The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 434 The Culprit Is Tang Wulin

Chapter 434 The Culprit Is Tang Wulin
Shenlong saw the two purple mechas in front of him, the two Shenlongs swung their tails, and the two purple mechas were knocked to the ground, colliding with each other, and the mechas were all scrapped.

The white-haired witch looked at Wu Shiming in shock, shocked by Wu Shiming's strength, why is he so strong?

They still don't know who they are facing, who is the most powerful person in the mainland, and the digital limit Douluo personally admits that he is the strongest person of the younger generation in the mainland.

Is that human being?One look, I didn't even bother to lift my right foot, just turned slightly, the two yellow mechas and the two purple mechas disappeared like this?

The captain watched his beloved mecha fall to the ground. What he felt sorry for first was not that his head was bleeding, but that his purple mecha was scrapped.

The police swarmed over, and the senior police officer at the head saw Mo Lan and hurried forward, "Member Mo Lan, are you okay! What happened here?"

Mo Lan looked at the senior police officer and said, "These soldiers arrested people with guns without arrest warrants, almost wounding some ordinary people.

Moreover, they used mechs to threaten the people, aimed their weapons at ordinary people, and aimed at the people who pay taxes for the country and equip them according to law.

This has already threatened the peace and stability of the entire federal society. You must thoroughly investigate this time and return justice to the people. "

Sweat suddenly broke out on the senior police officer's forehead. This incident was quite a headache, so he could only respond, "Member Mo Lan, we will definitely handle this matter fairly and bring all these soldiers back to the police station."

"Yes!" The police took away the soldiers' guns, and just as the police were about to escort the soldiers back to the police station, suddenly a military vehicle drove over quickly.

The military vehicle stopped, and an officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel walked out of it, with two majors beside him.

"Wait a minute." The lieutenant colonel strode up to the senior police officer and raised his hand to prevent him from bringing the soldiers into the police car.

The police officer and the lieutenant colonel began to negotiate. The lieutenant colonel disagreed with the police taking them away. Of course, the senior police officers would not let the soldiers go.

With a wave of the lieutenant colonel's hand, more than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition got off the military vehicle and blocked the way of the police.

Councilor Mo Lan started negotiating with the lieutenant colonel, but the military academy didn't know Mo Lan's identity and spoke domineeringly. The white-haired witch filmed all this with a soul guide communicator.

This is a small trick for the Molan doves to fight back against the hawks. They can't let the hawks lose anything, at least they can disgust the hawks.

The lieutenant colonel also knew that Mo Lan was not an ordinary person, so he suddenly remembered that a few days ago, he read a newspaper, pointed to a photo of a woman, and said with a sneer, "It is this woman who is not even a soul master who can become a federal pigeon." An important figure of the faction, the Dove faction has weakened like this, it seems that there must be a battle between Xingluo and the Federation!" And the person in the photo is Mo Lan.

Although he looked down on Mo Lan, but Mo Lan's identity was there, so he had no choice but to pretend that he didn't recognize Mo Lan, and glanced at the major.

The major nodded, and stepped forward to forcefully block the white-haired witch's camera angle.

Wu Shiming looked at the domineering lieutenant colonel, and snorted coldly, "Lieutenant colonel, are you so domineering?"

"Who are you?" The lieutenant colonel frowned.

Wu Shiming lowered the brim of his hat and put on his military uniform, his military rank shining brightly.

"Master Lieutenant General!" The lieutenant colonel exclaimed.

That's right, Wu Shiming was promoted, it was Wuqing Cao Dezhi and Zhang Huanyun who unanimously agreed to promote Wu Shiming as a lieutenant general, equal to them in the Blood God Legion.

Mo Lan and the white-haired witch looked at Wu Shiming in shock, "Lieutenant General?!"

It's unbelievable, the voice is only in his early twenties, but he has the rank of lieutenant general, how is this possible? !
But the military rank cannot be faked, which proves that Wu Shiming is indeed a lieutenant general, an important lieutenant general in the federation.

The second lieutenant's face was pale, the lieutenant general turned out to be a lieutenant general, his superior's superior's superior's superior's superior's superior...

The second lieutenant collapsed directly to the ground.

All the soldiers saluted Wu Shiming, "Hello, Lieutenant General!"

Wu Shiming nodded, looked at the lieutenant colonel and said, "Don't be so conniving with your opponents, everyone must abide by the law." He pulled out the lieutenant colonel's belt, and slapped the lieutenant colonel three times, "Seriously abide by the military regulations, you leave the post Yes, being rude to the people, threatening the people with guns, crossing the border to manage the police area.

Should you enter a military court for these crimes? "

The lieutenant colonel turned pale, and said, "These are all ordered by Lieutenant Colonel Shen Xing!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Shen Xing? Lieutenant General Shen Yue's younger sister?" Wu Shiming slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Yes!" The lieutenant colonel breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't have any problems with Shen Xing either! That's right! Shen Xing is here to catch Wulin!" Wu Shiming laughed and said, "Shen Xing has nothing to do with me. She wants to use the military's power to find Wulin!"

Thinking of this, Wu Shi Ming gave Tang Wulin a white look, curled his lips and said, "You are the culprit! You go!"

"Yes, thank you Lieutenant General for your tolerance!" The lieutenant colonel got on the military vehicle in despair.

Tang Wulin pointed to himself suspiciously, "I'm the culprit?"

(End of this chapter)

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