The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 123: Everyone in the Game

Chapter 123 The Game Together (1)
Wuying took the sword flattered, showed it off in front of Wujing and Xiao Tianyue, and said cheerfully: "Look, madam is the best for me, alas, I finally got through Wuying!"

"Dog leg expression!" Wu Zing said contemptuously.However, Wu Zing really found out that Madam is very kind to the people around her, the closer the better, for a girl like Mingyue, Madam never treats her as a girl, instead she often fights together.

Wuying pouted, and said dissatisfiedly: "You are jealous!"

Xiao Tianyue smiled faintly, and walked to the owner of her house, not to participate in their quarrel.

"Lord Xiao, Xia Lingyu, do you remember?"

"I don't remember!" Xiao Tianzhan simply threw out three words, the corner of Ling Yu's mouth twitched, a little embarrassed.Xiao Tianzhan really doesn't remember, he only goes to Maple Leaf Valley every year to visit Mr. Ling, there are many descendants of the Ling family, how can he remember so many!
"Ahem... It's okay, grandpa's birthday is approaching, and I invite you to visit Maple Leaf Valley!" Ling Yu said with a smile again.

"Didn't Ling Feng come to invite the host?" Wu Ying asked suspiciously upon hearing this.

"Oh?! So that's how it is!" Ling Yu smiled mischievously. It seemed that that girl Ling Feng was relying on her grandfather's favor to run amok again, and her grandfather had clearly entrusted everything to him.

"Mr. Ling, let's go back first. I still want to take my wife around. I will definitely arrive on time when Boss Ling's birthday comes!" After Xiao Tianzhan finished speaking, he took Hong Zhuxiang's hand and walked away, regardless of Ling Yu's expression. .

The Red Maple City was really bustling, and the few people were very excited after wandering around for a day. At night, they rested at Fengyun Inn, the largest inn in the Red Maple City.

Maybe it was because she was too excited today, Hong Zhuxiang didn't feel sleepy at all, she drank tea boredly, her bright eyes were like black pearls, dark and cunning.

Xiao Tianzhan looked at the woman in front of him with a deep smile, not knowing what was going on in her little head.Pulling a certain little woman into his arms, Xiao Tianzhan asked dotingly: "Xiang'er, what are you thinking? You're so preoccupied!"

Hong Zhuxiang opened the corners of her mouth, and said slyly, "Ah Zhan, let's play a game!"

"What does Xiang'er want to play?" Xiao Tianzhan knew that she hadn't played enough, seeing how excited she was, she was rolling more than golden wheat waves.

Hong Zhuxiang suddenly remembered a game called "Ming Qi Dark Qi" that was often played in modern times.However, I don't know if the ancients could recite the multiplication tables. It was said in the book that the ancients could recite the multiplication tables, but the dynasty she traveled through did not exist in history, so she had to ask first.

According to the book, multiplication formulas already existed in ancient China.

The multiplication table at that time was called Jiujiu Table, also known as Jiujiuge and Jiuyinge, which were the basic calculation rules for multiplication, division, and square extraction in ancient Chinese calculations. "Guanzi Lightness and Heavyness" says: "Filter play is made to make six to welcome yin and yang, and to make a number of ninety-nine to conform to the way of heaven."

"Han Shi Wai Zhuan" says: "Qi Huangong set up a court banquet, and he did not wait for people to come, and some people saw it." The multiplication formula in ancient times is from top to bottom, starting from "Nine Nine 81" to " One as one", its order is opposite to the current multiplication table.

Since there are records in ancient books, Ah Zhan should also understand, right? !
Hong Zhuxiang raised her head, staring at the man's handsome face with her bright black eyes, and asked, "Ah Zhan, can you recite nine songs?"

"En." Xiao Tianzhan nodded, and gave Hong Zhuxiang an idiot look. Well, the ancients really knew how to recite the multiplication table. She has been taught, and she can't look down on the ancients casually in the future!

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, not only the decimal system was invented, but also the nine-nine table was invented. Later, it spread to Koryo and Japan in the east, and then spread to India and Persia in the west through the Silk Road, and then became popular all over the world.The decimal system and the nine-nine table are an important contribution of ancient China to world culture.

"This game is fun for everyone to play together. My name is Mingyue and they all come in to play." After Hong Zhuxiang finished speaking, she went to call other people.

Xiao Tianzhan's face turned dark, he still wanted to continue to be tender with her, this little woman really didn't give face at all, she just liked to be lively.Xiao Tianzhan was speechless, he had prepared a bellyful of love words and had to hold them in his heart.

Qin Mingyue, Wuying, Wujing, and Xiao Tianyue were quickly called into the room by Hongzhuxiang. Everyone was very curious when they heard that they were going to play a game. They looked at their wife without blinking. It's cooperation, but why is the host's complexion so weird? !
Before she had time to think, Hong Zhuxiang began to announce the rules of the game.

"The rules of the game are like this. We count the numbers next to each other. Whenever we say a number with seven, for example, seven, seventeen, 27, this person will clap his palm or the table. When multiplying, you should also slap the table. If anyone does not respond correctly, he will be punished accordingly. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded half understanding and half puzzled, Hong Zhuxiang was afraid that everyone would not understand, so she demonstrated again until everyone understood.

"Ma'am, what punishment is there?"

"You can choose to tell the truth or take a big risk. If you choose to tell the truth, you have to answer our questions honestly. If you choose to take a big risk, you have to do something that requires courage."

"Madam, can I ask any questions?" Wuying felt a little guilty, Madam has always been clever and clever, so he couldn't guarantee that Madam would not ask him about his privacy.

"Of course, and those who answer are not allowed to lie!"

"Then I'd better choose the big adventure." Wuying said without hesitation.Xiao Tianyue and Wujing also secretly chose the big adventure, what are they afraid to do? !

Only with Xiao Tianzhan's inscrutable look, Xiang'er will not let them go so easily!

"Also, the specific punishment is up to me, how about it?" Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyebrows, the meaning in it was obvious.

Everyone looked at Xiao Tianzhan in unison, only to see that the owner of his house didn't say a word, and Wuying pursed his mouth. The owner had already sold them to his wife. Mingyue was 1 happy in her heart. I won't embarrass her, you big men just wait to be punished!
At the beginning of the first round, Hong Zhuxiang spoke first.




"28" Wuying talked quickly and said it out, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that he was wrong. 28 is four times the number of seven, and should be shot at the table, but everyone had the same goal, and they insisted on punishing him. Admit bad luck.However, why are the madam's eyes and smile so strange? !
"Wuying, you can choose for yourself, the truth or the big risk?" Hong Zhuxiang smiled.

"big Adventure!"

"Okay, then go downstairs to the main hall and yell three times, saying that Wuying is a big bastard!" Hong Zhuxiang said calmly without changing her expression.

(End of this chapter)

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