The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 129 What's wrong with you

Chapter 129 What's wrong with you (1)
"Did you find out that the second lady was poisoned?" Hong Zhuxiang instantly approached Xiaohuan, allowing her to see her eyes more clearly.

Xiaohuan was so frightened that she backed away, shivering, what should she do?what to do?
Hong Zhuxiang smiled slightly at this time, let go of Xiaohuan a little, and said two words softly: "Don't be afraid!"

Immediately, she approached Xiaohuan again, and asked seriously: "Tell me who threatened you?"

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Xiaohuan's answer. Even if Xiaohuan didn't say anything, they knew that the murderer was not Hong Zhuxiang, because Xiaohuan's various behaviors showed that someone ordered her.

"No one threatens me." Xiaohuan's crying was close to hoarse, and she was struggling strongly in her heart. She really wanted to tell the truth, but she couldn't disregard the life and death of her relatives.

"Is it Miss Ling Luo?" Hong Zhuxiang suddenly approached Xiaohuan's ear and asked loudly.Xiaohuan's body visibly trembled, and then she shook her head violently, crying and shouting: "No, no, it's not Miss Ling Luo!"

Xiaohuan's reaction was a bit extreme, as if she wanted to clear Ling Luo's grievances all the time, why?
Although everyone was puzzled, they were also dissatisfied that Hong Zhuxiang suspected Ling Luo so much. She was a pure and innocent girl, how could she suspect Miss Ling Luo?Although these people were a little bit critical, they shut up wisely when they received the cold eyes and pressure from a row of beautiful men.They also wanted to see if Hong Zhuxiang could catch the murderer?
Then, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly let go of Xiaohuan, she already guessed who it was?When everything is connected, there is only one person who can do this, and that is Ling Feng.When she was in Wuyuelou, Ling Feng gave her medicine twice, the first time the toxin took two days before the onset of the toxin, and the second time the toxin onset immediately.

Hong Zhuxiang had already discovered that the second wife had been poisoned, so she also pressed Xiaohuan if she knew that the second wife was poisoned. Judging from Xiaohuan's reaction, she obviously knew!
Hong Zhuxiang walked back to the original place, turned around and said to Patriarch Ling, "Patriarch Ling, I already know who the murderer of the second wife is!"

"Empress, please tell me." Patriarch Ling felt very uncomfortable when he heard Hong Zhuxiang ask Xiaohuan if she was Ling Luo. You know, Ling Luo is his favorite daughter, but he has no way to find out. If the real culprit is found out, I have to listen to what Hong Zhuxiang has to say.

"I can't say it yet, I have to have Elder Ling to preside over it before I can say it." Now that she has found out the real culprit, she naturally wants to find someone who can preside over the overall situation.

"This..." Patriarch Ling originally wanted to settle this matter privately, but judging from Hong Zhuxiang's intentions, it seemed that he wanted to make a big deal of it.Where did this woman get her confidence?Is she sure that she will be able to get to the bottom of it?Could it be that Ling Luo did it?

"Girl, what do you have to say in front of the old man?" A laughing voice came from outside the crowd.

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to find that Ling Lao had come out, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Ling Luo, the eldest lady of the Ling family, stood beside him, and the moment Xiaohuan saw Ling Luo, his eyes were obviously different, just Like a mouse meeting a cat.

"Xiang'er, are you okay?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan walked over quickly, took Hong Zhuxiang's hand, and made no secret of his love for the woman.Wuying and the others were not to mention how happy they were when they saw their prince come out.

"It's okay." Hong Zhuxiang smiled slightly, seeing that he cared about her so much, she was completely relieved, she was going to teach these ancients a good lesson today!

"Whoever dares to slander this king's concubine, just wait for death without a place to die!" Looking at the world with indifference and cold eyes, this is Xuanyuan Tianzhan, all his tenderness is only given to Hongzhuxiang, and left to others forever He is ruthless and arrogant, he doesn't want to care about other people's eyes, he just wants to do everything he can to be good to Xiang'er.

At this moment, his eyes were full of anger, and his powerful aura instantly lowered the air pressure around him, making people want to escape. The way Lord Zhan is protecting his shortcomings, he is almost eating people alive!
There was silence around, and at this moment, everyone could truly feel Xuanyuan Tianzhan's anger.Ling Luo's eyes changed and changed, and finally returned to calm.

Hong Zhuxiang squeezed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's big hand, and looked at his angry look amusedly. For a moment, the little woman's heart was filled and warm.

Murong Rui turned his head away silently, not wanting to see their affectionate eyes meet.The corners of Yun Feihong's mouth widened into a smile, as expected, Brother Zhan was the one who won Xiang'er's love!
"Girl, didn't you say you have something to say in front of the old man?" Elder Ling was the first to break the silence. He was such a person that he could see Xuanyuan Tianzhan's love for Hongzhuxiang at a glance. I'm also very curious, what's so special about this woman that allowed Xuanyuan Tianzhan to do this? !

Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyes, and said firmly, "The second lady was killed by Ling Feng!"

Everyone was a little confused, didn't she ask Xiaohuan just now if Ling Luo threatened Xiaohuan?How can it be said that Ling Feng did it now?Ling Yu stood aside, looking deeply at the calm woman in the middle of the field, she was so unique, so eye-catching, which made him very inferior!
"Sister Xiang'er, although you have Brother Tianzhan to make the decision for you, you still need to pay attention to evidence in everything. You know, sister Ling Feng made a mistake a few days ago and has been imprisoned in the ancestral hall by her grandfather. She didn't do anything at all. Opportunity!"

The person who spoke was Ling Luo. She was wearing a purple emerald green smoked sweater, which looked extraordinarily charming under the golden sunlight. The word "Luo" was embroidered with gold thread on the corner of her clothes. Her tone was still soft, but it was not as good as when we met before. So pure.

"Really?" Hong Zhuxiang's eyes suddenly became fierce, and she stared at Ling Luo without blinking.

"Of course, this matter was handled by Grandpa himself, can there be a lie?" Ling Luo immediately calmed down, put away her emotions just now, and continued to play a harmless role. In fact, every word she said was slowly exposed nature.

"That's right, the old man imprisoned Ling Feng in the ancestral hall himself, and he hasn't released him yet." Elder Ling spoke at the right time, and he didn't mean to help anyone, he just told the truth.

"Grandpa has already spoken. Sister Xiang'er must have believed it too, right? Sister Xiang'er swears that Sister Ling Feng killed Erniang. I would like to ask, Sister Ling Feng has been locked up in the ancestral hall. What chance does she have to kill Erniang?" Or is it that Sister Ling Feng offended Sister Xiang'er in some way, so..." Ling Luo didn't continue, but the meaning was already obvious.

Hong Zhuxiang hated hypocritical people the most in her life. Seeing the hypocritical appearance of the woman in front of her, she retched without any scruples in front of everyone. Ling Luo turned pale with anger, and almost lost her ladylike appearance. .

(End of this chapter)

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