The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 113: Xue Yuan Arrested

Chapter 113: Xue Yuan Arrested (2)
"Maybe you haven't rested recently."

"However, since the poison on my body was detoxified, I have dreamed about these things almost every night. Sometimes I suspect that this is not a dream, but a real thing. Ah Zhan, I remember you once said that Yun Feihong's left shoulder It has the same auspicious cloud imprint as mine, but mine is red, while his is black. Could something have happened to Nanyue Kingdom? The ice concubine in my dream is also the imperial concubine of Nanyue Kingdom."

Xiao Tianzhan naturally knew that Hong Zhuxiang was Yun Feihong's biological sister, but it was not the time to tell Xiang'er these things. The affairs of Nanyue Kingdom involved a lot and were extremely complicated. More importantly, that catastrophe directly changed Xiang'er's life. fate.

Hong Zhuxiang was doubting that maybe the body she was in had something to do with Nanyue Kingdom. After Yun Feihong went out with Ah Zhan last time, he left directly and gave her a very powerful gold medal.

But should she try to figure out these things?She didn't even know these people who appeared in the dream, so why would she need to find them?Moreover, she is from another world, if the investigation continues, will her identity be exposed, and what will everyone think of her then?

"Xiang'er, didn't you say that you don't want to pay attention to your life experience? Since you don't want to pay attention, don't think so much. With me by your side, don't be afraid of anything!" Xiao Tianzhan's words brought back Hong Zhuxiang's deep thinking in a timely manner. Hong Zhuxiang didn't say any more, perhaps, this is just a dream, and it will get better in the future.


Hong Zhuxiang rested her head in Xiao Tianzhan's arms, feeling his strong heartbeat and his unique fragrance, warming her heart, as long as this man was around, he would feel extremely at ease.

"Lord, there are two letters from Hanhai Kingdom, one is from the emperor and the other is from Prime Minister Che." As soon as Wuying entered the door, he saw the dark face of the landlord and the flushed wife, Wuying sighed , why is he so unlucky?Every time it ruins the landlord's good deeds.

Xiao Tianzhan took the envelope, but didn't say anything.

Ever since Xiao Tianzhan and Hong Zhuxiang were together, Hong Zhuxiang has not avoided everything in Wuyuelou and Hanhai Kingdom, and this time is no exception.

Xiao Tianzhan looked at the two well-sealed envelopes and laughed lowly. These two people still miss him. It has been five months since they came out this time. They only wrote now, and they have endured long enough.

Xiao Tianzhan tore open the envelope, only to see such a sentence written on the huge paper: Xuanyuan Tianzhan, hurry up and bring back your daughter-in-law to me and your mother, it is best to bring us a big fat grandson back.

When Xiao Tianzhan took a look, he naturally knew what his father meant. Everything in the Hanhai Kingdom was as usual, and there were no major national affairs.

However, when Hong Zhuxiang saw this sentence, she had a strange expression on her face. She has never been to Hanhai Country, and she is so flattered to be warmly welcomed by her future father-in-law and mother-in-law!
Xiao Tianzhan saw the woman's shy appearance, his heart moved, he grabbed her slender waist, hugged her in his arms, and said jokingly: "Xiang'er, are you shy?"

"Where is it?"

"Your face is almost turning into a red apple!" Xiao Tianzhan smiled wickedly.

Hong Zhuxiang glared at Xiao Tianzhan, rolled her eyes, and changed the subject: "There is still a secret letter here, hurry up and open it!"

The man glanced at the woman with a smile, then unhurriedly opened the envelope, opened the rice paper and looked, it was written on it: Zimei wants to see Murong Rui's true face, does the prince agree?

Xiao Tianzhan's eyelids twitched, and when he looked carefully, he found that it was still the same sentence. Hong Zhuxiang felt Xiao Tianzhan's surprise, looked over and was shocked.Zimei should be a person's name, and this person wants to see Murong Rui, what is going on?What's even more strange is that if you want to see him, you can see him. Why do you need Xiao Tianzhan's consent for this kind of thing?

"Ah Zhan, who is Zimei?" Hong Zhuxiang asked curiously.

"Che Zimei is the younger sister of Che Zili, Prime Minister of the Hanhai Kingdom, and her name is Che Zimei! Che Zili and I love brothers, and I treat Che Zimei like my own sister."

"Does she know Rui?"

"Shouldn't know!"

"Since she doesn't know each other, why would she want to see Rui?"

"Maybe it's because I look up to Murong Rui's name, so I want to see the style."

Xiao Tianzhan actually didn't know why Che Zimei wanted to meet Murong Rui, but one thing is certain, Che Zimei must have wanted to come to the Shengtian Dynasty, but was stopped by Che Zili.With Che Zimei's character, it's impossible for Che Zili to stop her. If she wants to do something, she won't turn back even if she hits the south wall.

The more Xiao Tianzhan thought about it, the more he got an idea. Che Zili must also know that he can't help his sister, so he took the lead in stabilizing Che Zimei, and then sent a secret letter to ask his opinion. Find a way for Zimei to meet Murong Rui.

Xiao Tianzhan picked up the pen, and quickly wrote the word "agree", with a brilliant brilliance in his eyes, he wanted to plant a peach blossom for Murong Rui himself.

Hong Zhuxiang looked at the smile in the corner of Xiao Tianzhan's eyes, and laughed too. The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, cooperating with each other silently, but they didn't talk about it. This kind of hazy feeling makes people feel more interesting .

"Wuying, immediately send someone to send this letter back to Hanhai Kingdom."

"Yes, the landlord!" As soon as Wu Ying finished speaking, Wu Zing's voice came from outside the door. Wu Zing was dressed in black and smelled of dust all over his body. due to.

"Lord, everything about Wuyue Tower has been settled. Tianyue has withdrawn from Shengjing to Suizhou, and the headquarters of Wuyue Tower has also been completely moved to Suizhou. When do you think we will leave?"

Wu Zing was a little puzzled, the landlord had already ordered the Wuyuelou headquarters to be moved to Suizhou, but in fact, the landlord himself stayed in Yuanzhou all the time, and had no plans to leave for Suizhou at all.

Xiao Tianzhan did not answer Wuying's question, but directly issued an order: "Notify Tianyue, mobilize five thousand Wuyuelou's top experts, and prepare for bloodbath in the dark pavilion!" The roots of Wuyuelou are basically deep, and after ten days The repairs have already restored their combat effectiveness.

When Hong Zhuxiang heard the word "bloodbath", she couldn't help looking up at Xiao Tianzhan. Although they had already discussed how to deal with the dark pavilion, Hong Zhuxiang still couldn't help being excited.It was the first time in her life that she saw the determination and self-confidence shown by this man. The sword was not out of its sheath, but it made people feel his sharpness. Xiao Tianzhan was such a peerless sword, unique.

Hong Zhuxiang suddenly felt that maybe until now, she had never really known Xiao Tianzhan!He is the only blood of the Hanhai Kingdom, yet he stayed in the Shengtian Dynasty for a long time. He is thousands of miles away, but he can strategize and control everything in his hands!How capable he must be to be so perfect!
(End of this chapter)

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