The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 106: Maple Forest Surprised Change

Chapter 106: Maple Forest Surprised Change (2)
"Xiang'er, I, Murong Rui, will never do anything to hurt you in this life!"

"me too!"

Leng Feng never expected that the emperor ventured into the forest just for a woman's shawl. This answer was really hard for him to accept, but as a subordinate, he had already said too much. The emperor's order had been issued, and the only thing he could do now was What I did was to protect the emperor's safety.

"Enter Fenglin!" Murong Rui looked into the depths of Fenglin, his dark eyes suddenly became deep, even if he knew it was the enemy's plan, he still wanted to go deep into the tiger's den to find out who is the real mastermind behind the scenes? !

Seeing that the emperor insisted on entering Fenglin, Leng Feng immediately made a gesture towards the master in the dark, and then, several black shadows quickly shuttled on both sides, ready to protect the master.

Murong Rui put his legs between the horse's belly, raised his whip high, and the black 'Ben Yu' BMW pierced through the sky, flying into the maple forest like a haughty whirlwind, rolling up bright red maple leaves. The dazzling red on the tree forms the most beautiful red, which is full of poetry.Occasionally, falling leaves slipped from before his eyes, just like her silk red dress, slowly brushing over the tip of his heart, bringing uncontrollable trembling.

Knowing that it is a trap, but still wanting to take the bait, knowing that there are hidden murderous intentions, but stepping in step by step, is it to find out the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, or is it for a shawl of hers?Or was it Murong Rui's rare impulsiveness in his life?
Startling at every step, for whom?Falling in love with Fenglin, where are you in Yuanzhou?

The horseshoes are Dada, the wind is rustling, the beautiful red maple forest is showing an unprecedented strangeness, and the frightened birds flying over the branches seem to be implying something!
Murong Rui already sensed the danger approaching, so he leapt forward, drew his long sword out of its sheath, and the powerful sword energy split open the peaks of the bamboo raft falling from the sky.Ben Yu let out a long hiss, and bravely crossed the tripping rope rising from the ground. Murong Rui stepped on the maple tree, turned over perfectly, and sat on the horseback again.

"Protect the emperor!" Leng Feng let out a low growl, and cut off several bamboo rafts while speaking, and followed Murong Rui closely, even if he died, he must protect the emperor.

Dozens of men in black appeared from the shadows, protecting Murong Rui in the middle, with serious expressions, stern faces, and sharp eagle eyes vigilant about the movement around them.Murong Rui got off the horse, slapped the horse's butt, and Ben Yu flew out. Leng Feng knew that the emperor had made a second-hand arrangement.


As the voice fell, hundreds of people in black rose from the ground, like black mushrooms that suddenly popped out of the soil, dark and evil, with a bright moon hanging in front of the mushrooms, silently showing their identities ——Night Killer!
Feng Wuhen just wants to let Murong Rui know that this is the killer of his dark pavilion, even if he didn't kill him last time, he won't let him go this time!He has never slipped through the net in his secret cabinet, Murong Rui has set their precedent, so naturally he will do everything in his power to kill him!

"Master of the Dark Pavilion, since you intend to take my Murong Rui's life, why don't you show yourself!" Murong Rui's voice was still calm, but it spread with internal energy. There was no panic in the voice, it was just as calm as water .Since he dared to come, there are naturally a large number of masters outside!
"The emperor of Shengtian is indeed a man. It is my honor to meet you today." While speaking, a man in black in his 40s walked out of the night killer, walking steadily and with a strong aura. With those cold-blooded eyes, one could tell that it was someone who had experienced countless bloodshed and killings.

"The master of the Feng Pavilion takes people's money and eliminates disasters for others. Is there anyone else in Shengtian who can have as much gold, silver and jewelry as Murong Rui? Why don't you do business with me?"

"I, Feng, also want to do business with the rich man, but the failure of the deal with the crown prince has affected the reputation of my dark cabinet. Now you have become a fish that slipped through the net of my dark cabinet. You must be killed. Moreover, I have already made a deal with One of my little brothers pledged his blood for an alliance, and he will definitely take your life!"

"Little brother? I wonder if I can see you?" Murong Rui wanted to see who was joining forces with the dark pavilion?Although I have already guessed seven or eight points, I still need to confirm it.

"Of course! I want you to meet this little brother before meeting Hades. You are destined to be together!" Feng Wuhen clapped his hands together, and a man in a brown robe walked out from the crowd. He looked to be in his twenties, and he was followed by one of his subordinates, who was carrying a delicate cage. Inside the cage was a flaming fox, which was the one they hunted when they came.

"So it's the prime minister's illegitimate son!" Murong Rui said with a smile.

Guo Ziyang paused, he didn't expect Murong Rui to recognize him at a glance, and he was so calm and calm, no wonder he couldn't even beat someone like his father, he was worthy of being the emperor of Shengtian.It's just this sentence of illegitimate child that makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"The emperor has good eyesight!" Guo Ziyang said through gritted teeth.

"You set many traps just to lure me into the bait. You must have done everything right?" Since he was away from home, Murong Rui called himself me instead of 'Zhen'.

Guo Ziyang smiled mockingly: "The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable. Of course, careful planning is required. The blame is to blame Sheng Tian for being too naive. How can there be a flaming fox that is rare in a thousand years appearing on this road for no reason, and it is still The fur is so pure!"

Murong Rui's complexion remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "It's a pity, what I, Murong Rui likes, is just your fox, and I, Murong Rui, don't pay attention to the rest."

The gentle voice has an arrogant tone, which makes Feng Wuhen look at him with admiration.Just as Guo Ziyang was about to speak, Feng Wuhen spoke instead.

"Since Emperor Shengtian is so confident, it's not in vain for me, Feng Wuhen, to personally supervise the battle." Feng Wuhen's face turned cold, and he retreated into the black-clothed killer, disappearing.It's really ignorant to underestimate his Dark Pavilion so much, today he let him know how powerful the Night Slayer is.

"Emperor Shengtian, there will be no future!" After Guo Ziyang finished speaking, he also disappeared into the night killer.

"Kill!" A word that came out of the air, carrying the master's cold-blooded and ruthless order, spread in the maple forest in late autumn, and the echo from the distant mountains shook everyone's hearts.

Hundreds of men in black sprinted towards the dozen or so people in the middle, the moon mark on their clothes looked particularly ferocious, the shadow of the sword cut through the broken branches of the maple tree, and the dripping blood sank into the fertile soil, covered by the flying maple leaves There was a bright dripping red, only the increasing smell of blood filled the nostrils and broke people's hearts.

Murong Rui jumped up, and with a move of "Dragon Flying the World", sword lights shot up, and the necks of the dozens of black-clothed men in the front flushed, and they fell to the ground with a muffled grunt.This is the first time Murong Rui has used this kind of martial art. He once promised his master that he would never use it unless it is absolutely necessary. Now that hundreds of night killers are encircling him strongly, it is the best time to use this move to fly all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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