Chapter 127 Her Sharpness (1)
The strange thing is, since this woman dared to embroider her own name on the corner of her clothes, she should have a flamboyant personality. How could she be so charming?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Ling Luo, and was taken aback for a moment. When did Ling Luo become this delicate woman?
Obviously, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's look at Ling Luo fell into Hong Zhuxiang's eyes. If others looked at Ah Zhan, she didn't care, because she knew he was excellent, but when Ah Zhan looked at other women, she would still be ashamed. She was stunned for a moment, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

"Got it." With just one glance, Xuanyuan Tianzhan withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Hong Zhuxiang, only to find that Xiang'er's expression was a little strange.

"Xiang'er, let's go together, I don't worry about you being here." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said dotingly without hiding his love for the woman.Ling Luo's eyes flashed again and again, and finally returned to the previous appearance.

"No need, you go!" Hong Zhuxiang's heart was in a mess. She had to clear her mind and be ready to accept everything. She enjoyed his care and love, but she also ignored him. He was as good as him, There must be many women who like it, and she is just lucky to get his love.

"With me here, Xiang'er will be fine!" Murong Rui said.Xuanyuan Tianzhan gave Murong Rui a look that made me uneasy because of you, thinking about whether to go to Ling Lao's side.

"Leave Xiang'er to me." Yun Feihong looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan amusedly, this man who was determined to kill without blinking his eyes, would have such hesitation? !It seems that brother Zhan is not worried about Murong Rui at all, this defense against love rivals is stronger than defense against wolves.

"Brother Tianzhan, grandpa is still waiting for you!" Ling Luo seemed to have noticed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hesitation, and began to urge her. She couldn't help but look at Hongzhuxiang, her eyes concealed everything.

"Xiang'er, I'll be back soon." Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced at Ling Luo impatiently. Why did she change so much in just one year? !Ling Luo was obviously not like this before!

Hong Zhuxiang gave a soft "um", let go of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hand, and looked at the backs of the two leaving, feeling a little lost in her heart.No matter what happens, she believes in Ah Zhan, and Ah Zhan only loves her!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's departure made the atmosphere in the whole hall a bit stiff, and Hong Zhuxiang didn't realize until now how important this man is in her heart!
Even if he just left for a short while, she still misses him very much!Maybe it was because he stayed by his side for too long, and now that he suddenly left, he felt so deeply.

The low-pressure atmosphere inside the hall just set off the height and breadth of the outside, so Hong Zhuxiang decided to go out for a breath of air.

Outside, the sky is clear and the leaves are red. Every maple leaf is coated with a layer of golden light, and the air feels fresh. Many people are enjoying the autumn scenery, reciting poems, or talking loudly, which has a special taste.

Hong Zhuxiang found a random place, and began to calm down to organize her thoughts. Mingyue knew that her master wanted to be quiet, but she didn't follow, and stood far away.

Hong Zhuxiang recalled the situation in the lobby just now. From Ling Luo's eyes, she could see that she really liked A Zhan, but A Zhan's undisguised love for her proved that Ling Luo was just wishful thinking.

A Zhan said that Ling Luo is an ordinary friend of his. Since he can be regarded as a friend by A Zhan, there must be something different about her, but Ling Luo's performance today is obviously extremely inconsistent with her personality.

What happened in the middle that everyone doesn't know?
Thinking of this, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly understood one thing. It turned out that Ah Zhan's stunned expression was just surprised at Ling Luo's change, and did not contain other emotions. She actually got a lot of jealousy for it for nothing. !

But why did Ling Luo have such a change?What does she want to do?In other words, who is she showing her appearance like this?

Murong Rui has been following behind Hong Zhuxiang, just about to come out, but found a sneaky person approaching Xiang'er at a very fast speed, and then rushed towards Xiang'er.Hong Zhuxiang felt the vibration of the air behind her, turned around and gave a slap, the man received a slap, and suddenly fell to the ground.

Hong Zhuxiang's eyelids twitched, she knew the strength she had just now, it was impossible to knock this person down with one palm, so, did this person do it on purpose?

Hong Zhuxiang kicked the person twice, but found that she was motionless, reached out to check her breath, but found that she was actually dead, Mingyue came out immediately when she heard the movement, and was also confused by the scene in front of her.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on this side, and Hong Zhuxiang's face darkened. She had just arrived in Maple Leaf Valley, and there were people who didn't hesitate to disregard human lives and came to frame her. She immediately felt cold. Since you are disrespectful, don't blame me for being ruthless!

Yun Feihong followed behind Murong Rui, his face was more gloomy than ever.Both of them followed out one after another because they were worried about Hongzhuxiang, but they did not expect to witness this scene with their own eyes.Who is it that can't wait to frame Xiang'er? !

"Second Madam, what's the matter with you?" A servant girl ran over tremblingly, holding the dead woman's body, weeping uncontrollably, and then found that the woman was dead, she was terrified, and then looked up at Hongzhuxiang.

"It's you, it's you who killed the second lady!" The servant girl yelled loudly, pointing at the red bamboo incense. She used up all her strength to yell, and even more attracted everyone's attention, and everyone was already walking towards this side.

"Don't spitting blood!" Ming Yue's lungs were about to explode, the master had no grievances with her, why did she frame the master?Just now the master didn't use that much force at all.

Hong Zhuxiang was not as excited as Mingyue, but her face was indifferent, she didn't say a word, she wanted to see, who is behind the scenes?What kind of conspiracy and tricks are there?
"Xiaohuan, what happened?" It was Ling Yu who came, and just now he heard that something happened here, so he rushed over immediately, but he didn't expect Erniang to die here.

Although Erniang is father's concubine and has no status or status, she is the second wife of the Ling family after all.Now that Er Niang is dead, naturally she has to investigate.

"Second young master, it was this woman who killed the second madam." The maid named Xiaohuan insisted that it was Hong Zhuxiang who killed the second madam.

Ling Yu's face darkened. He had fought against Hong Zhuxiang, and he knew that Hong Zhuxiang was strong in martial arts and capable of killing Erniang, but Ling Yu also believed that a woman like her would never kill a woman who was not at all. People you know!What's more, she is Xuanyuan Tianzhan's concubine, even if she really killed Erniang, no one would dare to do anything to her!
"Xiaohuan, you can't talk nonsense!" Ling Yu scolded in a low voice.

Xiaohuan was startled, a little scared, and then remembered what the eldest lady said, and had to continue crying: "Second young master, I saw this woman slap the second lady with my own eyes, and then the second lady fell to the ground, and, I believe Everyone has seen this scene just now."

(End of this chapter)

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