The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 108 Between Love Rivals

Chapter 108 Between Love Rivals (1)
"Looking for death!" A long sword flew out, flying towards Xiao Tianzhan quickly with a coldness and strangeness.Xiao Tianzhan did not panic, turned his wrist, and a ball of white light flew out, colliding with Feng Wuhen's sword body, the long sword instantly shattered and turned into tiny fragments, Xiao Tianzhan turned his wrist again, the broken sword turned around, stabbing straight There is no trace to the wind.

With a wave of Feng Wuhen's sleeve, the broken sword pierced into the powerful branches of the maple tree, all of which went into the wood, without any exposed place.

unbelievable!Totally unbelievable!If the broken sword passes through his body, it will pierce directly. Such a strong internal force is rare in the world.

"Your Excellency."

"Xiao Tianzhan!" The arrogant voice, the domineering tone, as if he looked down on everything, stood there, obviously he was a suave and handsome son, but he exuded a powerful aura, like a king, making people unable to resist submitting!
"It turns out to be the owner of Wuyue Tower! My dark pavilion seems to have no grievances with you, why did you make a move?"

"You hurt my woman's best friend!"

"Your woman? The owner of the Red Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion that is rumored to have a private life with you? Isn't Hong Zhuxiang the queen of Murong Rui? You, Xiao Tianzhan, would actually help your rival in love?!" Feng Wuhen didn't quite believe it. asked.

"You control too much, hand over Guo Ziyang and the flaming Firefox in his cage, and let you live!"

"Master Xiao is a little arrogant!" Feng Wuhen's face was dark, did this man really think he was so easy to deal with?There are thousands of masters hidden in his secret cabinet underground!However, with Xiao Tianzhan's means, he must have made complete preparations.Who leaked the secret?He has to go back and check it out!
Feng Wuhen was about to retreat when he heard a woman's voice behind Xiao Tianzhan.

"Azhan, are you okay?" The voice was extremely gentle.

"Of course I'm fine as a husband, I'll get you the Flame Firefox and go back to make a shawl!" Xiao Tianzhan said dotingly.

The moment Feng Wuhen saw the red bamboo fragrance, his whole body was almost stiff. Although this face has passed seven years, but the stunning face is still the same, the bright eyes are still the same, and the backbone is still the same. She looks even more moving now , more beautiful.This is the "Blood Wolf No. 1" that he trained hard for five years and then escaped.

"Good apprentice, it was hard to find you as a teacher!"

"So you still remember me, didn't you want to tear me into pieces? Come here!" Hong Zhuxiang looked at Feng Wuhen's face that was about to be torn apart at any time, and said viciously.Her martial arts are no longer better than before, and she has already learned all the sword moves in the dark pavilion, and all the moves can be deciphered, so it is easy to deal with Feng Wuhen.

Feng Wuhen didn't think so much, even if she learned the martial arts of the dark pavilion, she wouldn't be able to use it so proficiently. Now he was only worried about Xiao Tianzhan's strength, so he didn't dare to move around for the time being, and he had to bite his teeth.

"Xiao Tianzhan, here you are Guo Ziyang!" Feng Wuhen palmed the wind, dragged Guo Ziyang and his guards over, and retreated.Wuying immediately jumped out from behind his master, subdued and tied up the two of them, and put away the cage containing the flame fox.

Xiao Tianzhan noticed Hong Zhuxiang's shifting gaze, and he didn't speak. He knew that Xiang'er was a passionate person, and that Murong Rui had suffered such a serious injury, it was impossible for Xiang'er not to be worried.

"Xiang'er." Murong Rui called softly.This sound of Xiang'er is full of so many longings; this sound of Xiang'er hides so many implied emotions.Murong Rui's voice was still gentle, but mixed with unspeakable sadness.

Seeing that his body was covered in blood, Hong Zhuxiang felt a pain in her heart, but she didn't step forward immediately, but first looked at Xiao Tianzhan, Xiao Tianzhan nodded almost invisible, expressing that she would not be jealous, Hong Zhuxiang then He walked in the direction of Murong Rui, to be more precise, he ran over.

"Rui, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just suffered a little internal injury, I'll recover after a few days of recuperation!" Murong Rui comforted the woman looking at her worried expression.He remembered that every time he was injured before, Xiang'er would be very worried and would give him medicine. He was suddenly a little annoyed, why did he suffer from an internal injury?If he had known about it, he would have taken the sword on purpose. He missed the feeling of Xiang'er taking the medicine, so he would have an excuse to stay with her.

Just as Hong Zhuxiang wanted to check on Murong Rui's injuries, her brain suddenly felt a pain, her nerves seemed to explode, and something uncontrollable spread everywhere.Although she tried her best to hold back, she still couldn't resist the crazy feeling, and was about to speak, but found that she couldn't speak.

Because Murong Rui missed him so much, he couldn't help but hugged the woman into his arms, buried his head in his hair, breathed in the familiar fragrance of snow lotus, and immediately felt a lot more comfortable in his heart, but he didn't notice anything unusual about the woman.

All this happened so fast, Hong Zhuxiang only felt that someone was sneaking up on her and imprisoning her, she wanted to resist and struggle.Her mind was already in a state of chaos, and she couldn't control it. Something was slowly attacking her nerves, occupying her mind.

Xiao Tianzhan's eyes turned cold, dissatisfied that Murong Rui was holding Xiang'er, and was about to make a move, but saw Xiang'er pull out the hairpin from her head, and stabbed fiercely into Murong Rui's chest, blood gurgling out.All this, he had no time to stop.

There was a piercing pain in his chest, Murong Rui raised his head in disbelief, and looked at the hairpin that the woman had pulled out, which was still dripping with bright red blood, but the woman looked at him expressionlessly, with a calm expression.

Murong Rui smiled, raised his hand to caress her face, it was the face that appeared millions of times in the dream, and the words they said echoed in his ears.

"Xiang'er, I, Murong Rui, will never do anything to hurt you in this life!"

"me too!"

Time stands still at this moment.

Everyone held their breath.

When her hairpin was inserted into his chest fiercely, and then pulled out emotionlessly, he just raised his head in confusion, but he didn't blame him at all.

When his hands touched her face tremblingly, he was smiling, always warm, looking into his eyes, she paused for a second, and then stabbed again, at this moment, a big hand grabbed her face. Her small hand was Xiao Tianzhan's big hand.

Murong Rui held on to Hongzhuxiang, and refused to let go, he really wanted to hold her all the time, even if there were many scars, he would not hesitate to do so.Hong Zhuxiang remained expressionless from beginning to end, as if she didn't know what happened.

The oath remains the same, the appearance remains the same, but she hurt him.

The scene in front of them stunned everyone. No one seemed to expect that the woman who was concerned about the emperor's injury suddenly made an unexpected move.

What is even more unexpected is that the emperor still looks reluctant to let go of the woman's hand.This kind of body language blocked Leng Feng's words "I killed her", the eyes of the emperor were clearly full of love, how could he kill her?Moreover, the reason why the emperor took the risk is because of this woman's shawl, which is enough to see the emperor's infatuation!

(End of this chapter)

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