The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 134 This is Ling Lao’s Birthday

Chapter 134 This is Ling Lao’s Birthday (3)
"Brother Rui, did you hear what I said?" Murong Qing'er had always been calm before, he knew that Brother Rui liked red bamboo fragrance, but just now, she clearly saw that Brother Rui set his eyes on the other two women , This shows that it is not only Hong Zhuxiang who does not want to marry Brother Rui, maybe she still has a chance.

"Understood." The voice was neither salty nor weak.

"Brother Rui, there are many interesting places in Maple Leaf Valley, why don't we go out and have fun?" Murong Qing'er is used to Murong Rui's indifference, and as they get older, the relationship between them will never return. to childhood.



"Qing'er, Dugu Piaojian is still waiting for you, go over quickly." Before Murong Qing'er finished speaking, Murong Rui spoke directly.Murong Qing'er was taken aback for a moment, feeling inexplicably disappointed, but also hated herself very much.

Murong Qing'er didn't understand, what happened to her?Ever since the competition in the arena, when she saw Hongzhuxiang, her heart was not as pure as it used to be. She wanted to get closer to Murong Rui more and more, and wanted to prove herself more and more. It seemed that something was bewitching her Looking at her, it bothers her.

Noticing Murong Qing'er's strangeness, Dugu Piaojian quickly came over to support her, with a trace of distress on his stern face: "Qing'er, let me help you go and sit down."

Dugu Piaojian's gaze was on Murong Qing'er from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even look at the surrounding situation. His appearance immediately caused quite a commotion, and everyone speculated about who this stern young master was. ?

"Everyone, everyone knows that there is an unwritten rule in Maple Leaf Valley. Every autumn, there will be various talent competitions. Today is my father's [-]th birthday. The women in the competition will finish together."

As soon as Patriarch Ling's words fell, everyone became excited, because they knew that there were some interesting things to come, not just the cooking competition.

"According to the usual practice, every woman can participate in the competition, and at the end, she can also give the dishes she made to her beloved man to taste!"

"Oh yeah, oh yeah..." There was a crowd of exclamations below, and they had already cheered.

How is this better than cooking, it's simply a blind date?However, this is also good, at least women have the initiative and can choose the man they like.

Hong Zhuxiang was a little puzzled, she was still waiting to enjoy a delicious meal, but she didn't expect it to be like this!It seems that, as Ah Zhan said, this Maple Leaf Valley is really an interesting place. On the day of Boss Ling's birthday, a women's culinary competition will be held. I don't know what will happen next?Thinking about it this way, her curiosity became more and more serious.

"Please move to the 'Gourmet Garden', where we have prepared all kinds of ingredients and utensils."

Everyone cheered and walked towards the food garden. Hongzhuxiang was stunned. The Ling family had prepared such a large food garden specially for the competition. The area of ​​the food garden was as big as a football field, which is really luxurious!

Old Ling looked at Hong Zhuxiang with a half-smile, she probably doesn't know how to cook, right? !Hong Zhuxiang noticed Ling Lao's gaze, raised her eyebrows, and stared back coldly. She has eaten so many delicacies, she, she...she really doesn't know how to cook? !

What's there?It’s a big deal for her not to participate. Anyway, so many women like Ah Zhan, they will definitely prepare all kinds of food and send them to him. Thinking about the many Jinpas that Ah Zhan has received, she knows that they will definitely There are endless delicacies.

"Master, your saliva is about to flow out." Mingyue joked softly.

"Want to tease me, your master? Practice for a few more years!" Hong Zhuxiang scratched Mingyue's waist until Mingyue begged for mercy before letting her go.As soon as Hong Zhuxiang turned her head, she found that the three men were silently looking at her, with hidden expectations in their eyes.

"What are you doing? I can't cook!"

"Girl, the prize is very rich, you should participate." Hong Zhuxiang gave Ling Lao a blank look, and she couldn't understand why this old man cared so much about her cooking skills?
Hong Zhuxiang just wanted to say that she would never participate, but she received the naked provocative gazes from the women around her, and immediately changed her words: "If you participate, just participate. I, Hong Zhuxiang, have never been afraid of anything?"

What's wrong with these women?You don't think it's a big deal to cook a dish, do you?How stupid.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Hong Zhuxiang's sudden change of expression amusedly, and didn't want to embarrass Xiang'er, so he said with a smile: "Xiang'er, it's fine if you don't know how to do it, you don't have to participate."

"Yes, Xiang'er, don't force yourself to participate." Murong Rui naturally knew that Xiang'er couldn't cook. Although she was a greedy cat, she had never cooked anything!

Yun Feihong was just about to speak to persuade, but Hong Zhuxiang jumped ahead and blocked what he wanted to say.

"Who said I can't? I will, of course I will, I must!" She had participated in the evening class training in her previous life, but the reason why she signed up for the evening class was because she couldn't cook!
who cares?there is always a solution to a problem!
"Ahem...Master, are you sure you really want to participate?" Mingyue was extremely nervous in her heart, and all the women around her looked well-equipped. It seemed that they had known the situation long ago and had done enough Without preparation, the master doesn't know anything, and it will be ugly to lose in the competition!
"Do you dare to look down on your master?" Hong Zhuxiang said and was about to repair Mingyue.Wuying sniggered beside him, since he had a princess, his life is much more interesting than before.

Registration for the culinary competition has started, and there are about 50 women participating. It seems that only those who have the invitation letter of Ling Lao's birthday can participate in this culinary competition.

Many of them were famous aristocratic women in Hongfeng City, and many descendants of the Ling family also participated. Che Zimei, Murong Qing'er and Ling Luo, whom Hong Zhuxiang knew, also signed up to participate.Murong Qing'er is the daughter of the Southwest King, so of course there is an invitation letter, but where did Che Zimei get the invitation letter?Forget it, she is not a simple woman, so she naturally has her way.

"Sister Luo, if I give the dishes I made to Prince Zhan later, you won't be angry, will you?" Ling Jiao said while looking at Ling Luo's expression.

"No, you can give it to whomever you want?" Ling Luo really doesn't care, what she likes is that gentle man in Tsing Yi, a noble and untouchable person like Brother Tian Zhan is not her true destiny emperor.And she knew that brother Tianzhan would only smile gently at the woman he liked, and only be cold-hearted to others.

Seeing that Ling Luo really didn't care, Ling Jiao choked for a while, and stopped talking.

"Your Majesty, that woman in blue also participated." Leng Feng reminded Murong Rui in his ear, this woman left a deep impression on Leng Feng, so he naturally remembered it.

(End of this chapter)

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