuch Zhao has to speculate on his thoughts. According to this general, you are not suitable to be an official in the court, but to be an official." In the theater troupe, he specializes in acting as a villain."

Cheng Sheng knelt down in panic, and kowtowed several times to Jing Xuan heavily. When he raised his head again, his forehead was red and swollen, and blood beads had even oozed from some places.

The accusation is ordinary, Cheng Sheng said, "If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing to worry about. I am just worried that His Royal Highness is too addicted to love with men and women, so I want to discuss a solution with General Gu, but he guesses for no reason. The minister... ...willing to die to prove his innocence."

The air suddenly became quiet again, as if everyone's heartbeats were intertwined.

Messy and annoying.

Jing Xuan pursed his thin lips tightly, pretending to be serious, "Is Aiqing really willing to die to prove her innocence?"

Although Cheng Sheng didn't know why Jing Xuan didn't criticize Gu Yang, but accepted his words, he still nodded his head loudly, "Life and death are but a moment, if one death can be used to prove the innocence of this minister, then this minister deserves to die. Luckily even."

"Okay." Jing Xuan stroked the rosary on his wrist, his deep eyes were bent, but there was no smile on his face, "Go."

"My lord..." Cheng Sheng raised his eyes, suddenly at a loss.

Jing Xuan pinched the rosary with all his strength, and there was a very slight "click" sound. His face was still expressionless, but it seemed to be full of anger.

"Didn't you say that you are willing to die to prove your innocence? As you wish, if you die in this court today, I will let people burn you, and then mix it with mud and mold it into a human being." Like." Jing Xuan finally looked at him, his eyes were as deep as a cold pool, "You should be satisfied with this kind of death."

Cheng Sheng kowtowed heavily again, and hurriedly said, "I don't dare, so I ask the Holy One to punish me."

(End of this chapter)

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