The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 125: Boss Ling's Birthday

Chapter 125: Boss Ling's Birthday (2)
However, scumbags are always everywhere, even on this unusually quiet alley, it is inevitable to be disappointed.At this moment, a rude and rough voice sounded inappropriately: "What is this? I really don't know much. When you reach the depths of Maple Leaf Valley, you still have to blind your eyes!"

Hong Zhuxiang looked at the source of the voice, and saw a man with a strong western atmosphere looking at her mockingly.Hong Zhuxiang looked at this man carefully. Although he was wearing the clothes of the Central Plains, he was not from the Central Plains at first glance, but should be from the Western countries. Behind him were dozens of followers, who looked like a big brother. group.

Hong Zhuxiang suddenly remembered the prince of the Western Regions whom she had met last year. The two seemed alike in appearance, but she was sure that they were definitely not the same person.

With a cold look, Hong Zhuxiang said slowly, "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be a big frog! I don't know what it's calling!"

"Smelly woman, what are you talking about? You... What are you pulling me for?" The man glared dissatisfied at the woman who was pulling his clothes next to him, only to see the woman pointing at Xiao Tianzhan without showing any trace, and whispering in the man's ear again A few words.

"Huh!" The man snorted softly and was about to leave.

"Xiyuelei, you insulted my concubine, and you want to leave like this?" With cold eyes squinting down, a domineering air was naturally formed, the cold air burst out from Xiao Tianzhan's body, and a gust of cold wind rushed towards Xiyuelei.

The second prince of Xiyue Kingdom, named Xiyue Lei, is the half-brother of the prince of the Western Regions.Xiyue State is the largest country among the western countries, most of the small countries and tribes, only Xiyue State is the leader.Xiyue Lei has always been arrogant and domineering because his father is the emperor of Xiyue, and he doesn't take ordinary people seriously.

Wu Ying and Wu Zing couldn't understand Xiyue Lei's actions for a long time, Qi Qi blocked his way, and dozens of people on the other side immediately drew their swords, looking like they were going to fight to the death.

Xiao Tianzhan stepped on the maple leaves, and his boots beat the ground rhythmically. In an instant, the atmosphere of the whole maple forest was changing, and the undercurrent was surging. Very clear.

The woman next to Xi Yuelei's face changed, and she immediately whispered: "Second prince, there are many hidden guards in Xuanyuan Tianzhan, we are not their opponents, we should bear with it for now."

Xiyue Lei also heard the noise just now. Xuanyuan Tianzhan had been to Xiyue Kingdom, and Xiyueyuan, the emperor of Xiyue Kingdom, personally received him at that time. In his eyes, there was a lot of commotion, and it was finally resolved by Xi Yuewei.

"What do you want?"

"Apologize to my concubine!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face sank again and again. If Xiyue Lei didn't apologize again, he didn't intend to give Xiyue Emperor any face. If he dared to disrespect Xiang'er, even if he killed him, it wouldn't be an exaggeration. .

"I'm sorry!" Xiyue Lei said with a dark face, "Is this the head office?"

"Ah Zhan, what did he say? I didn't hear clearly!" Hong Zhuxiang blinked her big black eyes innocently, and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan with a confused expression.

Xi Yuelei looked like a dog eating shit, this woman clearly wanted to embarrass him, very good, very good, if one day she falls into his hands, he must make up for all the humiliation he suffered today.

"The princess said it, didn't you hear clearly what the second prince was saying?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's meaning was obvious, and he asked Xi Yuelei to say it again.

"Princess Zhan, I'm sorry." Xiyue Lei pinched blood from his palm, and he was filled with resentment. Due to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's strength, he had to hold back his overwhelming anger.

"Well, then I will not remember the faults of villains, and I will not care about you." Hong Zhuxiang smiled happily, thinking in her heart, it is good to have such a husband who protects weaknesses!

If things go on like this, let alone the Shengtian Dynasty, even the entire continent, she can walk sideways.

Xiyue Lei stared bitterly at the woman in red who was going away, his eyes were full of fierceness, and the people around him shrank their heads in fright, but at this moment, Hong Zhuxiang turned his head and stuck out his tongue at him, thumbing up. Down, compared a big gesture.

This thumbs down movement made Xi Yuelei's lungs really swell with anger!
The grand occasion of Maple Leaf Valley was beyond Hong Zhuxiang's imagination. Before the birthday of Boss Ling, many people had already come, and everyone was walking around, admiring the beautiful scenery of Maple Leaf Valley.

"Ah Zhan, why are there so many people in Maple Leaf Valley?" Hong Zhuxiang asked suspiciously.Even if Boss Ling lived a long life, there wouldn't be so many people, right? !

"Mr. Ling is knowledgeable and well-known all over the world. Many of them are his students. I have also been guided by him. Today is Mr. Ling's [-]th birthday, so there are naturally many people here. Moreover, Maple Leaf Valley will hold activities , all people can participate, so it is not surprising that there are so many people." Xuanyuan Tianzhan explained patiently.

Hong Zhuxiang nodded, continued to look around, chatted and laughed with Mingyue, both of them were in a very good mood.

"Landlord, what capacity are you going to enter this time?" Wu Ying asked.He already faintly felt that the landlord would announce his identity.

"The Regent of the Hanhai Kingdom!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Hong Zhuxiang dotingly, and wanted to tie her tightly to her side. This time, there will be many young people coming for Ling Boss's birthday. She doesn't want Xiang'er to be taken by others men covet.

Moreover, both Murong Rui and Yun Feihong will come, so he naturally has to go in with Xiang'er in a good manner. Murong Rui has already announced to the world that Xiang'er is his queen, if he goes in as the owner of Wuyue Tower , the portion is not enough.

When the steward of the Ling family announced the arrival of the Regent of the Hanhai Kingdom, everyone's eyes gathered at the door, and the information of the Regent of the Hanhai Kingdom involuntarily appeared in their minds.

The regent king of Hanhai Kingdom, the only son of the emperor of Hanhai Kingdom, because of the emperor's extreme love and following the centuries-old ancestral system, was conferred the most honorable prince of Hanhai Kingdom at birth, named Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and named him King Zhan!
At the age of 16, Xuanyuan Tianzhan led the army to the neighboring countries of Hanhai Kingdom, and returned with a great victory. He was regarded as the God of War by the people of Hanhai Kingdom.

Patriarch Ling was startled. He didn't expect Xiao Tianzhan to be Xuanyuan Tianzhan. He has been kept in the dark for so many years. Could it be that he is really old?Perhaps, this man is too powerful!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was dressed in a white robe, with an elegant and noble demeanor spreading out. He walked from the door step by step with long and slender steps. The corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, revealing a smile that was brighter than the sun.

"Prince Zhan came from afar, and Ling is welcome." Knowing Xuanyuan Tianzhan's identity, Patriarch Ling was much more polite.

"Patriarch Ling, please stay safe!"

"Prince Zhan, please!" Patriarch Ling was thinking of other ideas, and he naturally regarded Hong Zhuxiang as Xuanyuan Tianzhan's girl, and didn't pay much attention, which made Xiao Tianzhan slightly dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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