Chapter 497 Rong Er
There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, why bother to love a single flower.

People live for a hundred years, and it is too humble to go through this experience, so what's the point.

"Why don't you dare, what I said is not a lie." Fu Ran was even more surprised when he saw that the pain on his face was no less than when the first emperor passed away.

He persuaded a few words in a good voice, "Now you should stop thinking about that woman, so that at least one life can be saved."

Although Fu Ran knew that the person in front of him had completely lost his mind because of the so-called love in his heart.

Otherwise, why would he want to drink the machine wine.

Because of Fu Ran's words, Jing Yu was stunned for a while, and then his eyes were filled with a little confusion, but soon, he struggled angrily, trying to break free from the rope and rush over.


Jing Mo held the token that he got earlier in Xishan with his fingers, and looked at the sun. At first, he only thought the characters on the token were strange.

Maybe it was a deliberate cover-up by others, but now that I think about it, the traces on it don't seem to be deliberate.

It is because of the corrosion of time, so the words on it will be blurred.

If this is the case, then the guess in his heart is not wrong.

However, how could the former dynasty, which had been destroyed for hundreds of years, find a reason to fight against the Jing family.

Even if they find a reason to fight, who of them is the leader.

Former royal family?
He remembered... Jing's history books seemed to record this.

Because of the doubts in his heart, Jing Mo took Gu Qinglan to take out all the official and unofficial histories since the founding of the Jing family and put them together.

The two browsed for a long time, and finally found a key name.

Rong You, the seventeenth princess of the previous dynasty.

A princess born from an unfavored concubine, Rong You was 13 years old when the previous dynasty fell.

Jing's army broke through the city gates and searched everywhere. The members of the royal family of the former dynasty either hanged themselves, died in the chaos of the army, or fled and were arrested. In the end, only one person died.

She was the only one who searched the entire palace without a trace.

Afterwards, he searched all over to no avail, and thought of the princess who was never favored, so he didn't look for it again.

Jing Mo pointed to Rong You's name on the history book, and asked with a frown, "Could it be her descendant?"

Except for this Rong You who escaped successfully, the other people who were connected with the blood of the former royal family have all been killed, and it is impossible to have any descendants.

Rong You was the fish that slipped through the net back then.

In fact, it is not difficult to find her, but she is really pitiful, she grew up in the deep palace, and she does not have the wealth and honor that a princess should enjoy for a day, so she does not need to use her life to apologize for the dirty things her father did .

"Rong Er, I seem to have seen this name somewhere before." Gu Qinglan pressed her fingers between her eyebrows and searched carefully from memory.

If you have seen this name, it can only be in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors except in the Gu Mansion and the Imperial Palace.

It's impossible for Gu's mansion, it's her first time here in the imperial palace, it's even more impossible.

Then the rest can only be in the valley of genius doctors.

But how could there be records of Rong Er in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors...

"South Study, on the southeast bookshelf, on the bottom floor, there is a letter, which seems to have Rong Er's name written on it. I remember that besides Rong Er, there seem to be other names with the surname Rong..." Gu Qinglan frowned. Brows continue to recall.

"I remember that I was six years old at the time, and I was not tall, so I could only go up to that floor, but the book was snatched away by the master as soon as I glanced at it."

(End of this chapter)

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