The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 16 The Tang Sect

Chapter 16 The Tang Sect
After being beaten by the turtle, Wu Changming took the pill that instantly restored the bruise on his face before he came out.

The light flickered, and Wu Changming returned to the original point.

After discovering Gu Yue, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie had already come out, their faces were covered with bruises.

Wu Zhangming stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "How many levels have you passed?"

Xie Xie said with a dark face and a wry smile, "After passing a level, this assessment is too difficult. The opponent is too strong. I can't do anything about it. I was completely suppressed. He is faster than me and has super melee combat ability. My Ssangyong Before the dagger touched him, he beat him to the ground."

"I can count it as two levels, but the second level is hard to overcome, and I am more resistant to beating." Tang Wulin also smiled wryly.

Gu Yue, with a pale face, said, "Advanced level, two tests. The final assessment is so difficult, I lost the first test. How about you, Chang Ming?"

Wu Changming looked at Wu Changkong and said, "Brother, you guys are playing tricks on me. I don't even know whether it's the advanced test or the final test. Tell me about my results."

Wuchangkong said lightly, "Advanced level, one level, ultimate assessment, one level, low level, one level."

Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, and Gu Yue didn't say a word. They were really angry.

"Come here," Wu Changkong said.

The four of them walked up to Wuchangkong. Xie Xie lowered his head. His grades were the worst, and he thought to himself that he might be criticized.

He just had this idea, when the light flashed, the three of them felt strong spatial fluctuations at the same time, and then they disappeared into the room.

The light flashed again, and they appeared in an office, which was 200 square meters, with a huge desk leaning against a little bit inside, and white leather sofas arranged neatly.

"Sit down, I have something to talk to you about." Wuchangkong pointed to the sofa.

The four of them were a little puzzled, but they still sat on a sofa.

"For today's exam, you must feel very strange. In the exam, you are all facing opponents of the same level. Why is it so difficult to fight against? What I must tell you is that these opponents you met in the Hall of Heroes, They are all real soul masters who once existed, because they are simulated, so they can only display about [-]% of their actual strength, how do you think your strength compares with them?"

A real soul master?

Tang Wulin immediately remembered that he was facing the girl with twin martial souls, while Xie Xie saw the tall, beautiful girl in his mind.

And what emerged in Gu Yue's mind was a young man with black hair and strange brilliance in his eyes. In the final assessment of the young man, he was the one who easily defeated him. The feeling of fighting against him was really terrifying.

"There are two reasons for bringing you here. First, at Ascension to Lingtai, you are not far from the upper limit of absorbing spiritual power. At most, you will not be able to continue practicing in it, so you need another place to experience actual combat, hero The actual battle in the Hall of Heroes is more realistic, because it is your body that is injured. Of course, if your injuries reach a certain level, it will be automatically transmitted without mental shock. To a certain extent, you can use the Hall of Heroes Understand it as a higher level Ascension to Lingtai."

"Secondly, the significance of the assessment does not lie in the final exam, because your final exam has been completed in Ascension to Lingtai during the riot period, and the scores have already been given. Passing the assessment here means that you can join this organization. If you decide to join In the future, you can accumulate meritorious service and come to the Hall of Heroes for experience."

organize?These two words, coupled with the footwork performed by the girl he faced during the training, Tang Wulin immediately realized that this was the organization that Wuchangkong had mentioned to him but was rejected by him.

Xie Xie and Gu Yue looked at Wuchangkong curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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