Chapter 600 Opposition
Everyone knows the current situation of the Zhou family, Taifu Zhou was not angry at their avoidance of suspicion, but secretly wrote down the names of these people.

"It seems that I haven't seen the Tai Tuo for a while, and I thought that the Tai Tuo resigned and no longer appeared in the court." Jing Xuan looked down at the old man kneeling on the ground, and didn't say anything to get him up. .

The words of the king in the court are not a kind of express.

Resign at this point, and you can spend your old age in peace.

It's just that Zhou Taifu chooses to cooperate with others now, and there is no way out.

Furthermore, he also has resentment in his heart, he resents the king for treating him so harshly.

"Although I am old and sick, I still want to be holy and do my part for this country and society."

The words were high-sounding, but Jing Xuan didn't feel comfortable listening to them.

Taking down the Zhou family was only a matter of his decision.

However, now that Zhou Taifu came here, could it be that he felt that he had a hole card in his hand that could make him change his decision?
"I am also happy to hear what the grand tutor said, but I don't know what the grand tutor wants to say to me and the civil and military officials today?" Jing Xuan nodded impatiently with his fingers on the golden dragon chair.

Jing Xuan was so straightforward, Zhou Taifu no longer tactful, only after a heavy kowtow, he said, "I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

If it were someone else, Jing Xuan would have asked people to leave the room long ago, and he had already spoken, so he should talk about where it came from, and if he didn't want to talk about it, he just didn't say anything.

"My minister is suspicious. General Gu Yang and the remnants of the Rong family have colluded. Gu Beichen, as the son of General Gu, may be suspected."

These words were like thunder, causing Chaotang to explode.

Everyone looked at Gu Yang and exchanged glances.

Two days ago, a group of people suddenly claimed that the former Rong family obeyed the destiny to restore the dynasty, and even directly sent several groups to occupy two cities near Wangxiang Pass.

Gu Beichen surrounded them in front of him, unable to hold on for a long time.

Seeing the flustered appearance of the courtiers, I heard the noisy discussion of everyone again.

Jing Xuan simply took the folding fan at the side and threw it on the ground.

Coincidentally, the folding fan fell in front of Taifu Zhou.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly knelt down and said in unison, the Holy One to appease his anger.

"Teacher Zhou is what he says. He said that Gu Yang colluded with the remnants of the Rong family and you just believe it. Then if one day he says that I am not orthodox, will you follow suit?"

Compared with the former, what Jing Xuan said was several times more serious.

"The minister is terrified."

Seeing that the situation had been reversed in a short period of time, Zhou Taifu hurriedly took out a few pieces of paper from his sleeve and held them up.

The eunuch at the side handed the paper to Jing Xuan.

Flipping through it scribbled, the content in it is the same as what Gu Yang told him, but there are more content that shouldn't exist.

For example, Gu Yang conspired with the Rong family, seeking the position of a king with a different surname.

The position of general depends on the accumulation of military merits, but the position of kings with different surnames can be passed down from generation to generation. This is indeed a very reasonable reason.

"Your Majesty, please make a clear decision." Zhou Taifu raised his eyes, tears streaming down his face, "I really don't want to see the Holy Majesty's relative, Yuan Xianchen."

The villain is talking about Gu Yang, and the virtuous minister is talking about himself.

Among the courtiers in the hall, only Gu Yang stood alone, without saying a few words to defend himself.

There was no expression of joy or anger on Jingxuan's face, so everyone kneeling on the ground looked at each other, and finally didn't know which side to stand on.

After a while, when everyone was a little impatient, Jing Mo stood up, "Father, I have also found out something about Taifu Zhou."

(End of this chapter)

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