The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 115 Love Hasn’t Been Sent, But It Has Been Lost

Chapter 115 Love Hasn’t Been Sent, But It Has Been Lost (2)
"Who are you, why are you blocking the way?"

"Because you don't have eyes!" Dugu Piaojian exuded a cold and arrogant aura all over his body, and it was written on his face that strangers should not approach him.

"Looking for death!" The man in black next to the woman in blue saw someone blocking the way, and immediately swung his sword to attack. Just after a fight, Dugu Piaojian was blown away by Dugu Piaojian. Didn't pull out either.

The man in black was furious. He didn't expect a yellow-haired boy to be so powerful, which made him lose face. He wanted to attack again, but was stopped by a cold voice.

"Stop! Back off!" Xueqing said coldly.She had already seen the woman in Tsing Yi behind, who seemed to be injured, this man was blocking the way, presumably they were too anxious to hurry and bumped into the two of them accidentally.

"This young master, in Xueqing, just because his elder brother was in trouble and rushed to rescue him, so he accidentally offended the two of you. Xueqing apologizes to you here. I will come to apologize later when I finish saving people."

When Murong Qing'er saw their anxious expressions, she knew that they must have something important to do, otherwise they wouldn't be rampaging on the official road.

"There's no need to apologize. I have nothing to do. It's important for you to hurry. Go, just don't be so reckless." Murong Qing'er said gently.

Dugu Piaojian glanced at Xueqing, his eyes were full of coldness, but he still stepped out of the way.

"The girl is really understanding, thank you girl, and Xueqing said goodbye." Xueqing thanked, and immediately left with a whip, followed by more than 30 men in black, who also quickly chased after them. on the road.

Dugu Piaojian didn't say a word, took Murong Qing'er's hand and began to wipe the wound, and then gently applied the medicine. He felt a little guilty in his heart, just now he didn't expect that these people would run amok on the official road, so he didn't It's too late to hold Qing'er.

"Princess, are you okay? Do you need a carriage?" A black-clothed dark guard quickly got out from the side of the road and asked tentatively.

"No, without my order, you are not allowed to show up casually, just go forward." Murong Qing'er was very persistent, she didn't like having a large group of people following her, even the King of Southwest had no choice but to send someone to follow secretly.Murong Qing'er glanced at Dugu Piaojian, and said: "Piaojian, I don't want to go back to the Southwest Palace, I want to go to Maple Leaf Valley."

Dugu Piaojian used his eyes instead of asking questions, that expression said, what do you want to do?Well, Murong Qing'er's mind-reading skills are very useful for Dugu Piaojian. She knew what he wanted to say with a glance, and she took the initiative to explain.

"I heard that there are many interesting things to do in Maple Leaf Valley, and it is now autumn, and the ground is full of red maple leaves. It is very beautiful to think about it. Anyway, Maple Leaf Valley is in Red Maple City, not far from here. You can bring I'll go."

"The prince said, let us return to the Southwest Palace as soon as possible." Dugu Piaojian remained unmoved, sticking to his duty.

"Are you going?" Murong Qing'er stared angrily at the unmoved man in front of him, why was he so dumb?Dugu Piaojian stood with his sword in his arms, without moving, his eyes didn't fluctuate in any way.

"If you don't go, I will go by myself. If you dare to take me back by force, I will ignore you again."

"Okay!" Dugu Piaojian explained some things to the dark guard, and then took Murong Qing'er to Hongfeng City.

From childhood to adulthood, as long as Murong Qing'er said not to talk to him anymore, he would agree to anything.Because Murong Qing'er would really ignore him for a few days and nights, that feeling was like a heart eaten away by thousands of insects, and he never wanted to touch him for the rest of his life.

Wuyuelou Bieyuan.

When Hong Zhuxiang walked into the main hall, everyone's eyes were focused on her, and four words appeared in their minds in an incomparable tacit understanding: heroic and valiant.

The whole outfit is still bright red, but it is no longer a soft light shirt made of silkworm silk, but a tight red dress. The dazzling red outlines the woman's enchanting figure, and her face shines with dazzling light, dimming the beauty of the sun. The moon lights up people's hearts.

In Xiao Tianzhan's eyes, Xiang'er possessed eccentric naughtiness, aloofness and aloofness, and unparalleled evil charm, but he didn't expect that she would transform into a resolute and peerless chivalrous woman.

Murong Rui's eyes were full of hidden sparkles. He knew that Xiang'er was a mysterious woman, and that one day, she would bloom with a splendid and peerless brilliance, standing proudly in the world like stars holding the moon.

Nalan Ruofei curled his lips into a smile, seeing the woman's alluring face and compelling temperament, he got a little closer like a buddy, but before he touched her clothes, he felt the cold wind whistling on his back, and he couldn't take any further steps. not moving.

Nalan Ruofei glared at Xiao Tianzhan, and said harshly, "Vinegar Tanzi, why are you tapping my acupoints?"

Everyone in the room resisted the urge to burst out laughing, Xiao Tianzhan didn't care about Nalan Ruofei's jealousy at all, he put his arms around Hong Zhuxiang's waist, declaring his sovereignty.Murong Rui's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "I'll set off first to mobilize the troops, and when you enter the dark pavilion, I will order to block all exits from the dark pavilion!"

After Murong Rui finished speaking, he strode out directly without waiting for everyone to answer, and the cold wind quickly followed behind his master.

"Wu Zing, is Tianyue ready?" Xiao Tianzhan's eyes were light, his whole body exuded determination, even if he was dressed in white, it was difficult to conceal his domineering aura.

"Master, everything is ready."

Hong Zhuxiang withdrew her gaze from the man and said, "Ah Zhan, Mingyue is already waiting outside the city, let's go now."

Xiao Tianzhan gave a "hmm", and the two walked out of the city together. The topographic map sent by Xue Yuan has been verified and is completely true. The old nest of the dark pavilion is on the outskirts of Xueyang City, not far from Hongfeng City.

What surprised Hong Zhuxiang the most was that there was Xiao Tianzhan's eyeliner in the dark pavilion. You must know that it would take at least ten years to put an eyeliner in the dark pavilion, because the killers in the dark pavilion were all cultivated from childhood.Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help admiring that this man had extremely lofty ambitions and a foresight beyond the reach of others.

In the death cell of the Dark Pavilion, there is a gloomy atmosphere of death, all kinds of cruel instruments of torture are hung on the dark walls, and there are earth-shattering screams from the death cell, which are shocking.It is said that none of the people who were imprisoned here were able to get out.

Xue Yuan opened his eyes with difficulty, his hands and feet were firmly bound by iron chains, his blue clothes had been stained with blood so that he couldn't see a trace of his original color, his whole body was covered with blood-red scars, one place on his chest, A large scorched scar, exactly the size of the soldering iron in the fire in front of him.

"I'll ask you again, are you worthy of cooperation?" Feng Wuhen's eyes were full of anger. All the instruments of torture had been used, and this man just didn't give in. This was the first time in his life that he saw such a capable Quite a person.

(End of this chapter)

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