Chapter 602 Others

Even though Zhou Taifu knew in his heart, once exposed at this time, it would be extremely difficult for the Zhou family to recover.

Not to mention, today's Zhou family doesn't have literary talents, and they are not good at martial arts.

If the first emperor valued literature over martial arts, he might have half-pushed and concealed the matter because of his many years of hard work.

But today's sages, civil servants and military generals have not fallen behind.

He has no chance of life, and in this case, he can only try his best to protect the heirs of the Zhou family.

If I had known, he should have disregarded the Crown Prince's wishes and forced Ling'er into the Prince's East Palace. It didn't matter if he was a concubine. As long as he had a child, how could he be in such a difficult situation now.

And now he can't drag Gu Yang into the water, even if it's for the rest of the Zhou family, he can't say anything bad about Gu Yang.

Jing Mo didn't stop because of Taifu Zhou's confession, he took out the letter from his arms and handed it to the eunuch.

"This is what I found out after a long time of investigation. It is about some unconscionable things done by Zhou Taifu and the Zhou family."

Even those students of Zhou Taifu who often talk about being a teacher for a day and a father for life don't have the courage to speak for him.

Everyone knows that speaking for him now is nothing more than risking his own life, what's more, it may also risk the lives of his family members.

Jing Xuan took the letter and read it for a while, his expression very calm.

After a while, he stood up and threw the letter in his hand directly on Zhou Taifu's body.

The letter paper all over the sky is like snow falling in the cold winter, and his heart is also like ice quenched, bone-chilling coldness.

"I didn't know that Taifu Zhou had such a great ability to resell official positions, oppress the common people, disregard people's lives, and every single one of them made me want to kill the entire Zhou family."

Taifu Zhou was horrified, and kowtowed a few more times, blood flowed from his forehead.

A few months ago, he would never have imagined that one day in the future, he would end up in such a field.

"Everything is the fault of this minister, and I ask my lord to let me bear the responsibility for this crime for the sake of my old age and my loyalty to my lord for many years."

Hearing the word loyalty, Jing Mo couldn't help curling his lips.

I want to laugh from the bottom of my heart.

If he didn't know that Taifu Zhou had already agreed to the so-called cooperation of those people, he would really believe what he said now.

Jing Xuan didn't stop his begging for mercy, but raised his eyes and fixed his eyes on the party members of Taifu Zhou's faction.

"How can you say that Zhou Taifu is also your teacher, and now you can't speak half a word?"

Everyone was very quiet, even breathing very lightly, for fear of angering Jing Xuan and getting involved in this matter for no reason.

One of them changed his mind, and raised his head boldly, "I think that Taifu Zhou committed such a heinous crime and deserves to be punished. With such a teacher, I feel ashamed."

Jing Xuan looked at the other people, and he could see the meaning of approval from the faces of these people.

It's just that their interests intersect, so it's no wonder they think so.

Such thinking does not violate Jing's law, but it is against morality.

There is no room for this kind of grass on the wall above this court.

In this way, all the relevant people will be cleaned up at this very moment.

"My order is to immediately search the relevant officials of the court and Zhou Taifu. If there are people who give gifts and accept bribes, they will be arrested immediately. As for the punishment, it will be decided by the crown prince."

 happy New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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