The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 114 Love Hasn’t Been Sent, But It Has Been Lost

Chapter 114 Love Hasn’t Been Sent, But It Has Been Lost (1)
Wu Zing is still in the shock just now, the Dark Pavilion is one of the best forces in the Jianghu, once the Dark Pavilion is down, the rest of the gangs naturally dare not make trouble casually, the Tianmo Sect and Yin Yang Palace have been uprooted, once the Dark Pavilion is eliminated, the hosts will be unified Jianghu's plan will be completed soon.

How exciting it is!
"Ah Zhan, the forces behind Xiangge have matured. After so many years of preparation, I will kill Feng Wuhen myself! This time, I will completely plunge the Ange into the abyss of eternal destruction!" Hong Zhuxiang's eyes flickered The icy light exuded a haughty aura from his whole body.

The firmness of the red bamboo fragrance made Xiao Tianzhan see the red snow lotus on the iceberg again, independent of the world, proud of the wind, blooming more coquettishly in the cold.

"Okay!" Xiao Tianzhan looked at the woman dotingly, and kept seeing her heart. For Xiang'er, the dark pavilion is a nightmare. Only when it is destroyed by hand can Xiang'er feel truly at ease.What he has to do is to do everything possible to help Xiang'er, but leave the final decision in her hands.

The two looked at each other, and the silence was better than the sound. With just one glance, they understood what the other was thinking. Since they were in love, they were one body and shared one heart.

"Xiang'er, why don't you call me on such a big matter? Don't you think of me as a good friend?" Hong Zhuxiang raised her head and saw Murong Rui who was walking in the door quickly. He was dressed in green and had a warm face. After days of recuperation, his body is also slowly recovering. Although he is still a little pale, he is much better than before.

Hong Zhuxiang was still a little awkward in her heart, although Murong Rui didn't mention anything about Fenglin, but this was a scar in her heart.She didn't want Murong Rui to take another risk and suffer any harm again, so she said seriously: "Shouldn't you deal with the Yuanzhou prefect?"

"I have already dispatched the imperial envoy, and the hidden guards have found out that the prefect of Yuanzhou was killed by Feng Wuhen. I am here this time, and I only need to see the performance of the imperial envoy and other officials."

Hong Zhuxiang immediately understood what Murong Rui meant, he was taking the opportunity to rectify corrupt officials, not just for a mere prefect.Even though she knew that Murong Rui had nothing important to do, Hong Zhuxiang still refused bluntly: "If I say no, I won't!"

"Xiang'er, you are domineering again." Murong Rui laughed when he saw Hong Zhuxiang's angry look. Xiang'er always talked to him strangely these days, but today he finally returned to normal.

Hong Zhuxiang didn't want to continue pretending, she was more comfortable talking as before, she was her, why should she become someone else?Hong Zhuxiang directly ignored Murong Rui's smile, and threatened: "I've always been so domineering, if you don't like it, we'll break up our relationship!"

Murong Rui saw that Hong Zhuxiang was a little threatening, and felt happier, but he pretended to be calm and said: "Xiang'er, I can't just let Feng Wuhen kill the prefect of Yuanzhou, and I can mobilize the troops in Yuanzhou and surrounding cities. What's wrong with helping you?"

In fact, Murong Rui was only worried about Hong Zhuxiang's safety and wanted to stay by her side.

"You are seriously injured and need to recuperate!" Hong Zhuxiang scolded in a low voice, but found that she was a little anxious this time, and felt a little annoyed.

Murong Rui's dark eyes suddenly lit up, fixed on Hong Zhuxiang's body, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he said in an unusually gentle voice: "Xiang'er, I know you care about me."

Murong Rui's tone was affirmative rather than questioning. He knew that she had always cared about him in her heart!
Xiao Tianzhan didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but Murong Rui gradually touched his bottom line, and at this moment, the bottom line was completely violated.The chill broke out in the amber eagle eyes, and the air pressure in the room plummeted. Xiao Tianzhan put his arm around Hong Zhuxiang's shoulder, looked directly at Murong Rui and said, "Xiang'er is afraid that no one will collect your body when you die!"

Murong Rui turned his gaze to Xiao Tianzhan, and said desperately: "If anything happens to me, you will save me!" Murong Rui's meaning was obvious, but it was also full of provocation.If something happened to him, Xiang'er would definitely ask Xiao Tianzhan to save him!

Hearing this sentence, Hong Zhuxiang burst out laughing. I am afraid that the thing that Ah Zhan regrets most in his life is saving Murong Rui, his rival in love, but he has to save it.

Xiao Tianzhan's face darkened, he swung his palm towards Murong Rui, the palm was sharp and extremely fast, Murong Rui waved his hand to block it, but the corners of his mouth were still stained with blood.Originally, Murong Rui could completely dodge the palm, but he didn't want to do that. He wanted to see Xiang'er's concern. If he was injured, he would have an excuse to approach Xiang'er, just like Xiao Tianzhan used various excuses to approach. Xiang'er is the same.

Hong Zhuxiang glared at Xiao Tianzhan, but didn't go towards Murong Rui, but called the cold wind outside the door to come in. When the cold wind saw the blood on the corner of the emperor's mouth, his face sank, and he was about to ask what happened, but was waved by Murong Rui back down.

Leng Feng didn't dare to disobey the order, so he had to retreat outside the house, but his eyes were watching the situation inside the house vigilantly. If the emperor had anything to do, he would take action immediately.

Murong Rui didn't feel uncomfortable seeing that Hong Zhuxiang didn't move, because Xiang'er glared at Xiao Tianzhan so clearly, which showed that Xiang'er still cared about him, but was only concerned about Xiao Tianzhan's feelings.

"Xiang'er, the dark pavilion was carefully arranged and assassinated me twice. No matter what, I will take revenge. Even if I don't go with you, I am determined to eradicate the dark pavilion!"

Hong Zhuxiang pondered for a while, and then agreed, isn't she just for revenge?The dark pavilion assassinated Rui twice, and he was going to kill Feng Wuhen, that's what he should be, and she didn't have any reason to stop it.

Hong Zhuxiang had no objection, so Xiao Tianzhan naturally wouldn't say anything. He had always supported Xiang'er's decision unconditionally.

Just when the three of them agreed on a plan to deal with the Dark Pavilion, Nalan Ruofei stumbled in and said in panic, "Xiang'er, it's not good, Xue Yuan was taken away by Feng Wuhen!"

In late October, the sky suddenly became extremely gloomy, the cold wind whizzed, the fierce cold was shining, and the dark clouds that appeared and disappeared from time to time covered the earth with a strange layer of autumn clothes. On the official road leading to Yuanzhou, a group of people were in a hurry on the run.

The leader is a woman, wrapped in a water-blue soft smoky veil, with a stunning and enchanting figure, bright and clear eyes, delicate red lips, and a stunning face that is as flawless as finely carved. Hurrying, like something urgent.

The horse galloped, kicking up dust all over the ground, as fast as lightning, passing through the originally silent official road, Murong Qing'er was walking leisurely on the road, but was suddenly knocked down by a horse and fell to the side of the road, with hands A piece of skin was worn out, red and swollen.

Like a ghost, Dugu Piaojian quickly overtook the rider, with a dangerous aura exuding from his stern face.The horse of the woman in blue hissed, raised its front hooves, and stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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