The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 109 Between Love Rivals

Chapter 109 Between Love Rivals (2)
"Murong Rui, let go first! Something must have happened to Xiang'er!" Xiao Tianzhan said.

Murong Rui paused, and seemed to have noticed the abnormality of the woman. He had been looking into Xiang'er's eyes just now, but he ignored other details. Xiang'er has not spoken, this is not her style.The man squeezed the small hand in the palm of his hand, and let it go reluctantly, as if all the strength in his body had been drained suddenly, he couldn't hold on.

"Your Majesty, how are you?" Leng Feng pressed Murong Rui's bleeding wound, and supported him against a maple tree trunk, his eyes were full of anxiety. If this continues, the Emperor will lose too much blood sooner or later.

"I'm fine." As soon as Murong Rui spoke, blood shot up from his throat, and he couldn't help but flow out from the corner of his mouth, which made the guards around him terrified.

Xiao Tianzhan pulled Hong Zhuxiang into his arms, kept calling her name, trying to get her to respond, but Hong Zhuxiang seemed to be unable to hear anything, and his face was pale.Xiao Tianzhan raised his hand to feel the woman's pulse, his face suddenly turned cold, and endless cold air radiated from his body.

Xiang'er was actually poisoned?Apart from the people in Wuyuelou recently, only Ling Feng had contact with Xiang'er when he delivered "Ancient Art of War". The drug that was issued, the combination of the two drugs, will produce the current effect.Xiang'er was poisoned like this!
Ling Feng actually put his idea on Xiang'er's head, since this woman doesn't know what to do, he doesn't mind sending her to see Hades in advance.As for Ling Lao, I believe he would not like to see such a granddaughter.

"How is Xiang'er?" Murong Rui asked.

When Leng Feng heard these words, he almost vomited blood in shock, the emperor was so injured, yet he was still worried about that woman in red, what kind of love should this be!He was just born, but he only knew that the emperor had made Hongzhuxiang his queen, but he didn't know that the emperor loved her so affectionately.

"Xiang'er was poisoned, causing her insanity, and she didn't know what she was doing, but it's okay, and she will recover in an hour."

When Murong Rui heard this, he laughed, and he knew that it was impossible for Xiang'er to hurt him!

Hong Zhuxiang only felt that someone restricted her freedom, wanted to break free, tried her best, but found that she couldn't break free, she pulled out her wrist, and the hairpin in her hand stabbed Xiao Tianzhan mercilessly, like crazy, and then slammed Pushing away the man, he ran to the depths of the maple forest.


Xiao Tianzhan felt a pain in his shoulder, and was about to chase after him, but saw that Murong Rui was already very weak. If he died, when Xiang'er recovered and knew the truth, he would definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"Chasing the soul, catch up with the princess, and protect her safety." Xiao Tianzhan once again dispatched the high-level hidden guards of the Regent's Palace, and he was more at ease with the chasing soul following him.

"Yes, my lord!" A voice came from the dark, and two figures chased after him. One was chasing the soul and the other was returning the soul. The two were the most perfect partners and had never failed.

After Xiao Tianzhan finished speaking, he immediately began to check Murong Rui's injuries. Fortunately, Xiang'er stabbed on the right side of the chest. Otherwise, Da Luo Jinxian would not be able to save Murong Rui's life. The wound was as deep as a finger.

Murong Rui's spiritual consciousness became weaker and weaker, internal injuries and external injuries broke his heart, and he kept calling that name that he thought about day and night.

"Wuying, go get some wine." Xiao Tianzhan also ignored the pain in his shoulder, and healed Murong Rui directly.

"Lord Xiao, I just saw Guo Ziyang's men carrying wine bags, I'll get them!" The person who spoke was Leng Feng.When Xiao Tianzhan heard this, he couldn't help but take another look at Leng Feng. This man has an extraordinary temperament, calm and composed, which is different from ordinary guards.

"it is good!"

Leng Feng walked up to the bound Guo Ziyang, took out the wine bag of Guo Ziyang's men, and asked in a cold voice, "What kind of wine is this?" He said tremblingly: "Master, don't worry, this is the best Liefengchun. I just prepared it today, so please feel free to use it."

The cold wind brought Lie Fengchun, Xiao Tianzhan took off Murong Rui's clothes, and carefully cleaned Murong Rui's wound. Although Xiang'er only pricked it once, the wound was extremely deep, and the skin was already bloody.

When Liefeng alcohol was poured into his chest, Murong Rui's face was already pale, his brows were deeply furrowed, and his expression was painful.After cleaning the wound, Xiao Tianzhan took out the unique golden medicine developed by Master Miaoshou from his arms, stopped the bleeding for him, and wrapped it in a brocade handkerchief.

Leng Feng looked at the man bandaging the emperor in front of him, and was silently moved.

In a daze, Murong Rui said to Xiao Tianzhan: "Xiao Tianzhan, you said that if I die, will Xiang'er remember me forever?"

"Murong Rui, what are you talking about, if you die, Xiang'er will have a hard time for the rest of her life, you'd better hurry up and get well!"

"That's right, I can't die yet." Murong Rui managed to finish his sentence, severe pain came from his chest, tortured his face to turn pale, and his breathing became weaker and weaker, as if he was about to die at any moment.

"Murong Rui, hold on, don't you like Xiang'er? Then heal your injury quickly, and compete with me in an open and honest manner!"

While cursing, Xiao Tianzhan exercised his kung fu to inject true energy into Murong Rui's body to protect his heart veins. Xiao Tianzhan would never have imagined that one day he would heal his rival in love. Moreover, it was him It's the first time I personally heal someone's wounds, and I feel awkward when I say it.

Murong Rui felt his head was heavy, as if he had been filled with lead, he was groggy, and he kept mumbling something, looking dissatisfied, but when everyone listened carefully, they all looked strange , looked at Xiao Tianzhan cautiously.

"Xiao Tianzhan is a bastard, Xiang'er, don't trust him!"

Xiao Tianzhan's face was gloomy, the temperature around his body dropped suddenly, and the air pressure increased sharply. Anyway, he was already on the medicine, so he didn't need to worry about Murong Rui anymore.But at this moment, he suddenly found that Murong Rui's face was flushed, showing signs of fever, and the condition was still serious.

"Damn it, you actually have a high fever! How do you take care of your master?" Xiao Tianzhan himself was surprised when he said this. He must be crazy today, and he showed great concern for his rival in love.

Although Leng Feng was Murong Rui's bodyguard, he also behaved very obediently in front of Xiao Tianzhan. Who let him save the emperor's life?Seeing Xiao Tianzhan's question, Leng Feng had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "We have been chasing the flame fox non-stop. It is estimated that the emperor sweated too much, and then he caught a cold, and he was injured, so he had a fever." Leng Feng was full of heart It's all about self-blame, it's his mistake, he didn't take good care of the emperor.

Xiao Tianzhan didn't say any more, and directly ordered: "Wuying, together with Leng Feng, send Murong Rui to the other courtyard of Wuyuelou. Remember, don't touch the wound!"

(End of this chapter)

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