Chapter 487

Jing Xuan: "..."

What did Imperial Physician Ji tell him two days ago, oh... that's right...

Doctor Ji said that the prince is still a chicken.

How did he give birth to such a useless thing, even if he was more lively and sweet like Shen Zhao, he wouldn't have to worry about him at this age.

Could it be... is there something wrong?
"Am I getting old?" Jing Xuan suddenly asked Cheng Sheng who was kneeling on the ground.

Cheng Sheng didn't know how to answer, his eyes were wide open, as if terrified.

"The Holy Majesty is in his prime, and has nothing to do with the word old."

"Then I'm so weak and sick that I don't even have the strength to draw a pen?"


At some point, Cheng Sheng's forehead was already dripping with sweat. He wanted to reach out to wipe it off, but he didn't have the guts to move. He just lowered his head, trembling uncontrollably.

"Since I am not old, nor infirm, nor even strong enough to draw a pen, then why do you keep your eyes on the East Palace? Why, you think that I am not doing well in this position, and want to cultivate A king you are satisfied with to replace me?"

As soon as these words came out, the ministers in the court and the eunuchs and maids who were serving them all knelt down in fear. Naturally, the few people who were bickering like gossip women were trembling with fright.

I just felt that the parts above the neck would leave me soon, so I curled up as hard as I could, trying to reduce the sense of existence and prevent Jing Xuan from noticing them.

"The ministers are in great fear."

"What are you afraid of? It is I who should be afraid." Jing Xuan sneered a few times, and walked down, "Since I ascended the throne, it is not an exaggeration to say that I have worked tirelessly and conscientiously, but I didn't expect it, even if it is like this Satisfy you guys."

"I'm not dead yet, and now I'm thinking about the prince's heir. Could it be that I want to marry my daughter into it, and then support the emperor's heir with my own blood to ascend to the throne?"

Everyone repeated the words of fear several times, and the sound of kowtow in the hall was constantly echoing.

In the final analysis, what Jing Xuan said was not wrong.

These people's thoughts, as he said, are to let the emperor's heirs preferably have their family's blood.

The prosperity of the family will last for a long time, and this is all in one fell swoop.

"Cheng Sheng, do you have anything else to say?"

It sounded like he was asking what else he would say before he died.

Cheng Sheng closed his eyes suddenly, and put his head on the ground, "I just feel that the Crown Princess has not been able to assist His Royal Highness, and she is not suitable to be a Crown Princess."

Jing Xuan stepped on the jade board next to Cheng Sheng, and kicked away with his last kick.

"Not suitable, I think what you want to say in your heart should be unworthy? Then if the Gu family girl is not worthy, who can be worthy?"

"There are many talented women in Beijing, and there will always be someone better than the Gu family girl."

Jing Xuan curled his lips into a sneer, and his eyes seemed to be frozen with ice, "Although you have little knowledge, you are unusually courageous. Since you said that, you must know it very well, otherwise you just say your name, and I'll be fine." Let's compare and see who is more suitable to be the crown princess."

Cheng Sheng clenched his fingers tightly, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the jade board that had been kicked far away, and his teeth were clenched tightly.

He was really negligent this time, not to mention whether he could save the black hat on his head, even this life might not be able to keep it.

(End of this chapter)

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