Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 486 Humiliation

Chapter 486 Humiliation
"That's not right." Jing Xuan threw the rosary with one missing bead in front of Cheng Sheng, and the tassels of the rosary rose in the air, then fell powerlessly. "It was you who said repeatedly that you would use your death to prove your innocence. Why are you unwilling now that I have granted your wish?"

The few people who had just sang with him backed away without a trace, as if they wanted to draw a clear line with him.

"Why don't you dare again? I see that you spoke very vigorously just now, but now you can't speak, are you dumb?"

Probably wanting to struggle to the death, thinking that he would not suffer alone, Cheng Sheng gritted his teeth and said, "Weichen just thinks that General Gu is too rude in front of the Holy One, that's why he said those words."

"Gu Yang is rude?"

"General Gu actually threw the jade board directly on the ground, I think this move... is really inappropriate."

"You don't think it's right, but I think it's right."

Jing Xuan beckoned, and the little eunuch beside him hurried forward.

Jing Xuan pointed at the man kneeling on the ground, and said to the little eunuch, "Go and spit on him."

Everyone was shocked and didn't know what Jing Xuan's intention was.

The little eunuch said yes, then walked up to Cheng Sheng, looked at him disdainfully, and then spit very slowly.

Although his face was flushed red from the humiliation, Cheng Sheng still didn't have the guts to get up.

"Do you feel humiliated?" Jing Xuan asked.

Cheng Sheng paused almost every word, "I don't know what I did wrong, please tell me clearly."

Jing Xuan sneered, and glanced at the people in the hall who were either huddled together like quails, or were closing their eyes, or were watching the show with wide eyes.

"Let me ask you, what did General Gu do wrong? He didn't say a word at the beginning today, and you blamed him on your own. Why do you think that Gu Yang handed over the military power, so you can just let you guys do nothing? Has someone bullied you?"

The few people who had just talked with Cheng Sheng knelt down one after another, kowtowed their heads heavily, and said in unison, "My minister is terrified."

"I see that you are not afraid, but you are more courageous than the other." Jing Xuan stood up from the dragon chair, walked down slowly, and stopped in front of Cheng Sheng.

"When you were spit on by the little eunuch, you felt humiliated and dissatisfied in your heart. Then you blamed from the crown prince to the crown princess, and then from the crown princess to Gu Yang. You will feel that humiliation will give rise to dissatisfaction, and you will not allow Gu Yang Did Jan speak out against your accusation and humiliation?"

"Cheng Aiqing, what's the point of this? Tell me about it, and if you understand it, I will leave it alone. If you don't understand it, you will prove your innocence by dying as you said. ?”

After hearing this, Cheng Sheng knew that no matter what he said or did, he had already offended His Majesty.

That being the case, he might as well continue to add to the fire, maybe he can be reborn from the ashes and burn a new way out.

"My sage, I just thought that the prince had been married for more than half a year, but now there is only the princess in the East Palace. This... is really inappropriate."

Jing Xuan casually looked at the five-clawed golden dragon embroidered on the boots, his thoughts drifted far away.

The golden dragon on the boots was embroidered by the queen herself.

Speaking of which, he should also unload his burden and walk around with the queen.

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Sheng continued to grit his teeth, closed his eyes tightly, and raised his voice suddenly, "It is a serious crime that the Crown Princess has not reported that she is pregnant so far."

 There are still today, and there will be rare updates.

  Good night~
  Happy 2021~
(End of this chapter)

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