The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 433 The Army Attacks

Chapter 433 The Army Attacks
"Brother, don't worry, I'm fine." Mo Lan smiled with mist in his eyes.

"Yeah." Tang Wulin nodded quickly.

The two began to talk about the old days first, while the white-haired witch stared at Tang Wulin, fearing that Tang Wulin would sneak up on Mo Lan, and stood up slightly. Once Tang Wulin made a move, the white-haired witch would pounce on him like a cheetah.

Wu Shiming was bored drinking coffee and played mahjong all night last night. Although he was fine, he couldn't help but want to sleep, get used to it!

Just as Wu Shiming drank his coffee and lost his mind, his ears moved slightly, and there were the footsteps of troops, and they were all ordinary people with guns.

Wu Shiming has led troops for a long time, and he is still very clear about these tunes. These troops are definitely coming to this coffee shop.

Sure enough, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and a dozen soldiers in uniforms and holding soul guide ray guns rushed in from outside, pointing the guns at the guests.

"The military is on business, searching for suspects, and everyone puts their hands on their heads and keeps still."

"Stop!" Mo Lan shouted, stopping the soldiers from moving. "Which unit do you belong to? Who allowed you to arrest suspects in the public hall? Where is the search warrant?"

These leaders are only second lieutenants, facing Mo Lan's three consecutive questions, they couldn't help turning pale and unable to respond.

All I could do was roar angrily and control the situation, "Don't move!"

The white-haired witch stood in front of Mo Lan in an instant, staring at the dozen or so people coldly.

A guest saw that the soldier was so unreasonable and wanted to disobey the soldier's order, and a soldier wanted to do it.

Wu Shiming's right foot on the ground turned slightly, and a small red dragon appeared in the stomach of that soldier, swallowing more than a dozen soldiers one by one with lightning speed.

Many guests couldn't help screaming in fright, Xiaolong squatted down in front of Wu Shiming, a dozen people were spit out neatly, and then Xiaolong disappeared.

With a wave of Wu Shiming's hand, more than a dozen soldiers were tied with black ropes, and their guns fell to the ground.

Wu Shiming walked up, lowered the brim of his hat, and said angrily, "I am also a soldier, and soldiers are paid by the Federation, and the powers given to you by the people are not for you to domineering in front of the people.

You didn't follow the rules, the military can only take action if a search warrant is issued. "

"However, this is an order issued by our chief. The military order is like a mountain! I have no choice but to wait!" The second lieutenant said aggrievedly.

"Even if it is the chief, if there is no search and arrest warrant, he will not send troops!" Wu Shiming said lightly.

From Wu Shiming's voice, the second lieutenant heard that the voice was not loud, and remembered what the chief said, so he said a little stiffly, "This is the chief's order, you have to listen to it if you don't listen."

"Okay!" Wu Shiming took out a small notebook with his left hand and a pen with his right hand, and wrote two orders in large characters, "Okay, I will give you an order, and I order you to call the chief who gave you the order. "Tearing off the piece of paper, Tang Wulin walked up, handed the paper in front of the second lieutenant, let the second lieutenant see it clearly, folded it, put it in the second lieutenant's chest pocket, patted the second lieutenant's chest, and said," Don't speak harshly, the chief doesn't like to hear it."

Seeing Tang Wulin's provocative actions and hearing Tang Wulin's contemptuous words, the second lieutenant couldn't help being furious, raised his head slightly, and said in a strange tone, "This chief, I don't know what rank you are?"

Wu Shiming walked up to the second lieutenant with a smile, looked at the second lieutenant officer who was a head shorter than himself, and said with a smile, "Don't be crazy, brat. Bring them out."

"Yes." Tang Wulin pushed a dozen people out of the coffee shop.

Mo Lan proceeded to appease the people.

Just outside the door, two yellow mechas and two purple mechas landed on the ground, "Among the guests in the hall, there are federal criminals. Everyone crouched down with their heads in their hands. Ignore them all."

"Hold your head with both hands!" There was a burst of shouting from inside the mecha.

Wu Shiming couldn't help shaking his head, and said lightly, "It's really a ridiculous thing. Even the police are not qualified to do it. Whoever did it, such as mobilizing military mechs, must be severely punished!"

At this moment, the piercing siren sounded, coming in this direction.

The police are responsible for internal security, and the military itself has no right to enter police-managed areas to arrest people.

Tang Wulin guessed that these soldiers came not because of Mo Lan, but because of himself, so he took off his hat and showed his face.

"Captain, that's right, that's the man!" The purple mecha pointed at Tang Wulin and said.

"Take it!" said the captain.

He used the mecha to spray out a power grid, and was going to capture Tang Wulin, because Wu Shiming was next to Tang Wulin, and he was going to capture him as well.

Wu Shiming raised his head slightly, with sword lights in his eyes, the power grid was instantly cut into pieces and fell to the ground. Shenlong reappeared, grabbed the middle of the two huge handles, and crushed the dragon claws easily, then stretched out the dragon claws and crushed the upper parts of the two yellow mechas. The mechas were considered useless, and the remaining parts were thrown into on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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