The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 107: Maple Forest Surprised Change

Chapter 107: Maple Forest Surprised Change (3)
On the high mountains on both sides, Xiao Tianzhan was dressed in white, his figure was outstanding, his phoenix eyes slanted, and he had a panoramic view of the situation in the maple forest. Shocked, but still knew the situation well.Especially the Jian Guang who suddenly let out just now, with just one glance, he knew what Jian Guang was coming from, and he was slightly surprised.

Xiao Tianzhan tilted his head, looked at the tense expression of the woman beside him, couldn't help feeling sour in his heart, hugged the woman's slender waist forcefully, and kissed her hard on her pink mouth a few times.Hong Zhuxiang was still worried about the battle situation below, why did she care so much, and she was still paying attention to the bottom after being kissed, which made the man extremely dissatisfied.

"Xiang'er, you are worrying too much! Murong Rui can't die!"

"Ah Zhan, I feel very confused. The powerful sword light just now seems to be issued by Rui's sword move, but his martial arts are obviously not so powerful, and I have never seen him so powerful!"

"Maybe Murong Rui has something to hide?! Although his martial arts is strong, it will also consume physical and internal strength. Maybe we still have a chance to make a move. Besides, Feng Wuhen has appeared, so we can teach him a lesson!" Xiao Tianzhan said It means to teach Feng Wuhen a lesson, it will take some time to completely eliminate the dark pavilion.

"En." Hong Zhuxiang naturally understood what he meant, so she didn't say any more.

Xiao Tianzhan took another look at the maple forest below. Murong Rui's move is called "Dragon Flying the World". It is the unique skill of the real Longyang.Although he had never seen it, Master Miaoshou had told him about it.

"Murong Rui is actually the unique disciple of Master Longyang!" Feng Wuhen was startled. In the past 40 years, this was the second time he saw Long Feitian born. He didn't expect that it was from Murong, who was only in his twenties. Rui.

Feng Wuhen still remembers that 20 years ago, masters in the rivers and lakes went to see Longyang Zhenren for a martial arts competition, but those so-called decent families secretly murdered Longyang Zhenren's wife. The world', with one sword, killed all the top masters in the competition.

From then on, no one dared to set foot in Longyang Villa again, and Longyang Daoist also hid himself in the rivers and lakes, and asked about worldly affairs, but he never expected that 20 years later, his apprentice would turn out to be born again, and this person was Sheng Sheng. The emperor of heaven, Murong Rui!

"Master Feng Pavilion, you said that Murong Rui is the disciple of Master Longyang? Then don't we have the slightest chance of winning!" Guo Ziyang immediately retreated when he heard this. Although revenge is important, saving his life is also very important. !

"What are you afraid of? Murong Rui's swordsmanship hasn't reached that level yet, so it's time to kill him to avoid future troubles. Today, Murong Rui must die!" Feng Wuhen narrowed his eyes coldly, and once again burst out a cold light, shooting directly at Murong Rui in the center of Fenglin.

The Night Killer obviously couldn't hold on, and was killed by the sword qi before he got close, but they also found that the sword qi on Murong Rui's body was weakening, probably due to physical exhaustion.

"Pavilion Master, we were attacked by a group of men in black outside. It should be Murong Rui's hidden guards ambushing outside, and they are now aggressively breaking through the breach."

"How many people are there?" Feng Wuhen was furious. Murong Rui knew that there were tigers on the mountain and went to the mountain, and he came in after being prepared.

"Hundreds of people, and all of them are top experts!"

When Feng Wuhen heard this, his face darkened, and he immediately ordered: "Dark Ye No. 3, show up!"

"Master, what order do you have!" Twenty No. 3 Night Killers appeared together, waiting for the master's order.Compared with ordinary killers, these killers appear colder and more ruthless, and they look like specially trained people.

"You all besieged Murong Rui together, and the rest of the night killers went to compete with the men in black outside." Feng Wuhen's voice like a curse made Guo Ziyang tremble all over.

Guo Ziyang originally thought that the Night Slayer was fully prepared and could easily kill Murong Rui, but he didn't expect that this battle was much more tragic than he imagined, and now there were many Night Slayer corpses piled up in Fenglin.Moreover, Murong Rui was also adopting a palliative strategy, while recovering his physical strength, he was entangled with the Night Killer at the same time, as if he was stalling for time, and from time to time he would use another move of "Dragon Flying the World", which shocked people's hearts and minds!
"Azhan, I underestimated Rui's strength too much. I didn't expect that he still has a group of masters outside." Hong Zhuxiang looked at the man in front of him apologetically.

"Xiang'er, I said long ago that Murong Rui is not as simple as it seems on the surface!" Xiao Tianzhan heard the woman say this, and pinched her little face dotingly.

"Understood." Hong Zhuxiang said in a low voice, buried her head in the man's arms, her eyes were still fixed on the movement below, but she will pay attention in the future: If you can't care, you will be chaotic.

"Xiang'er, Guo Ziyang has a pure red flame fox in his hand. Let's catch it and make you a shawl!" Xiao Tianzhan said in a good mood.

"I heard that Lieyan Firefox is only seen once in a thousand years. I'm also very curious, but I don't know if it's real or not?" Hong Zhuxiang's eyes began to sparkle with curiosity again.

"Go down and see if you don't know."

Murong Rui watched the black-clothed man in front of him back quickly, and another twenty or so black-clothed men rushed out in an instant, his dark eyes became more and more profound.Leng Feng and the remaining three men in black closely guarded Murong Rui, guarding against possible hidden dangers.

"Your Majesty, the martial arts of these men in black are stronger than those men in black just now. Your Majesty, be careful!" Although Leng Feng's face was calm, there was a storm in his heart. These should be the No. 3 killer of the Dark Pavilion. There are 20 people, but their strength should not be underestimated. Those people just now should have stopped the armored guards from going, but, is the armored guards he personally trained so easy to stop?
Every member of the armored guard is equipped with a thousand-year-old sword made of cold iron. The sword body is also forged according to the family's top-secret method, and their Leng family is the largest family in the Jianghu. They retired from the Jianghu 50 years ago. She never cared about the world until 20 years ago, because of the relationship between Longyang Daoist and the head of the Leng family, their Leng family secretly became Murong Rui's power.

The twenty black-clothed men rushed up together, their sword moves were fierce, their strikes were fierce, and their moves were fatal. Murong Rui once again cast "Dragon Flying Under Heaven", a mouthful of blood spewed out, and the black-clothed men were also shaken far away, their shins were broken, Screaming again and again.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"I'm fine." Murong Rui supported his body and stood upright.

Feng Wuhen's face was sullen, he didn't expect that Murong Rui had already spent a lot of money, and he was able to deal with the twenty No. 3 killers in his secret cabinet with one move.With a bloodthirsty coldness on the corner of his mouth, Feng Wuhen passed through the maple forest like a sword, approaching Murong Rui.

With a sound of "whoosh", a hidden weapon flew past the tip of his nose, and he raised his head to dodge it, but it turned out to be just a maple leaf.Feng Wuhen was shocked, wondering where the expert came from, who actually had a hundred years of internal strength, but when he saw the direction of the person, he was surprised, it was just a boy in his twenties.Did Feng Wuhen really run into a ghost today?
(End of this chapter)

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