The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 122 Xiao Tianzhan VS Dugu Piaojian

Chapter 122 Xiao Tianzhan VS Dugu Piaojian (3)
"Girl, just now the young master claimed to be your husband, so he should be your husband!"

"It's okay, we're not married yet, besides, you didn't say that husband and wife can't participate in the competition at the same time!"

"..." The host was speechless. He looked somewhere off the stage and received a stare of approval. The host readily agreed.

"Interesting! Interesting!" Ling Yu waved his folding fan with a half-smile, his eyes chasing the red that was moving in the wind on the stage.It seems that the task his father entrusted to him is not as boring as he imagined.

Ling Yu is the grandson of Ling Lao, the second young master of the Ling family, and his father is the head of the Ling family.With this status, Ling Yu is naturally extremely noble and loved by everyone.

Hong Zhuxiang boldly walked to the center of the ring, pretending to be serious about fighting, the corner of Xiao Tianzhan's mouth twitched, and suddenly found that Xiang'er was not just a playful person, but a very playful person!
Seeing Hongzhuxiang walking slowly, Xiao Tianzhan suddenly remembered the tender scene last night, and his heart softened slowly, as if she was the only one in his eyes.

Xiao Tianzhan really loves and hates her like this, he really wants to spank her little ass!
Wuying recovered from the stunned state, no matter how powerful the wife is, she can't beat the landlord, but according to the landlord's love for his wife, there is only one possibility, the landlord will let the wife.

I'm afraid the landlord's face will be lost today!
Madam is really brave, this is a blatant deception!
Xiao Tianzhan's face remained unchanged, but his heart was tangled.Thinking about Xiao Tianzhan's whole life, when did he do such a thing?Ever since I met Xiang'er, not only had I wanted to save my rival in love, but I had also lost to my woman in public, what a shame!But he had to admit that he was willing to do this, seeing her happy, everything he did was worth it.

"Xiang'er, you have to be merciful to Wei's subordinates!" Xiao Tianzhan smiled, and there is still a lot to do!This captivating smile caused a commotion among the crowd.

"That's it, that's it!" Hong Zhuxiang nodded brazenly, pretending to be decent!
The two quickly exchanged hands, like a performance, without using internal strength, just simple gestures.Although Hong Zhuxiang has recovered her martial arts, she doesn't want to fight with Ah Zhan.

In the end, everyone was shocked. The god-like young master in their eyes was knocked off the ring. To be exact, he flew down the ring gracefully.This is too blatant!

Ling Yu glanced at Xiao Tianzhan with a deep expression. This man has never been close to women, but now he is willing to be defeated by a woman. How much he spoils her!Xiao Tianzhan would come to Maple Leaf Valley to visit his grandfather every year, so he naturally knew him.

The host's face was extremely ugly, the stick of incense was almost burned out, but the No.1 contestant was a woman, which was unprecedented.

"It's not fair, it's not fair!" The people below began to shout.

Hong Zhuxiang glanced at the crowd, her sharp eyes were like arrows, and she said coldly: "Anyone who thinks it's unfair can come up and fight, don't chatter down there!"

"The time is almost up, what are you still fighting for?!"

"You made it clear that you are lying!"

"Hmph, I said it, come up if you don't accept it, and speak with your strength!" Hong Zhuxiang changed her mischievousness just now, and said calmly, "Well, you send the person you think is the most powerful to come up to compete with me. If you can If you win me, I will admit defeat!"

It was so arrogant, everyone was dissatisfied, and started to move around, the host broke out in cold sweat, this scene is really unprecedented!
"Everyone, although the time is up, this girl is willing to compete for another round. You can choose someone with high martial arts skills to come up!"

Red Bamboo Fragrance gave Xiao Tianzhan a reassuring look, and blinked mischievously. Her internal strength has been rising these days, and when she re-practiced Master Xiaoyao's martial arts, she burst out ten times more powerful than before. It seems that the real Miaoshou said It's all true!
"Girl, let's go to Ling Yu, let's meet for a while, girl, everyone must have no objections?!" Ling Yu is the grandson of Ling Lao and a well-known figure in Hongfeng City. Everyone is convinced that he will compete in martial arts. .

"Second Master Ling's strength, we naturally believe in it!"

"Let's start!" Hong Zhuxiang smiled faintly, with a kind of indifference and alienation in his expression.Ling Yu's expression darkened, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly. She was naughty and winked at that man just now, but she didn't appreciate it when she came up to help her out of trouble.

Everyone in the audience looked like they were watching the show. Your husband will let you go, but the second young master of the Ling family will not let you go.

The red bamboo fragrance took the initiative to attack, the cold sword rolled freely in the hand, the red silkworm gauze was flying in the wind, and the whole person exuded a noble and aloof atmosphere, reminiscent of the red snow lotus on the snow mountain, standing in the world.

When Ling Yu saw this domineering aura, he knew that he was meddling in his own business. Such a woman didn't need to make a rescue by herself. No wonder the men in the audience were indifferent. It turns out that they are all people with real skills.

While thinking about it, the woman's sword was approaching, and he had no choice but to take the move.

Hongzhuxiang raised her red lips, and when she was approaching the man, she made an impressive move of "Xiaoyao Tianxia". Ling Yu only felt that the momentum in front of him was strong, and his footsteps were unstable, so he fell headlong into the ring.

There was a gasp from the audience, the second young master of the Ling family was defeated by one move, how could this be possible? !
This woman's swordsmanship seems to be unrestrained and unrestrained, wanton and free, but she didn't expect that, when used together with her deep inner strength, she would have such a great momentum. Now, everyone was convinced.

Murong Qing'er was also shocked, she didn't expect Hong Zhuxiang to have such abilities!
Ling Yu fell off the ring, took a step back, and smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth: "Girl, I lost!" He was too careless just now and only used six levels of skill, but even if he tried his best, he was still no match for her!

"Second young master, are you okay?"


The host was terrified just now. He was the closest and knew the battle situation best. He couldn't help secretly admiring Hongzhuxiang, a woman with such abilities.

"Everyone, the results of today's martial arts competition have come out! Congratulations to this girl and this son, they are husband and wife, respectively won No.1 and No.2 this time. No.3 is this son in black. Ten of them will all get an invitation letter for Boss Ling's birthday."

Hong Zhuxiang happily held her spoils, which were a pair of light green maple leaf jade pendants, pure in color and exquisite in shape, and more importantly, they were the fruit of their labor.Hong Zhuxiang took out a jade pendant and put it on Xiao Tianzhan's waist, then put one on herself, then nodded with satisfaction, feeling very happy.

She tried this sword again, and felt that it was not as smooth as her cold sword, so she casually threw it to Wuying.

(End of this chapter)

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