The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 17 Join Tangmen

Chapter 17 Join Tangmen
It turns out that Teacher Wu is also an organized person. What is the name of Teacher Wu's organization?Xie Xie asked, he comes from a big family, so he can't just join an organization with unknown origins, but it should be very legitimate for this organization to be established in the Donghai Soul Guidance Technology Park, Wu Changkong said, "Have you heard of Tangmen?"



How could I not have heard of it?In this world, there are not many people who don't know the Tang Sect!The legend of the Tang Sect has existed since ancient times. It can be said that several of the most important historical events on the Douluo Continent are related to the Tang Sect.

The founder of the Tang Sect was the core figure of the first generation of the Shrek Seven Monsters. He once guarded the mainland 2 years ago. Legend has it that he finally became a god. With the development of Tangmen, there are so many legends belonging to Tangmen.

At that time, the Soul of the Continent was controlled by the Wuhun Palace, which was ambitious and tried to unify the mainland and control everything. Under the leadership of the ancestor of the Tang Sect, everyone and the Wuhun Palace calmed down for a decisive battle and won.

Legend has it that he later ascended to become a god holding the Sea God Trident in his hand.

Tang Wulin is also very familiar with the stories of the Tang Sect, because the Wuhun of the ancestor of the Tang Sect is the Blue Silver Grass.

On the Douluo Continent, when I talked about the Spirit Pagoda, "some people may not know it", but when it comes to Tangmen, "there may be few people who don't know it". (I think so! This sentence is not quite correct, but I still respect the original)
After the Tang Sect almost died out, but with the development of soul guides, another legendary figure in the Tang Sect stepped forward and founded the current Spirit Pagoda. As the founder of the soul, it can be said that he changed The structure of the world today has risen for the second time. The Tang Sect is not in decline. It is just that they gradually disappeared in the ancient times with the relocation of the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire to the other two continents. For at least thousands of years, the Tang Sect’s People are not in active, public view.

So when Wuchangkong said the word Tangmen?Tang Wulin and the others were shocked.

"Teacher Wu, hasn't the Tang Sect disappeared? Has it moved to two other continents?" Tang Wulin said in surprise.

"No, the Tang Sect has never really disappeared. That's right, they also have foundations in the other two continents, just like the Spirit Pagoda. On the Douluo Continent, the Tang Sect has always existed. The federal officials also know this. It’s just that Tangmen didn’t announce it to the public in order to avoid too much limelight. The place where we are now is a company under Tangmen, Xuanshi Tangmen Technology Co., Ltd., and the Hall of Heroes is the experience system developed by Tangmen. The ones fighting are members of the Shrek Seven Monsters in the history of the Tang Sect."

Listening to Wuchangkong's words, Tang Wulin swallowed subconsciously, and said without hesitation, "I'll join."

For Tang Sect, he has too many longings now, he grew up listening to the stories of Tang Sect, especially the founder of Tang Sect who has the same martial spirit as him, has always been an idol in his heart, when he heard the dance Changkong said that this organization is Tangmen, he didn't hesitate at all.

Xie Xie hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'll join too."

Wu Changkong said, "Don't rush to make a decision, you can go home and ask your family."

Xie Xie shook his head and said, "No, I don't want to miss this opportunity. Teacher Wu, I will join. I believe I can convince my family."

In the end, Gu Yue did not join the Tang Sect due to Wu Changming's accident.

(End of this chapter)

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