Chapter 496
"A lost dog, that's all."

Hearing these eight words, Jing Yu's face turned ashamed instantly, his whole body seemed to have been drained of all his strength, his back was bent in a big arc, and he held his head in his hands.

"Uncle Huang thinks that if he doesn't speak, there's nothing he can do if he's lonely, don't you?" Jing Mo sneered, "They found a hairpin from that room, and the hairpin was produced by Jinshang Pavilion. A hairpin is unique, and they must know who the owner of the hairpin is."

The hairpin and so on are naturally a lie, after all, Yan Yue's food and clothing expenses are deducted from the East Palace, whether it is clothing or jewelry, the logo of the Imperial Palace is engraved on it.

As for going out to buy hairpins, it was surrounded by three layers outside and three layers outside. Even if Fu Ling took her out, it was just that the hidden guards guarding outside deliberately pretended to be dizzy and released water.

Although these people have some strange methods, the hidden guards around Jing Mo are not just for nothing.

"Don't." Jing Yu panicked, not as depressed as before, "Don't look for it, don't look for it."

Seeing him like this, I don't know whether to praise him for being infatuated or feel sorry for him.

Gu Qinglan stood on tiptoe, whispered something in Jing Mo's ear.

Jing Mo raised his eyes in surprise, looked up and down Jing Yu, whose face was full of panic, and could no longer see half of his former charm, and said, "I will give the emperor a period of time to think about what should be said and what should not be said, I hope the emperor You can never let it go, Tong Gu made it clear."

"Fu Ran, take care. If something happens to the emperor's uncle, you will be killed on the neck, so don't even think about staying safely on the head."

Fu Ran standing at the door: "..."

Why is it always him who gets hurt.

It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, and King An is going to commit suicide, all of which are obviously things that go with the flow.

After the two left, Fu Ran sat down on the chair without any image, his eyes fixed on Jing Yu with his head hanging down.

Fu Ran crossed his legs and laughed, "Could it be that the woman is actually Miss Yan?"

Hearing this, Jing Yu rushed over immediately, and wanted to land a fist on Fu Ran, but Fu Ran easily dodged it, and tied him up with a rope along the way.

He nodded casually, and said unhurriedly, "Don't be angry, I'm just telling the truth."

Jing Yu's eyes were red, and she said angrily, "Yan Yue is the woman next to the prince now, how dare you say that about her?"

When talking about the woman next to the prince, he only felt an inexplicable pain in his chest.

Although she knew that she no longer had him in her heart, that glass of wine, and what she said to him, Jing Yu just couldn't help wanting to speak for her, and couldn't tolerate anyone looking down on her.

Fu Ran sighed, thinking that love is indeed a powerful thing, turning the romantic and suave Wang An into a human and ghost, even at this point, he still has his heart set on that woman.

He looked at it coldly, this Yan Yue didn't look like a celestial being, she was just pretending to be gentle and gentle, and even her feelings for An Wang were probably fake.

He, an outsider, could see it clearly. How could Wang An not understand this?

Although the authorities are deluded, the bystanders are clear, but the authorities are too deluded.

If he really likes a woman, and after that woman stays with him, she leaves without hesitation because he is in trouble, then all these likes will disappear with her departure.

(End of this chapter)

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