The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 103 Repairing Peach Blossoms

Chapter 103 Repairing Peach Blossoms (1)
That day in Shengjing, Madam was very frank, and she didn't pretend to be reserved like ordinary ladies when eating, and Madam especially liked the food she cooked, how could she not be happy?
"Ma'am, this old servant will serve another bowl." Hong Zhuxiang nodded, drinking the delicious porridge seriously.After Aunt Qing left, she looked up at the man in front of her, and asked seriously, "Ah Zhan, have all the people in Wuyue Tower been transferred?"

"One-third of the exposed strongholds were blocked by Murong Rui, and some shops and restaurants in Wuyuelou were also discovered. The overall force did not lose much, and the intelligence pile formed by the hidden guards did not suffer any losses."

"Rui has no choice but to do this. Your Dahanhai Kingdom's hand is too long." Hong Zhuxiang was relieved when he said that he was fine, and she didn't forget to tease her.

"If you don't stretch your hands so long, how could you meet Xiang'er?" Xiao Tianzhan also joked when he saw the woman's complexion improved.

"Brother Tianzhan, are you there?" Ling Feng's voice came from outside the door very inappropriately. It seemed that he was stopped by Wuying, and wanted to ask Xiao Tianzhan in the room for help. Annoyance, didn't you already promise her to go to Maple Leaf Valley?

"Wu Ying, let her in." Hong Zhuxiang spoke at this moment, she wanted to see why this woman seduced her man?It has been overturned to the ground, and it is so shameless to post it again and again.Do you really think she is a meat bun, so easy to pinch?

Ling Feng was wearing a goose-yellow emerald smoked sweater, standing at the door charmingly. After getting permission, she smiled, walked gently, and walked in the door with standard ladylike steps.Hong Zhuxiang looked at her twisting and turning, looking cautious again, and couldn't help it, so she burst out laughing with a "puchi".

Ling Feng pursed his lips tightly, why did this woman laugh at her?Looking at her current appearance, whether she eats or not, or sits or not, she looks like a woman who has not received strict education.

"Xiang'er, eat well, and be careful not to choke." Xiao Tianzhan took out a brocade handkerchief from his arms, and wiped the corners of the woman's mouth carefully, without even looking at Ling Feng.

When Ling Feng saw the brocade handkerchief, he was shocked. Isn't that the brocade handkerchief Ling Luo embroidered last year?Could it be that Brother Tianzhan really likes Sister Lingluo, that he even carries her handkerchief with him.

"I saw a little peacock and I want to open its tail. Don't you want to see it?" Hong Zhuxiang gave Xiao Tianzhan a wicked smile, as if to say that he is also a delicate beauty after all, and he came here just for you , how can you not even look at it?

Xiao Tianzhan didn't raise his eyelids, he still fed the girl porridge, and said slowly: "Xiang'er is really confused, only male peacocks open their tails, how can a female peacock open their tails?"

"So that's the case! It's indeed a female peacock, and it can't open its tail!" Hong Zhuxiang exclaimed pretending to be surprised as if she had just woken up from a dream.

The two cooperated extremely tacitly, and Ling Feng's face changed instantly. This woman is really hateful, and she actually said that she is a female peacock in front of Brother Tian Zhan.Hmph, even if she can't get brother Tianzhan, she can't let this hateful woman snatch him away.

"Who is this sister?"

"Why should I tell you?" Hong Zhuxiang was very displeased when she heard Ling Feng say this. This woman seemed to be a year or two older than her, and she actually called her elder sister. Besides, why does this elder sister sound so so? Are you upset?
"Sister, sister, I don't mean anything else, I just want to know your name."

"Red bamboo fragrance."

"Wow, is there still someone with the surname 'Hong' in this world?" Ling Feng looked very surprised on the surface, but he was sneering in his heart. It turned out that he was an orphan with only a name. How could a person with such an identity be worthy of Brother Tianzhan?But he immediately realized that the red bamboo fragrance, could it be the famous red bamboo fragrance in Shengjing?
Hong Zhuxiang naturally knew what Ling Feng meant. She didn't think it was bad when Aunt Yu gave her this name. She used the code name 'Blood Wolf' all the time when she was in the Dark Pavilion, and later when she was in Heishuiya. , everyone called her Tinker Bell, these names can no longer be used, so I used the name chosen by Aunt Yu, who also told her that her name has a profound meaning.

"Ling Feng, what's the matter with you, get out if you have nothing to do." Xiao Tianzhan spoke at this moment, and he dared to find fault with Xiang'er, what audacity!
"Ah Zhan, it's okay!" Hong Zhuxiang smiled at Xiao Tianzhan, and continued, "Of course there are people with the surname Hong in this world, don't you even know this? You girls from the Ling family are really knowledgeable!"

"Sister, don't talk nonsense. How can there be a surname 'Hong' in this world? I think my sister is an orphan."

"Wu Ying, ask someone to find out the classic book that collects surnames and show it to Miss Ling." Xiao Tianzhan ordered outside the door.Wuying quickly found the classics, and when Ling Feng saw the word "red", his face flushed with shame, and he just wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

Hong Zhuxiang took another sip of the porridge fed by Xiao Tianzhan, licked her lips, and said with a smile: "Are you still saying that I am talking nonsense? Why don't you just read the ancient books when you go back by yourself! Don't pretend to understand, and come out ashamed. But you That's right, I'm an orphan, so what? I'm lucky to have found such a good husband as Ah Zhan, and other women can't match it! When we get married, I will definitely invite you to have a cup of wedding wine. Don't delay!"

Ling Feng's face sank immediately. She didn't believe that Brother Tian Zhan would like this woman, but seeing his doting eyes on this woman, he clearly had love for this woman, which made her very uncomfortable. She is from the Ling family. How could she lose to an orphan who has no father and no mother, and she is still a prostitute.

"Brother Tianzhan, doesn't the brocade handkerchief in your hand belong to Sister Luo? Could it be that Brother Tianzhan is thinking about Sister Luo, so he carries her handkerchief with him?"

Hearing what she said, Hong Zhuxiang was expressionless and indifferent, but she was thinking in her heart, who is Sister Luo that Ling Feng is talking about?What is the relationship between Ah Zhan and the sister Luo that Ling Feng was talking about?Most importantly, how could Ah Zhan use this woman's brocade handkerchief?A lot of questions flooded out in an instant, making her a little depressed, but she didn't show any emotion. This woman just wanted to sow discord. If she was angry at this moment, it hit her in the arms, and even if she wanted to get angry, she had to wait for her to leave.

Hong Zhuxiang glanced at the brocade handkerchief on the table. A small red maple leaf was embroidered on one corner of the brocade handkerchief. On the maple leaf was outlined a character 'Luo' with light green silk thread. The font was different from ordinary calligraphy, it should be a natural If you look at the embroidery work again, you will know that a lot of thought has been put into it. It seems that this woman treats Ah Zhan very unusually.

When Xiao Tianzhan looked at the Jinpa, the cold air all over his body rose sharply, and his sharp eyes approached Ling Feng who was not far away.Is this woman here just to find fault?Ling Feng felt the anger from the man, and his palms were covered with cold sweat. Brother Tian Zhan shouldn't do anything to her, right?Grandpa saved his life!

(End of this chapter)

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