Chapter 128 Her Sharpness (2)
Everyone also nodded one after another, expressing that they had indeed seen Hongzhuxiang give the second lady a slap.Hong Zhuxiang's heart turned cold, why didn't they say that they saw the second lady sneaking up on her?

Since the matter was life-threatening and serious, Patriarch Ling was soon alarmed.

Seeing Patriarch Ling coming, Murong Rui also walked slowly, stood beside Hong Zhuxiang, silently giving support and comfort.At this moment, there was no trace of warmth on Murong Rui's gentle face, and he said in a cold voice: "Patriarch Ling, I never thought that someone in the Ling residence would dare to slander my queen. You'd better give me an explanation!"

Murong Rui's words immediately exploded in the crowd, causing the people around them to gasp and look at Hongzhuxiang involuntarily.

God!Is this woman in red the queen of the Shengtian Dynasty?Could it be that she is the legendary Red Bamboo Fragrance?But isn't she the princess of Xuanyuan Tianzhan?

Everyone slowly recalled that Hongzhuxiang was first rumored to have a private life with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and then it was rumored that Murong Rui made her a queen. No matter what her identity was, she would never kill a man without a hand. The powerful second wife!
"Your Majesty, please calm down. I will definitely investigate this matter to the bottom." Patriarch Ling was sweating coldly, and even his breathing became extremely difficult. Huan shrunk his body.

The head of the Ling family was about to question Xiaohuan, but unexpectedly, another heavy bomb hit him, which made his heart tremble.

"Patriarch Ling, Xiang'er is my good friend. I treat her like my own sister. You'd better find out the matter, otherwise, I, Yun Feihong, will not let it go." Yun Feihong still had a sign on his face It's just that this smile is already full of coldness.

Although it is said that Ling Lao once taught him the art of war, Xiang'er is his most beloved sister, and his brother must support her.

Seeing the two beautiful men escorting her, Hong Zhuxiang was inexplicably moved.She knew that Rui would definitely stand by her side, but Yun Feihong's words caught her by surprise.

"Patriarch Ling, just as the lord went to see Elder Ling, someone came out to frame the concubine. According to the lord's love for the concubine, even if the entire Maple Leaf Valley is demolished, that might not be the case." Thinking of it, such absurd things happened in a blink of an eye!
Patriarch Ling is already in cold sweat all over his body. For the first time in more than 40 years, he has experienced what multi-party pressure is.Xiaohuan also seemed to be a little scared. I really didn't expect this woman to have such a background. If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have dared to frame her even if she was killed!

Patriarch Ling tried his best to calm down and said, "Don't worry everyone, Ling will definitely give everyone an explanation!"

Hong Zhuxiang kept a calm expression, she wanted to see, how Patriarch Ling wanted to deal with this matter?Now that the matter has happened, she will not stop until the truth is revealed.

"Xiaohuan, do you know what you are doing?" Patriarch Ling stared at Xiaohuan with a pair of majestic eyes, as if he wanted to pierce Xiaohuan.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Patriarch Ling wanted to force Xiaohuan to change his mind, but this Xiaohuan didn't know why, but insisted that the second lady was killed by Hong Zhuxiang, regardless of Patriarch Ling's dark face.

"Master, you must make the decision for the second lady. The second lady died unjustly. It was this woman who killed the second lady with a single blow. Everyone saw it with their own eyes!" Crying for the death of the second wife, or crying for the uneasiness of his conscience.

Everyone's eyes fell on Hong Zhuxiang again, and they saw her standing at the side with a calm expression, and she didn't make any excuses, as if it had nothing to do with her, such a woman made them unpredictable.Everyone felt a little strange for a while, the parties were not in a hurry, why were they in a hurry?After this comparison, they realized that their concentration was not as good as that of a woman!
Xiaohuan was in great pain, but the eldest lady said that only if she successfully slandered this woman, the eldest lady would let her family live. When she thought of the crimes suffered by her younger brother, she was in great pain.

"Xiaohuan, who are you instigated by?" Patriarch Ling's complexion has turned dark, this Xiaohuan is usually smart, why is he so wooden today?

"Master, the Second Madam is yours. Although she is not as noble as the First Madam, she has served you diligently for more than 20 years. You must make the decision for the Second Madam!"

"Presumptuous!" Patriarch Ling roared angrily, looking as if he was about to eat Xiaohuan.

Xiaohuan cried more and more, and the people around gradually became dissatisfied with Patriarch Ling's actions, even if Hong Zhuxiang was the queen or princess, so what?Is being noble enough to kill people casually?
"Your majesty, can you give Ling a little time? This incident happened suddenly, and the empress was involved. Ling really dare not be careless!" The head of the Ling family was already in a mess. He didn't know how to address Hong Zhuxiang, what was the address She is Xuanyuan Tianzhan's concubine and Murong Rui's queen. Since Xuanyuan Tianzhan is not around for the time being, he should call her queen!

Before Murong Rui could answer, Hong Zhuxiang was the first to speak: "Patriarch Ling, don't be embarrassed, since everyone saw that I slapped Second Madam with their own eyes, and then Second Madam fell to the ground and died, if I don't give an explanation today , everyone thought that I, Hongzhuxiang, was bullying others with my power and disregarding human lives!"

Hong Zhuxiang squinted around like a queen, her cold eyes were dark and sharp, and then she walked slowly to Xiaohuan, pinching her chin with one hand, making her look directly at her s eyes.

Xiaohuan's jaw hurt, she raised her eyes in surprise, but fell into a pair of bottomless black eyes.

"You saw me kill the second lady with your own eyes?"

"Yes." Xiaohuan was very scared, as if she was about to be sucked into the eyes of this woman in the next second.

"What did I use to kill?" The bright eyes were filled with sword fire, and the scent of red bamboo approached Xiaohuan.

"You gave the second lady a slap." Xiaohuan's voice had already started to tremble, and her momentum was not as strong as before.

"You read it wrong. If I want to kill, I will kill with poison. How could it be that I gave the second lady a slap?"

"You obviously beat the second lady to death with a single blow." Although she was uneasy, Xiaohuan still gritted her teeth and opened her mouth, and her nervousness and struggles fell into Hong Zhuxiang's eyes one by one.

"It's too obvious to do this? Do you think I will slap the second lady in public?"

"You..." Xiaohuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Hong Zhuxiang's words also reminded everyone that if she really wanted to kill the second lady, she would just find a place where no one was around and kill her, why would she let everyone see it in such a conspicuous place?
Seeing Xiaohuan was dumbfounded, Hong Zhuxiang continued to ask: "Don't you know that the second lady has been poisoned?"

"I..." Xiaohuan didn't know what to say anymore, she was just a maid after all, how could she withstand Hong Zhuxiang's strong interrogation.

(End of this chapter)

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