The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 136 All the girls compete for the front, arrogant and arrogant

Chapter 136 All the girls compete for the front, arrogant and arrogant (2)
After a while, the food garden is full of fragrance, making people mouth watering.Everyone surrounded the competition field, staring nervously at their beloved woman. Although they didn't expect it to be delicious, they were also full of excitement.

Hongzhuxiang seems to see groups of young boys and girls in Huaichun fighting for love for themselves. This feeling is very strange and cannot be explained clearly.

"Look, Hongzhuxiang hasn't started making it yet. She's so stupid. Just make one. It's better than doing nothing!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" A woman pointed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's direction with her eyes, and all the beautiful men there were all staring at Hong Zhuxiang's direction intently!The woman pursed her mouth and turned her head to do her own thing.

Hongzhuxiang ignored these comments, she had already thought about it, cooked grilled steaks, medium rare, this was what she did most during the evening training class in her previous life, and with some unique ideas, she would definitely be able to let it go splendor.

Hong Zhuxiang was very satisfied with her idea, so she began to choose ingredients slowly. She first picked up a carrot, a big carrot.Mingyue looked at her master with a puzzled expression, she was getting more and more confused about what her master was thinking, what could this carrot do? .

"I'm dying of laughter, what do you think Hong Zhuxiang is holding? Carrots, does she want to fry carrots?" Another group of discussions sounded, and one woman said to another woman.

"Maybe they are going to make cold carrot shreds! Hahaha..."

Into the left ear and out of the right ear, Hong Zhuxiang completely ignored what these people said, and picked up a carrot, which was also big and round.

"Pfft! She really wanted to fry carrots, and she took another big carrot."

The women shook their heads and sighed, and stopped paying attention to the scent of red bamboo, and instead paid attention to Ling Jiao, because Ling Jiao faintly wafted an attractive fragrance.

"Wow, Jiaojiao, you actually made 'braised pig's trotters'. You are so ingenious. Did your mother teach you?"

"Yeah, I knew a culinary competition was going to be held a long time ago, so I learned this braised pig's trotter in advance." Ling Jiao was very proud. Her mother had said that although her cooking skills were immature, she could cook with these young ladies. Compared with his cooking skills, he will definitely not lose.

Everyone also knew that, in fact, they also knew in advance that there was going to be a competition, so they would have prepared early.

It was almost half of the time, and Mingyue's heart was in her throat. Many people had already started, but the master hadn't started yet. What surprised her even more was that the master chose a piece of beef.God!How should the beef be done? !
After selecting the required materials, Hong Zhuxiang finally started to work.

"Mingyue, trick this piece of beef into pieces."

"Yes, master." Mingyue felt that her knife skills were not bad. Even if the master did not cook well, she could still look good. At this time, the voices of those women came out again, although they were soft, but they were enough for Hongzhuxiang to listen to. arrive.

"Look, she finally made a move. To be honest, the beef cut by that girl is not bad, it's thin."

thin?Thin beef?
"Mingyue, is this the beef you cut?" Hong Zhuxiang was chopping tomatoes and wanted to make tomato sauce, but when she heard other people's comments, she turned her head and saw Mingyue cutting the beef into thin slices.

"Master, Mingyue can only cut it so thin." Mingyue felt that she had tried her best, she saw that the beef was cut very well, could it be that the master is not satisfied?
"My lord, my concubine's requirements are really high!" Wu Ying began to chant scriptures again and again, but seeing his concubine finally make a move, his hanging heart also fell.

"Well, Wangfei's requirements are indeed very high. I think Mingyue has already cut it very finely, but Wangfei is still not satisfied!" Wu Zing also echoed.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan just smiled and said nothing. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Mingyue had already sliced ​​the beef very thinly. It should be said that it could not be any thinner, but Xianger was still not satisfied. too thin!

"Mingyue, cut it so thick, do you understand?" Hong Zhuxiang pointed her index finger at Mingyue, and then continued to make her own tomato sauce.

Just now, she was praising her princess for being invisible and invisible, but her face immediately turned black, and she really wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.Hey, why can't they be as calm as their prince, this dish is for him!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Murong Rui, and Yun Feihong all kept their faces unchanged, but their hearts were turbulent. Although Xiang'er was naughty, she wouldn't be so unreasonable, right? !Can they say that this is the first time they have seen such thick and wide beef? !
Mingyue's mouth opened directly into an O shape, my God, how can I eat such thick beef?Master, can you cook beef?Mingyue shrugged helplessly in the direction of Wuying and the others, as if "I'm defeated".

Although she was unwilling to do so, Mingyue obediently followed Hong Zhuxiang's orders. She never disobeyed her master's words, and this time would be no exception.

So what if we lose?The master's weight in the prince's mind will not be lost in the slightest!
"Huh... just now I saw that girl is good at knife skills, why did she cut the beef so thick as a finger in the blink of an eye."

"It seems that if there is a master, there must be a servant. The master is an idiot, what can a girl do."

After Mingyue cut the beef, she marinated the beef according to Hongzhuxiang's method. Her emotions have been immersed in this thick, large slice of beef and she can't extricate herself. Even if she was killed, she would not admit that the beef was hers. cut.

After Hong Zhuxiang made the tomato sauce, she cut the carrots into shreds, then chopped some onions, cucumbers and other vegetables, made side dishes, and started to arrange the dishes.

"My lady is done." The maid next to Ling Jiao jumped up excitedly, looking determined to win.

Steward Ling saw that Ling Jiao had finished the dishes first, and immediately said, "Take the finished ones up for the judges to taste first, so as not to affect the taste of the dishes over time."

What Ling Jiao made was "braised pig's trotters in braised sauce", which filled ten small bowls and brought them to the judges' seats.

"Miss Luo is ready too." Ling Luo's 'Sydney Bird's Nest Soup' also started to come out of the pot, and she specially filled it up for Murong Rui, waiting for Murong Rui's reply with great anticipation.

"Prince Zhan, you haven't tasted mine yet." Ling Jiao's eyes were like silk, and she walked in front of Xuanyuan Tianzhan with small steps, twisting and shaking, seemingly kindly reminding him to taste the dishes, but in fact she wanted to make it more delicious. Close to Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Master, look at that Ling Jiao, who is blatantly seducing the prince!" Mingyue felt very uncomfortable seeing Ling Jiao's appearance.

"Don't pay attention to her, you have to trust your lord's methods." I don't know if Hongzhuxiang is intentional or not, this harmless voice just reached Xuanyuan Tianzhan's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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