The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 104 Repairing Peach Blossoms

Chapter 104 Repairing Peach Blossoms (2)
"Wuying, get out here."

Wuying quickly came in from the door, stared at the landlord with a puzzled face, and asked guiltyly: "The landlord, this subordinate is here! What are your orders?"

Xiao Tianzhan pointed to the handkerchief, and asked with a gloomy expression: "What's going on? Didn't I say that I don't use brocade handkerchiefs from women?"

After Wuying heard it, he finally knew where the guilt just now came from. He really didn't expect that a random handkerchief could cause such a big thing.

"Lord, this, this... I remember that you should change your brocade handkerchief today, and then the custom-made brocade handkerchiefs were used up again. Before I had time to notify the people below to prepare, I chose from the handkerchiefs given by those women before." Got the best one."

If this man is really a peach blossom, won't he refuse a handkerchief when someone gives him a handkerchief?Thinking of this, Hong Zhuxiang felt sulking in her heart, but she couldn't express it in front of this woman who was waiting for a good show.

Xiao Tianzhan scolded in a low voice: "Didn't you stay in the cold pool enough last time?"

"Lord, this subordinate knows his mistake, and it will never happen again next time."

"All the handkerchiefs given by the women were burned."

"Ah Zhan, what a pity to burn it? These brocade handkerchiefs must be of good quality, Wuying, take out all the brocade handkerchiefs and let me have a look." She wanted to see how many women gave him handkerchiefs?
Uh... madam, is this delicious?But she is clearly smiling, madam's smile is weird, it's over, madam must be jealous!
"Yes, ma'am."

Wuying's 'Ma'am' made Ling Feng so angry again, when this woman said that she had found Mr. Ruyi, she held her breath, but now, why is this subordinate so ignorant?Brother Tianzhan isn't married yet, so how can he bark at random?
Hong Zhuxiang directly ignored Ling Feng's anger as air, and ate delicious food seriously, served by beautiful men, and felt very good.

After a while, Wuying came out holding a big wooden box, which was full of handkerchiefs of various colors.Seeing a box full of handkerchiefs, the corner of Xiao Tianzhan's mouth twitched fiercely. Doesn't Wuying know how to take out less?Wuying quickly gestured with his eyes, indicating that there are more!

Now, not only Hong Zhuxiang was stunned, but even Ling Feng who was standing beside him couldn't believe his eyes, there were so many people sending brocade handkerchiefs to Brother Tianzhan, those women dared to think?
"Xiang'er, I don't know why there are so many brocade handkerchiefs. These things have always been taken care of by Wu Ying. I guarantee that I have never accepted any woman's handkerchief!" Seeing the woman's expressionless face, Xiao Tianzhan hurriedly explained, he really I want to take out my heart to prove my innocence.

Hong Zhuxiang didn't speak, just looked at the handkerchief in front of her, and took out a handkerchief with a love poem written on it: Throw me a papaya and return it with Qiongju.This sentence directly overturned the whole jar of vinegar, and Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help cursing in her heart: I want to give you a papaya and smash your head.

Picking up another handkerchief casually, it actually read: The wish of this life, hold the hand of the son, and grow old with him.There was a word 'Feng' embroidered on one corner of Sipa, Hong Zhuxiang's eyelids twitched, and she looked at the woman in front of her, Ling Feng? !Is it such a coincidence?

"Xiang'er, I've never used these brocade handkerchiefs before. I promise!" Xiao Tianzhan explained urgently.

"Yes ma'am, what the host said is true! Maple Leaf Valley holds a handkerchief embroidery event every year. Because Mr. Ling presides over it, everyone in Hongfeng City will participate. The main purpose of the event is to show women's talents. The participating women each embroidered a handkerchief, and then the top three judged by Ling Lao and others will be rewarded. Finally, all the women can give the handkerchief to the man they like. The host never cares about these things. I also collected the pars."

Hearing what Wuying said, Hongzhuxiang still felt sore in her heart, Ah Zhan belonged to her, and no one else should think about it!

"Wuying, why don't you burn these handkerchiefs, so that Madam won't be upset." Xiao Tianzhan knew that the woman didn't react at all on the surface, but he was unhappy in his heart. He didn't want Xiang'er to get angry because of these things.

But Hong Zhuxiang smiled at this time, and continued: "I think these handkerchiefs are very good, take them out and give them to beggars, they beg all day, their bodies are dirty, and they just need some clean handkerchiefs to wipe their noses." .”

"Yes, ma'am." Well, Madam can really figure out how to give these handkerchiefs to beggars. If those ladies know that the handkerchiefs they worked so hard to embroider are given to beggars, what will happen?

When Ling Feng heard this, he didn't know whether to be happy or worried. The happy thing was that these people didn't get the favor of Brother Tianzhan, but the worrying thing was that she had actually given a brocade handkerchief, and there should be one from her.The most exasperating thing is that Brother Tianzhan has explained it to this woman so carefully many times, as if he was afraid that she would misunderstand. Does he care about this woman so much?

"Xiang'er, do you want some porridge?" Xiao Tianzhan looked at the woman with a full smile, extremely gentle, and his eyes were full of doting eyes.

"I am full."

Ling Feng was even angrier now, they simply treated her like air, and as a result, she suddenly remembered the purpose of her coming here, and quickly maintained her ladylike appearance, and her face softened.Brother Tianzhan is liked by so many people, which proves that she has good vision. Anyway, sooner or later, she will become the landlord's wife. Grandpa loves her the most and will definitely support her.

"Brother Tianzhan, I brought you a rare book by a famous master. It is a book on the art of war. I don't need it for a little girl, so I just wanted to bring it to you." Ling Feng took it out of his sleeve. A thin, lonely copy, held in the palm of my hand.

Xiao Tianzhan was about to refuse, but Hong Zhuxiang said at this moment: "Thank you then." Ling Feng was very dissatisfied, this woman is really disgusting, she wanted to talk to brother Tianzhan, why did she interrupt? !
"Do you want to give it away? It's fine if you don't give it away, my husband doesn't care too much!"

This "husband" directly aroused Ling Feng's anger, this woman is too arrogant, hum, she can't fix her obviously, won't she come secretly?
"Since my sister likes it, I'll send it here." Ling Feng walked up to Hong Zhuxiang and offered the only copy with both hands. When she first came into contact with the book, her wrist felt numb, and she subconsciously pushed it, but she didn't expect that this push would directly send Ling Feng flying far away.How is this going?Her martial arts were actually several times stronger.

Xiao Tianzhan was surprised to see Hong Zhuxiang's martial arts improved so much, at least he can rest assured in the future.

"Xiang'er, Master is right, your martial arts are much stronger than before."

"Then can I fix you in the future?" Hong Zhuxiang smiled wickedly, her eyes were full of charm, as if she wanted to try a small knife.

(End of this chapter)

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