The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 126: Boss Ling's Birthday

Chapter 126: Boss Ling's Birthday (3)
The eyes of many women in the Ling family secretly looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, one by one, as if their souls had been hooked, their eyes were straight, bold and exposed.Wuying and Wujing have long been used to these eyes, with a look of indifference.

Hong Zhuxiang felt depressed for a while, feeling as if her things were being peeped at, and felt very uncomfortable. For the first time, she really felt that Ah Zhan's charm was too great, and he really was full of peach blossoms.

"Xiang'er, what's wrong with you?" Sensing the woman's strangeness, Xuanyuan Tianzhan stopped and asked with concern.

"Nothing?" Hong Zhuxiang said calmly.

When Patriarch Ling heard the conversation between the two, he turned his head in disbelief. Only then did he realize that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was holding the woman's hand, and when he looked at the woman's face, the thrilling beauty was shocking.

She is dressed in red, flamboyant, with picturesque crescent eyebrows, hooked like a crescent moon, and the shawl on her body is fiery red and shiny. If you look closely, it is actually made of the pure fur of the flame fox.

What's more, the woman in red looks like her, could it be her daughter?That year, he only saw her once, but he could never forget that she was not his own after all.

Thinking of the past, Patriarch Ling panicked for a moment, and then asked, "Who is this girl?"

"This king's concubine!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan naturally noticed Patriarch Ling's strange expression, and his face was slightly displeased.

Patriarch Ling sighed, this woman is so stunning, it seems that it is very difficult for his daughters to have any hope.

Hong Zhuxiang nodded slightly towards Patriarch Ling, changed her casual and lazy expression just now, she was like a queen, her black eyes scanned the audience, her dark eyes were as sharp as night, exuding magic power, which attracted the attention of the audience, everyone There are speculations, who is this woman?Even those nympho gazes who stayed on Xuanyuan Tianzhan turned to Hong Zhuxiang involuntarily.

At this moment, time stops.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart jumped up uncontrollably, Xiang'er's temperament was indescribably amazing, coupled with her already stunning face, he was a little out of control!
sky!Does Xiang'er know how attractive she is like this, with a cold demeanor full of courage to look down on everything, and her eyebrows and eyes that seem to be smiling but not smiling are unparalleled.This innate aloofness and arrogance are by no means comparable to any woman!
Murong Rui felt a familiar aura when he was still outside the door, and when he looked up, he happened to see Hong Zhuxiang's bright black eyes, his hands were trembling almost invisible, and his heart was beating non-stop.

Today, Xiang'er is really beautiful!The shawl of Lie Yan Firefox showed a unique temperament on her body, and she was the only one who could wear a red dress with the smell of alpine red snow lotus, pure and clean, standing upright in the wind.

However, based on his understanding of Xiang'er, Xiang'er's glamorous temperament comes from a slight dissatisfaction in her heart. Who is Xiang'er dissatisfied with?
"Emperor Sheng is here!" The steward's voice came without warning, and the hall was suddenly silent.

The corner of Master Ling's mouth twitched, he even doubted his ears, what's going on?The emperor has never been to Maple Leaf Valley!
Murong Rui was dressed in a blue brocade robe, with a gentle complexion, giving people a feeling of spring breeze. Compared with Xuanyuan Tianzhan's noble and untouchable, his gentleness instantly captured the hearts of many women.

This is the emperor of their Shengtian!
Leng Feng quickly noticed these blatant gazes, his face turned cold, and he frightened all the eyes of these nympho back.

As expected of someone who has seen the world, Patriarch Ling greeted him very quickly, and saluted with a smile: "The emperor is visiting Maple Leaf Valley, and Ling is far away to welcome you!"

Murong Rui waved his hand to signal Patriarch Ling not to be too polite, but his eyes were fixed on Hong Zhuxiang, seeing her holding hands with Xiao Tianzhan, his heart twitched, feeling painful.

"Xiang'er, do you miss me?" The gentle voice aroused the jealousy of all the women, but the people in the main hall didn't care.

"I miss you very much!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan cast a glance at Murong Rui, and said viciously.

Hong Zhuxiang smiled softly, these two men are getting cuter and cuter, maybe one day, they can become good buddies!Or maybe it was just her good idea.

Although Patriarch Ling has seen all kinds of great world situations, he still couldn't help but be surprised. The emperor's eyes are so obvious on the woman in red. This is a sign of two men competing for one woman!
Patriarch Ling realized that there was no room for him, so he told everyone to do whatever he wanted, and went straight to greet the guests. As soon as he walked out of the main hall, his body stiffened instantly.

"Prince Nanyue Kingdom has arrived!" The steward's voice once again shook the hall loudly.

Patriarch Ling is a little messed up in the wind, what's going on?These world-renowned bigwigs actually came together.

Father often said that Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feihong were the most outstanding men he had ever met. It took them only two years to learn all of his father's ideas on the art of war.

"Patriarch Ling, are you surprised that Feihong came?" Yun Feihong was dressed in a cloud-white brocade robe, with a smile that had never changed for thousands of years, and his eyes involuntarily looked in the direction of Hong Zhuxiang.

"The eldest prince came to attend my father's birthday in his busy schedule, which was indeed beyond Ling's expectation!" In fact, what surprised Patriarch Ling the most was not Yun Feihong's arrival, but that several important figures seemed to have made an appointment, and they were all in advance. Three days have passed, and the difference between before and after is only a stick of incense.

Sensing Yun Feihong's gaze, Hong Zhuxiang felt a strange feeling in her heart, like something slowly melting, a warm feeling.

Hong Zhuxiang originally wanted to find a chance to return the gold medal of Nanyue Kingdom to Yun Feihong, but then those dreams kept appearing in his mind. If Yun Feihong was really the elder brother of this body, then the gold medal was his A gift for her sister.

Hongzhuxiang thought that it might be useful one day, so she decided to keep it for now.As for whether to help this body recognize its relatives, she still has to think carefully.

"Xiang'er, do you miss me?"

"I miss you very much!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui said together.

Hong Zhuxiang rolled her eyes at the sky, should these men be so childish?Why are all the opening remarks like this? !Yun Feihong's expression didn't change, and his smile deepened. He wanted to sit beside Hong Zhuxiang, but Xiang'er's left and right were all taken first.

"Brother Tian Zhan, Grandpa invites you to the study." Everyone was chatting enthusiastically when suddenly a woman's clear and beautiful voice came into the main hall, and then a woman in purple came out, showing her ladylike demeanor with her gestures.

The woman looks very juicy, with a slender waist, her eyes are all on Xuanyuan Tianzhan, revealing the shyness unique to women, as if Xuanyuan Tianzhan is the only one in the world.

Hong Zhuxiang's eyes darkened, the woman seemed to be looking at her lover, her eyes were naked and undisguised, which made her very upset.There was a word "Luo" embroidered on the corner of the woman's clothes, the font was exactly the same as that on the brocade handkerchief. It seemed that she was the sister Luo that Ling Feng was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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