Chapter 601 Confession
Jing Xuan didn't speak, but raised his chin.

Jing Mo continued to speak, only to see that he turned around and took a few steps in the direction of Taifu Zhou, with his clothes fluttering, carrying a faint fragrance of bamboo.

"Teacher Zhou, do you remember Luo Yuan?"

Zhou Taifu looked confused and said respectfully, "I don't know."

Jing Mo clapped his palms, and at the door, a boy of seventeen or eighteen followed in front of the two guards.

Luo Yuan trembled and knelt on the ground, "Cao Min kowtowed to the Holy One, and kowtowed to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

The other courtiers frowned unconsciously, completely ignorant of what Jing Mo did this for.

Naturally, they had some guesses in their hearts, but they couldn't believe the guesses, so they could only watch all this calmly.

As for the members of Taifu Zhou's party, they all faintly felt that something was wrong.

But the sage and the crown prince didn't directly reprimand Zhou Taifu, and they couldn't speak for Zhou Taifu either.

The man pinched the jade pendant around his waist with his fingers, finally eased it, and threw it into Zhou Taifu's arms.

Zhou Taifu was taken aback, took a look and was almost shattered.

The jade pendant was obviously left by those men in black, Zhou Taifu didn't dare to raise his head, he only held the jade pendant in his palm, not showing half of it, as if like this, the matter in front of him didn't happen.

His wrinkled fingers tightened until the knuckles turned white.

"Luo Yuan, tell Mrs. Zhou who your mother is."

Hearing Jing Mo's words, Luo Yuan's eyes suddenly turned red, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Mrs. Zhou, "Cao Min's mother's surname is Cao, and she opened a tavern at the end of Fengyuan Street."

Fengyuan Street, a tavern.

Zhou Taifu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked up at Luo Yuan in disbelief.

He obviously made people cut grass and roots, how could anyone survive.

Jing Mo sneered, his thin lips curled up slightly, but his eyes were filled with extreme indifference, "Teacher Zhou was so panicked, but because Luo Yuan saw you pushing the drunk Taifu to the ground, Taifu Xie hit his head on a stone And the reason for death?"

"Boom" a few times, everyone looked at Jing Mo and Luo Yuan as if they were struck by lightning, and finally all their eyes focused on Taifu Zhou.

Even Jing Xuan raised his eyes in surprise, he didn't know that the prince was going to sing this play today.

However, if the Zhou family can be uprooted in this way, it doesn't matter whether the play is played today or not.

Zhou Taifu's complexion was pale, his lips trembled, and his fingers couldn't stop trembling.

"My humble minister, my humble minister..."

He stammered, unable to utter a complete sentence.

Jing Mo nodded his waist, his eyes were dark, and he suddenly said something that had nothing to do with the current situation, "This jade pendant is a reward to the Grand Tutor, maybe this jade pendant is the last gift I will give to the Grand Tutor alone."

Zhou Taifu showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and suddenly knocked his head several times heavily, with blood marks on his forehead.

Tears and nose flowed together, the sleeves covered the face, and the voice was mournful, "It's a big crime for a humble minister. A few years ago, because of jealousy of Taifu Xie, he was liked by His Royal Highness and was reused by His Majesty. He made a big mistake all of a sudden. Please, Your Majesty, Your Highness. punishment."

Speaking of which, Jing Mo didn't have any evidence about Taifu Zhou's murder of Taifu Xie, but it didn't matter whether he had evidence or not. The important thing was that Taifu Zhou could admit the crime himself.

Compared with colluding with the remnants of the previous dynasty, Zhou Taifu's crime is already extremely light.

The latter killed one person, but the former killed everyone.

Which is more important, he knows better than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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