The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 135 All the girls compete for the front, arrogant and arrogant

Chapter 135 All the girls compete for the front, arrogant and arrogant (1)
"Hmm." Murong Rui actually didn't hear what Leng Feng was saying at all, his thoughts were all focused on the woman in red, he was very curious, what can Xiang'er do?
When everyone finished registering, Steward Ling began to announce the rules: "Ladies and gentlemen, you only have one hour. Once the time is up, the competition will stop immediately. After each participant prepares the dishes, he must divide the dishes into ten portions. For our judges to taste, ten of our judges will select the top three, and each will receive a generous prize."

"This year's judging consists of Elder Ling, His Majesty Sheng Tian, ​​Prince Zhan of Hanhai Kingdom, Prince Nanyue Kingdom, Patriarch Ling, Young Master of Hongfeng City, Eldest Young Master Ling Han, Second Young Master Ling Yu... Now, the competition Officially begin."

As soon as Butler Ling finished announcing, everyone started to get the ingredients they needed. In the food garden, there were all kinds of fruits and vegetables, and all the girls got busy.

Hong Zhuxiang lazily walked to a stove, looked left and right, with a nonchalant look.

"Girl, I haven't started picking ingredients yet. I'm really looking forward to your cooking!" Ling Lao smiled purely, with an expression of 'I'm looking forward to it'.

Hong Zhuxiang rolled his eyes at him, continued to casually scan the surroundings, only to realize that Ling Lao's words had attracted a lot of attention to him, you know, Ling Lao is the head of the top ten referees!

"Mr. Ling, I only participated in the competition for your sake!" Hong Zhuxiang gave Mr. Ling a wicked smile. Does this stinky old man just want to make a fool of himself?
"Well, the old man will judge fairly." Ling Lao was very calm. In fact, he just wanted to see what this girl would do when faced with something he didn't know how to do.
"That's the best!"

Hong Zhuxiang rolled her eyes, racking her brains to think about what she would do, she couldn't be underestimated so easily, she had to think of something!Great idea, jump into the bowl soon...  

"Master Murong, my name is Che Zimei, you have to taste my dishes yourself later!" The blue-clothed woman mischievously winked at Murong Rui, but unfortunately, someone pretended not to hear it, but actually did. .

When Ling Luo heard Che Zimei talk like this, he looked at Che Zimei instantly, with dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he was secretly happy when he saw that Murong Rui didn't pay attention to her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Che Zimei's voice fell, another crisp sound came!

"Brother Rui, Qing'er has never cooked for you since you were a child? You must taste my cooking today!"

Murong Rui could ignore Che Zimei, but he couldn't ignore Murong Qing'er. When he was crusading against the prince's rebellious party, Murong Qing'er took out the imperial edict from the palace and gave him a lot of help.Even if there is no such thing, they still have friendship from childhood to adulthood, although it has gradually faded, but it is not enough to say nothing.

"Hmm." It was another simple word, without much emotion.Che Zimei didn't mind, she knew that Murong Rui didn't like Murong Qing'er.

Hong Zhuxiang glanced at Dugu Piaojian slightly, there was no expression on his cold and handsome face, and there was not even a trace of soft lines all over his body, his whole body was as tense as a string, as stiff as a stone.

"Master, what are you going to do? They all started."

"I don't know what to do either?" Can Hong Zhuxiang say that she is still thinking about this question, and she never thought that this is Ling Lao's birthday? !What a scam!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan just laughed and didn't speak. No matter what Xiang'er did, he would completely cover her.Uh... Well, Murong Rui and Yun Feihong also thought so.

Wu Ying Wu Ting and others all rolled their eyes, "Does the princess want to do this?"Even if she doesn't know how to do it, she participates with confidence. Her words "I will, of course, I must" are full of pride.

Ling Yu looked at the woman in red in the arena, her face was full of anticipation, he had already seen Hongzhuxiang's strong martial arts, but, from the moment, it was clear that she was not good at cooking, did she really want to cook? Are you throwing in the towel?

The huge gourmet garden was filled with joyful atmosphere, and Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help but get excited when she saw the winking eyes flying around and the dark waves between men and women.But what is she going to cook?It's a mind-boggling thing!
"Girl, you can find someone to help you!" Elder Ling said at the right time.

"Hmm!" Hong Zhuxiang actually didn't pay much attention to Ling Lao's words, she was thinking carefully, how can I make a dish that makes people's eyes shine?
"Girl, don't be afraid, everyone is a girl who has not left the cabinet, and they are not good at cooking."

"Well, I got it." Hong Zhuxiang's tone was still casual, she wouldn't do it if she didn't do it, and she would naturally try her best to do it well!
"Pfft! Look at that Red Bamboo Fragrance, she probably didn't know that there was going to be a culinary competition. She acted like she didn't know anything, but she dared to sign up for the competition!" A woman gloated at her misfortune. Also extremely small.

"Although I'm not very good at it, Xiao Cui will help me."

"I have Xiaobi to help me, hehe..."

Hong Zhuxiang heard the thoughts of these people, and then looked around. It turned out that many of the participating women were wearing maids. Although Steward Ling had announced that the maids could only fight, but who is the unspoken rule here? Will not understand again?In fact, this is a game of beautiful women hanging golden turtles.

Of course, there are also very serious women among them, such as Che Zimei, Ling Luo, Murong Qing'er, etc. are doing it seriously. In fact, what men care about is not whether the dishes are delicious, but the heart of their sweetheart.

Thinking of this, Hong Zhuxiang's expression suddenly became very serious. She raised her eyes to look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and instantly fell into an affectionate vortex. Inside the vortex, there was boundless love, sincere and sincere, wrapping her warmly.

This time, she must give Ah Zhan a surprise and cook a dish for him seriously!

"Look, Ling Luo has already started making it. It seems that she is going to make 'Sydney Bird's Nest Soup'. This is a good white swallow. Will she know how to make it?"

"It's probably just to save face. She's good at embroidery, but not at all at cooking."

"Don't talk nonsense, don't you all learn it temporarily? Who can really do it?"

"Look, that woman in blue is so serious, I don't know what she is doing?"

After making up her mind, Hong Zhuxiang crossed her arms and put on a calm posture. Her unhurried appearance made many people anxious, and Wuying was the most irritable one among them.

"Master, let me help you!" In fact, Mingyue thought that although the master doesn't know how to cook, at least she knows a little bit, so she can tell the master how to cook.

"Well, come here and help me." Uh... Well, the master asked her to help, as if he didn't intend to ask her for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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