The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 137 All the girls compete for the front, arrogant and arrogant

Chapter 137 All the girls compete for the front, arrogant and arrogant (3)
The corner of the man's mouth twitched, he looked in the direction of Hong Zhuxiang, and smiled brightly, his amber eyes shone with soft colors, and his handsome face became extremely moved, Xiang'er really believed him!
Ling Jiao was stunned to see that Prince Zhan was actually smiling, and he was smiling so brightly. At this moment, she really felt that if she could get Prince Zhan's favor, even death would be worth it!
After a while, seeing that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was still silent, Ling Jiao cautiously reminded: "Prince Zhan, you haven't tasted my food yet!"

"I tasted it for my lord, it's too boring!" Wu Ying immediately jumped out empathetically, and cleaned up all the peach blossoms for his lord, so as to prevent the wangfei from being jealous.

"Ticky, it's impossible? I've tasted it, and it's not greasy at all?" Ling Jiao explained, while getting closer to Xuanyuan Tianzhan. She was very confident in herself, and Lord Zhan must have not seen herself clearly. When he sees his beauty clearly, he will definitely fall in love with her, Ling Jiao thought so.

A golden light shot out, flew towards Ling Jiao sharply, firmly fixed her leaning forward body, Ling Lao was standing next to Xuanyuan Tianzhan, clearly saw the change in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, and hastily scolded.

Ling Jiao was so frightened that she was still in shock. This man was too terrifying. Just now, she clearly saw that those eyes were soft, but in just a moment, they emitted a frightening golden light, piercing her whole body like needles.

Old Ling knew that Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes would change like this only when someone touched his bottom line. He used to try his best to hide it and it was difficult for people to find out, but now he has no scruples anymore. It's all for the woman in red.

Ling Luo saw the atmosphere in the jury, and immediately served the pear bird's nest soup he made, and said with a smile: "Grandpa, try it, how is Luo Er doing?"

Ling Lao picked up the small bowl, took a spoonful of bird's nest soup, and praised without hesitation: "Sweet but not greasy, moist and smooth, very suitable for grandpa's taste, Luo'er did a good job."

"Thank you, Grandpa, for the compliment." Ling Luo was overjoyed by Ling Lao's compliment, but at this moment, she wanted to know more, would Murong Rui think it was delicious?Ling Luo stared nervously at Murong Rui, only to see that he looked at the Sydney bird's nest soup in front of him, he really didn't like it very much, and he didn't intend to drink it.

Ling Luo felt extremely uncomfortable, how could he do this?Later, Ling Luo saw Murong Rui tasting Murong Qing'er's chopped pepper fish head, but still refused to drink her Sydney bird's nest soup. He felt tears in his eyes, and a girl's heart broke all over the ground.

After a period of time, almost everyone's dishes were on the table, and only Hong Zhuxiang and Che Zimei were left on the playing field. Everyone was surprised to find that the two were chatting enthusiastically, with a relaxed expression. Look slow!

"Zimei, did you specially cook a loving meal for Murong Rui?"

"Princess, you are so bad! I think you also specially made a love meal for the prince. I saw the words you wrote with tomato sauce just now!"

"Hey... It's each other, I support you in chasing Murong Rui, I'm thinking about how to marry him all day now!"

get married? !Mingyue is about to collapse, although the voice of the master and Miss Che Zimei is very low, but she can hear it clearly, if the emperor knows what the master said, he will not be crazy.

"Miss, are you ready? Time is running out." Butler Ling urged.

"It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry, isn't there still time for half a stick of incense?" Hong Zhuxiang gave Butler Ling a blank look, dissatisfied that he interrupted their conversation.

"Princess, you have to protect me in front of the prince. I am from the Hanhai Kingdom, so I have to listen to the prince's words. If the prince gets angry and throws me back to the Hanhai Kingdom, I will lose face." Che Zimei didn't Forget, the last time, Leng Yishuang was directly thrown back to Hanhai Kingdom by the prince.

"Understood, I understand." Hong Zhuxiang giggled, she wondered if Che Zimei came from time travel like her, and after chatting for a while, Che Zimei went on the road.

"Mingyue, you've worked hard too, try a piece of steak grilled by the master! Let's eat it first, and then serve it to them when we've had enough." Hong Zhuxiang saw Mingyue's strange expression when she cut the beef, she can Let this girl correct her thoughts properly!
"Eh..." The master is really different, everyone is eager to let the judges taste their own cooking skills, but the master wants to fill his stomach first.

Mingyue picked up a piece of cut steak, put it in her mouth, chewed it lightly, and her spirits were shaken immediately. She couldn't help wondering, is this fresh and tender beef really the beef she cut just now?Master is really amazing!

Mingyue tasted the excellent craftsmanship of her master, and nodded repeatedly in Wuying's direction, but Wuying was confused, until Mingyue said "delicious" with her lips, then he opened his eyes wide, as if he didn't dare Believe it!

Two hours finally passed, only then did Hong Zhuxiang and Che Zimei realize that everyone's eyes were on them. Tacitly ignored these gazes and maintained a good mood.

Chezimei makes chrysanthemum tea-flavored steamed cakes. The exquisite cakes exude the fragrance of chrysanthemum tea, which makes people feel refreshed, as if they are in an elegant and quiet chrysanthemum garden.

Well, although they have done so well, there are still two very domineering and shameless characters, namely Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui.Hong Zhuxiang looked at these two coquettish people, and thought in her heart that she must let Murong Rui taste a piece!

Of course, except for Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui, the other eight judges all tasted Chezimei's craftsmanship, the faint tea fragrance, accompanied by the elegance of chrysanthemums, it melts in the mouth, it is really a top-level pastry.

What Murong Rui didn't expect was that this woman actually put a big plate of pastries in front of him, and looked at him without blinking. He was still looking forward to Xiang'er's beef!Who wants to eat Chezimei's snacks?

Che Zimei felt Murong Rui's repulsion, but she didn't feel anything. It is impossible for a person to change so easily. It is Murong Rui's attachment to Hongzhuxiang that makes her have a strong curiosity about him. It's just this way. , it seems to be much more difficult than she imagined!It's okay, she won't give up!
"Rui, just eat one piece, Zimei is my friend, if you don't eat hers, don't eat mine either." Seeing Murong Rui's ignorance of Che Zimei, Hong Zhuxiang began to threaten with a straight face.

Murong Rui naturally understood Hongzhuxiang, Xiang'er always liked to pretend to be angry, and she must be like this this time.

Murong Rui was unmoved, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had never eaten anyone's dishes, but he had already eaten Murong Qing'er's, which was not good for him.Murong Rui looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the meaning was very obvious, that is to say, if Xuanyuan Tianzhan ate it, he would eat it!

(End of this chapter)

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